Active: to
Feh's Summer Celebration is on! The Ash and More summoning event is back for a limited-time three-day summoning event revival!
Note: When you finish a summoning session after having summoned a total of 40 or more times in this summoning event, you will be able to choose one 5★ Focus Hero to summon for free for your next summon by tapping the Free 5★ Summon button.
Tap More for additional information about this event.
The next time Ash: Retainer to Askr will be available is October.
• Appearance rate changes from previous iterations of this New Heroes summoning event (those with the same name) will not carry over to this event.
• Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are treated as different Heroes even if they are the same character. As such, you cannot use them with Merge Allies.
• To view summoning details, you can tap on List of Heroes at the bottom of the related notification message or tap on Appearance Rates in the Summon menu.
Learning Skills
• You can help Heroes learn skills by going to Allies, then Ally Growth, and then Learn Skills.
• Some skills can only be learned after raising a Hero's ★ rating.
• Heroes might have already learned some skills based on their ★ rating when they joined your team.
・ The Free 5★ Summon will appear after 40 summons in the event regardless of whether or not those 40 summons include any of the 4★ or 5★ focus Heroes.
・ The Free 5★ Summon is available once per New Heroes summoning event, with some exceptions.
・ The Free 5★ Summon is only available for as long as the eligible summoning event in question is active. You will not be able to summon the Free 5★ Summon after the active period ends.
・ Your 5★ focus appearance rate will not reset when you summon the 5★ Hero of your choice from the Free 5★ Summon.
・ The stats of Heroes summoned via the Free 5★ Summon do not have assets or flaws.
・ Each time you select a 5★ Hero of your choice to summon in a summoning event that allows you to do so, you will receive one Celestial Stone directly on the summoning screen. Celestial Stones can be exchanged for items in the Celestial Stone Shop, such as Dragonflowers and more. The Celestial Stone Shop can be found in the shop menu.
Note: This summoning event includes a 4★ focus category with an initial appearance rate of 3%. Basilio: Feroxi West-Khan is also available as part of this 4★ focus category. Your 5★ and 5★ focus appearance rates will not reset if you summon this Hero at 4★ rarity.
Retainer to Askr, god of connections and strong
bonds. Earnest and polite, she strives to always
say exactly what she means.
Mythic Effect: Light
Boost: HP+5, Atk+3
Grants allies this Mythic Effect during Light
season, if the Light blessing has been conferred
and if this unit enters battle in Aether Raids with
them: Light-blessed allies boost the Aetheric
Lift acquired for successful attacks during Light
season. (This boost is limited to the number of
Mythic Heroes × the number of Heroes with the
blessing conferred × 10.)
During Light season, this Mythic Hero will
boost Aetheric Lift acquisition for successful
attacks depending on number of merges. (This
boost is limited to the number of times the unit
has been merged × 1.)
Mythic Effect 2: Light
Boost: Raiding Party Bonus
(Details can be found in Edit Raiding Parties.)
Skills learnable at 5★:
Horn of Opening
Mt: 14 Range: 1
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants
Atk+6 to unit during combat and inflicts Atk-6
on foe during combat. Grants the following
effects based on the number of allies within
3 spaces: ≥ 2 allies, unit makes a guaranteed
follow-up attack; ≥ 3 allies, foe cannot make
a follow-up attack.
At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast
or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any
ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts).
If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, deals +7
damage when Special triggers, and neutralizes
effects that grant "Special cooldown charge
+X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge
-X" on unit.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Def.
Cannot use:
Atk/Def Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants
Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during
combat = current penalty on each of those
stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to
Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.)
Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Lull Atk/Def 3
Inflicts Atk/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's
bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify,
Rally, etc.) during combat.
Cannot use:
Opening Retainer
Allies within 2 spaces can move to a space
within 2 spaces of unit.
Grants Atk+4 to allies within 2 spaces during
combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally,
grants Atk+4 to unit during combat.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
"I am Ash, retainer to Askr, the Divine Dragon for whom this land is named. I offer my service, if you will have it."
Descendant of the Radiant Hero who hails from
a distant village. An earnest seeker of strength.
Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Ancient Ragnell
Mt: 16 Range: 1
Grants Def+3. Unit can counterattack
regardless of foe's range. At start of combat,
if unit's HP ≥ 50% or【Bonus】is active on unit,
inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat.
All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Cooldown: 3
Restores HP = 50% of damage dealt.
Cannot use:
Atk/Def Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or
if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+7
to unit during combat. At start of combat, if
unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active
on unit, grants an additional Atk/Def+2 to unit
during combat.
All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Cannot use:
Null Follow-Up 3
Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's
follow-up attacks and effects that prevent
unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Cannot use:
Rouse Spd/Def 4
At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally,
grants Spd/Def+6 and【Null Panic】to unit
for 1 turn.
【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted
into penalties), neutralizes the "converts
bonuses on target into penalties" effect for
1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized,
the Panic status remains, and is treated as a
Penalty status.)
Cannot use:
"I see that you're on patrol again. Don't forget to eat! Meat's good for keeping your energy up. I'll get you some."
East-Khan of Regna Ferox, a country led by
its preference for battle over politics. Boldly
faces even the most perilous situations without
fear. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Lioness Blade
Mt: 16 Range: 1
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants
Atk/Spd+6 during combat, and if Special triggers
(excluding area-of-effect Specials), disables
non-Special skills that "reduce damage by X%."
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and if
foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Special cooldown
charge +1 per attack during combat. (Only
highest value applied. Does not stack.)
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Draconic Aura
Cooldown: 3
Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Atk.
Cannot use:
Atk/Spd Push 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%,
grants Atk/Spd+7, but after combat, if unit
attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.
Red Feud 3
If in combat against a red foe, disables skills
of all foes, excluding foe in combat, and inflicts
Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe during combat.
During combat, disables skills of all red foes,
excluding foe in combat.
Cannot use:
"We fight to survive because we all have something worth protecting. Can't defend anything if you're dead."
West-Khan of Regna Ferox, a country led by
its preference for battle over politics. A simple
warrior who has nothing to hide. Appears in
Fire Emblem Awakening.
Skills learnable at 5★:
Spirited Axe+
Mt: 14 Range: 1
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants
Atk/Def+4 and Special cooldown charge +1
per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. Special
cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack
deals 0 damage.)
All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn
only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill
like Rally or Hone and positive status effects
(extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Cooldown: 2
Treats foe’s Def/Res as if reduced by 30% during
Cannot use:
Atk/Def Bond 3
If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+5
during combat.
Atk Tactic 3
At start of turn, grants Atk+6 to allies within 2
spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of
that ally's movement type on current team
≤ 2.
"Ever since I was a young'un, my motto's been 'live to play and play to win!' Remember that before a scrap."