Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Banner Focus New Heroes Ascended Ishtar
Icon Summoning New Heroes
New Heroes Summoning Event: New Heroes & Ascended Ishtar

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Four New Heroes from the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game, including Ishtar: Echoing Thunder, are available as part of a 5★ summoning focus!

You will also receive an Ascendant Floret, an item that can be used to strengthen another Hero, the first time you summon Ascended Hero Ishtar: Echoing Thunder!

There are new story maps in Book VI, Chapter 6: Revealing Lies—and there are some limited-time quests too! There's even a Log-In Bonus where you can get Orbs up to 10 times until !

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Video thumbnail New Heroes Ascended Ishtar

Notes on This Summoning Event
• After this summoning focus ends, these new Heroes will continue to be available through future summoning events. Please note that they may appear as a different rarity or at a higher appearance rate.

• Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are treated as different Heroes even if they are the same character. As such, you cannot use them with Merge Allies.
• To view summoning details, you can tap on List of Heroes at the bottom of the related notification message or tap on Appearance Rates in the Summon menu.

Learning Skills
• You can help Heroes learn skills by going to Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.
• Some skills can only be learned after raising a Hero's ★ rating.

• Heroes might have already learned some skills based on their ★ rating when they joined your team.

About the Free 5★ Summon and Celestial Stones
・ When you finish a summoning session after having summoned a total of 40 or more times in this summoning event, you will be able to choose one 5★ focus Hero to summon for free for your next summon in this event by tapping the Free 5★ Summon button.

・ The Free 5★ Summon will appear after 40 summons in the event regardless of whether or not those 40 summons include any of the 4★ or 5★ focus Heroes.
・ The Free 5★ Summon is available once per New Heroes summoning event, with some exceptions.
・ The Free 5★ Summon is only available for as long as the eligible summoning event in question is active. You will not be able to summon the Free 5★ Summon after the active period ends.
・ Your 5★ focus appearance rate will not reset when you summon the 5★ Hero of your choice from the Free 5★ Summon.
・ The stats of Heroes summoned via the Free 5★ Summon do not have assets or flaws.

・ Each time you select a 5★ Hero of your choice to summon in a summoning event that allows you to do so, you will receive one Celestial StoneCelestial Stone directly on the summoning screen. Celestial Stones can be exchanged for items in the Celestial Stone Shop, such as Dragonflowers and more. The Celestial Stone Shop can be found in the shop menu.

About Ascended Heroes and Ascendant Florets
・ You will receive one Ascendant Floret the first time you summon each Ascended Hero.

・ Subsequent summons of the same Ascended Hero will not yield another Ascendant Floret.
・ Even if you summon an Ascended Hero using the "summon a Hero of your choice after 40 summons" feature, if it is your first time summoning that Hero, you will receive an Ascendant Floret.
・ You can grant your Heroes an Ascended Asset by tapping Allies, then Traits/Equipment, then Ascend Traits.

・ Ascended Heroes who appear in New Heroes summoning events will appear in future summoning events as well, just like other New Heroes.

Note: This summoning event includes a 4★ focus category with an initial appearance rate of 3%. Scáthach: Astra's Wake is also available as part of this 4★ focus category. Your 5★ and 5★ focus appearance rates will not reset if you summon this Hero at 4★ rarity.

Hero banner Ishtar Echoing Thunder
Tap the image above to visit this Hero's illustrated introduction page.

Princess of Friege who turned her back on her
lover, Julius, and secreted captured children to
safety. Later took part in the holy war. Appears
in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponThunder's Mjölnir
Mt: 14 Range: 2
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants
Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat and neutralizes
effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X"
to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on
unit, and also, if unit initiates combat and unit's
Spd ≥ foe's Spd+10, unit attacks twice.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

Icon Skill SpecialLuna
Cooldown: 3
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 50% during
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Life and Death 4Life and Death 4
Grants Atk/Spd+7.
Inflicts Def/Res-5.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Lull Spd Res 3Lull Spd/Res 3
Inflicts Spd/Res-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's
bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify,
Rally, etc.) during combat.
Cannot use: Icon Move ArmoredIcon Move Flying

Times Pulse 3Time's Pulse 3
At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at
its maximum value, grants Special cooldown
Cannot use: Icon Move ArmoredIcon Move CavalryIcon Move Flying

"I am Ishtar, a mage of the proud house of Friege. Please, grant me an opportunity to fight."

Hero banner Tine Rumbling Thunder
Tap the image above to visit this Hero's illustrated introduction page.

Niece of Bloom, ruler of Ulster and duke
of Friege. Reuniting with her older brother,
Arthur, she joins the liberation army. Appears
in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponThunderer Tome
Mt: 14 Range: 2
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At the start of turns 1 through 3 or if unit's
HP < 100% at start of turn, grants Special
cooldown count-1 to unit. During turns 1-3,
or if unit's HP < 100% at start of combat, grants
Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, and also,
if Special triggers (excluding area-of-effect
Specials), deals +7 damage and neutralizes
"reduces damage by X%" effects from
non-Special skills.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

Icon Skill SpecialDraconic Aura
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Fury 4Fury 4
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4. After combat, deals 8
damage to unit.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Null Follow Up 3Null Follow-Up 3
Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's
follow-up attacks and effects that prevent
unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Cannot use: Icon Move ArmoredIcon Move CavalryIcon Move Flying

News icon new skillBlue Feud 3Blue Feud 3
During combat, disables skills of all blue
foes, excluding foe in combat. If in combat
against a blue foe, disables skills of all foes,
excluding foe in combat, and inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe during combat.
Cannot use: Icon Class Red SwordIcon Class Red BowIcon Class Red DaggerIcon Class Red TomeIcon Class Red BreathIcon Class Red Beast

"I... I will fight if I must. I'll do it to avenge my mother's death!"

Hero banner Arthur Furious Mage
Tap the image above to visit this Hero's illustrated introduction page.

Raised alone in Silesse, separated from his
sister and mother at a young age, he harbors
resentment toward House Friege. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponGronnvulture+
Mt: 12 Range: 2
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts penalty
on foe's Atk/Res during combat = 5 + any
current penalty on each of those stats.
(Example: if foe has -7 penalty to Atk, inflicts
Atk-12, for a net penalty of Atk-19 during
combat.) Calculates each stat penalty

Icon Skill SpecialGlimmer
Cooldown: 2
Boosts damage dealt by 50%.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Spd Ideal 4Atk/Spd Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+7
to unit during combat. At start of combat, if
unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active
on unit, grants an additional Atk/Spd+2 to unit
during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).

Cannot use: Icon Move CavalryIcon Move Flying

News icon new skillSpd Res MenaceSpd/Res Menace
At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a
foe, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on nearest foes through
their next actions and grants Spd/Res+6 to unit
for 1 turn.

"I am Arthur. My mother was a mage. Though my magic might not be as strong, I will do my best to help you."

Hero banner Scathach Astras Wake
Tap the image above to visit this Hero's illustrated introduction page.

Wielder of Astra, a secret technique passed on
to him from his mother, Ayra. He is the twin of
Larcei and cousin to Shannan. Appears in Fire
Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Skills learnable at 5★:

News icon new skillIcon Skill WeaponSpirited Sword+
Mt: 14 Range: 1
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4
and Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's
attack during combat. (Only highest value
applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown
charge granted even if foe's attack deals
0 damage.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).

Icon Skill SpecialAstra
Cooldown: 4
Boosts damage dealt by 150%.
Cannot use: Icon Class Colorless Staff

Atk Def Ideal 3Atk/Def Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+5
to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).

Cannot use: Icon Move CavalryIcon Move Flying

Odd Def Wave 3Odd Def Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+6
to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus
granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)

"I am Scáthach, a warrior descended from Od, the Sword Saint. I fight with the pride of Isaach in my heart."

News emote Feh happy right
Ishtar is so kind-hearted. She treasures anything those children give her!

