Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

My name is...Ninian? Ninian...

わたしは…誰? ニニアン…? それがわたしの…名前? わたしの…

Castle[ | ]

I cannot see the future... It is nothing but darkness to my eyes... Oh, Nils... Lord Eliwood...

未来が…見えない…。 深い闇だけが…広がって… ああ…ニルス、エリウッド様…

I cannot stay here... I cannot allow something terrible to happen...

ここに…来ては…いけなかった… わたしが、ここにいると 大変な…ことが…

I cannot shake the haze from my mind... Everything is clouded...

頭の中が 靄がかかったみたいに… すべてが…薄れて…

If it is my fate to die in the arms of someone I care for... So be it.

大切な人の手にかかって 死ねるのなら… それも…運命…

I have done so many things... So many things that can never be undone...

ああ… わたしは…とりかえしのつかないことを… くっ…ううっ…いや、もう…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Lord Eliwood is not here either, is he? Tell me, where should I go? Oh, 【Friend】...

エリウッド様、ここにもいない…。 【Friend】様… わたしは…どこに…向かえば…

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Lord Eliwood, where are you?

エリウッド様… どこに…

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I feel as though I am fighting in my dreams...or perhaps...

わたしは…夢の中で 戦っているの…? それとも…

+[0,1] points[ | ]

Please... Keep your distance...

だめ…近寄らないで… わたしは…わたしは…!

Ally Growth[ | ]

What is the purpose of this power?

この力は… なんのために…

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

I have no wish to fight anymore... I do not want to hurt anyone...
I feel as though everything I have ever cared being swallowed up by a horrific darkness...
But you... You are still going to fight, aren't you, 【Summoner】?
Somehow the threat of this darkness has not yet crushed your hope...
If you are able to stand strong in the face of it...then perhaps I can too... Maybe I can even find myself again...

わたしは…もう…誰も… 傷つけたくはない… 戦いたくは…ないの…
深い闇が… わたしを飲み込んで… 世界を…大切な…人々を…
【Summoner】様… それでもあなたは… 戦うの…ですか…
間近に迫る…闇の存在を知っても… あなたの中の希望は… 潰えてはいないの…ですか…
あなたに…その覚悟があるのなら… わたしも…わたしを…取り戻したい… そして…力に…

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I don't want this!
No... No!
Lord Eliwood...
Stay away...
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Defeat[ | ]

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At last…
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Um... ★
Who am I? ★
What are you doing? ★
No... This is not what I... ★
Please... Protect this land... ★
No more... No more fighting... ★
I...I want to see Lord Eliwood... ★
When you're near, I feel...a little more at peace. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
う… ★
わたし…わたしは…、誰……? ★
…? なぜ…私に触れるのですか…? ★
いやです…わたしは…いやです…… ★
どうか…どうか……、この大地を…守って…… ★
わたし…誰も傷つけたくない…戦うのはいや… ★
エリウッドさま…会いたい…会いたい… ★
あなたのそばにいると…心が少し…安らかになるんです… ★

Turn action[ | ]

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Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Ninian: Frozen Heart has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

No... No, I am never going anywhere.
Never again...

I would only cause more conflict.
More sorrow...

Ninian: Frozen Heart,
Beyond Control/Ninian: Frozen Heart