Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Felix: Lone-Wolf Blade - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Ugh, this place is so confusing... But
this is the way to get to the training
grounds, if I remember right.

Hah! Hrrrah!

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

That voice... Catherine?

Hyah! Grrrah!

Oh, hey Felix. Thought I might run
into you here.

I heard you might be among the
students who got summoned
alongside Lady Rhea.

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Sorry to interrupt your training.

You don’t look sorry. You look like
you’re itching to draw your sword.

Here to see if I’ve gotten rusty?

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

I know better than to test the wielder
of Thunderbrand.

Uh-huh. Sure. But you did come here
with a mind to train, didn’t you?

I can’t imagine being in a new world
has changed your habits much.

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

It hasn’t. But since you’re here, let
me ask you something.

Knowing you, I’ll bet you’ve made it
your business to learn all you can
about the Heroes of Askr.

I wouldn’t call myself an expert or
anything, but I’ve made some
connections here and there, sure.

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Then you can point me toward the
ones most skilled with a sword,
can’t you?

I want to cross blades with the best
of every world.

Ha! I figured that’s what you’d ask.
You don’t disappoint.

Good news on that front, Felix.
You won’t need to go looking.

Once you distinguish yourself on the
battlefield, they’ll find you—whether
you like it or not.

Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Perfect. Thanks for the advice.

Felix: Lone-Wolf Blade - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Hm. The Order of Heroes definitely
puts its people to work.

But maybe this is just what I need.
The more battles I fight in, the
stronger I’m going to get.

Hey—who’s there?

So you noticed me, huh? Well, I’m
Guy—warrior of the Kutolah! Soon to
be the best swordsman in all Sacae!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Swordsman, huh...

That’s right. I saw you in the last
battle, you know. You’re not half bad!

It looked like the enemy had you
flanked, but you cut them down
faster than they could surround you.

You even caught the pegasus knight
diving on you from above!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Simple defensive maneuvers. I’ve
drilled them so many times I could
do them in my sleep.

But you didn’t come here to shower
me with praise. What do you want?

To see what you can do up close.
Maybe learn a thing or two.

I can’t just let the chance to spar with
a skilled fellow like you pass me by,
can I?

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

I was hoping you’d say that. I’m not
looking to make friends, but this
piques my interest.

You said your people were called the
Kutolah? Well, let’s see if the Kutolah
know their swords.

Now you’re talking. All right, let’s
do this!

Guy Kutolah Blade Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Hmph! Hah! Hmm...

Guy’s strikes were free and wild.
This Kutolah technique is fascinating.
I’ll have to practice it more...

All right, who’s sneaking up on me
this time? Hey!

Good morning. Always nice to see
a swordsman who is enthusiastic
enough to train so early.

Larcei Keen Kin Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Who are you?

Princess Larcei, of Isaach. I happened
to see you sparring yesterday.

I must say, I was impressed by your
strength. I think I would like to see
how I measure up.

Would you do me the honor?

Larcei Keen Kin Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

A princess, huh. I hope you don’t
think I’ll hold back just because
you’re royalty.

For your own safety, I insist you do
nothing of the sort.

Larcei Keen Kin Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Good. On your guard, then!

Felix: Lone-Wolf Blade - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Hmph! Hah!

My cuts are getting faster. Feels like
I’ve improved a lot since I got here.

Three days later and my arm’s still
sore from that sparring match with
Princess Larcei.

What a fight. She must have had an
amazing teacher—her blade hits
like nothing else.

Hmm...this fog is getting a little
intense. I should head back to
the castle.

What was that? Someone sneaking up
on me in the mist...

I’ve got you!

Whoa! You know how to swing that
sword, all right. Would it kill you to
try talking first, though?

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

If you’re an enemy, it might.

Relax. I’m Lloyd, of the Black Fangs.
I’m working for the Order of Heroes.

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

So, an ally. For as long as you’re
employed, at least.

Oh, there’s no end to the work here
in Askr, it seems.

That doesn’t mean all of it is
interesting, though. Some foes
are not exactly stimulating.

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC


Felix, right? I’ve been watching you
a bit. You’ve got good form.

I’ve been looking for an opponent to
sharpen my fangs on. I think you’ll
do nicely.

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

You want to fight now? In this fog?

Battle doesn’t wait on the weather.
Especially if your foe is an assassin.

Or does your skill only dare to show
itself on clear, sunny days?

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Try me and see for yourself.

A generous offer. I’ll gladly accept.

Don’t worry—I only take the lives of
those who are wicked. wouldn’t do to hold back and
let my fangs grow dull, would it?
So, let’s give it all we’ve got.

Lloyd White Wolf Face FC
Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC

Fine by me!

Felix: Lone-Wolf Blade - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

How’s it going, Felix? Settled into
a routine yet?

Are you kidding me? Every day I’m
fending off one challenger or another.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

Hahaha! No rest for the weary, eh?

Well, it sounds like things have gone
exactly like I said they would.

I’ve been crossing swords nonstop.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

Good! That means the other Heroes
find you worthy of their attention.

You know how it is. When you see a
another skilled sword, you just have
to test yourself. You feel compelled.

You’re right. I do know that feeling
very well.

Knowing that, I probably should have
expected this.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

So, would you say you’ve gotten
something out of it?

The Heroes come from all manner of
worlds, and every one of them is very
different from Fódlan.

Even when we have some passing
similarities in technique, they always
have a different way of looking at it.

I’ve never been exposed to so many
different styles all at once. Overall
I’d say it’s been intriguing.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

I feel the same way. Just remember,
for all you learn from them, they’re
also studying you.

Yeah. Sparring helps both sides grow.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

Exactly. Askr’s Heroes are constantly
inspiring me to improve.

That’s why I’m always out here,
swinging my blade as hard as I can.

You’re right. This world is an ideal
training ground.

That’s why I have no intentions of
letting this opportunity pass me by.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC

Neither do I. Try your best to keep up
with me, huh?

I will. I’m aiming to be nothing short
of the best. And I know I’ve got the
determination to get there.

All that’s left to see is how far my
blade can take me against all of
these other Heroes.

In this world or any other, I want my
sword to be the strongest one
there is.

Felix Lone-Wolf Blade Face FC
← Dedue Felix →
New World of Study
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
