Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Neimi: Tearful Archer - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

OK... Just like Grandpa taught me...
Steady breathing, calm nerves...
Aim...and fire!

Bullseye! Amazing! Looks like Neimi
wins this one, eh, Norne?

Rebecca Wildflower Face FC
Norne The Volunteer Face FC

Wow! And here I thought I was in
top form today too. Ya did great!

I’m n-not always this good! That was
just sheer luck!

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Rebecca Wildflower Face FC

Nonsense. You’ve got a real talent for
archery. Any one of us could see that

Well, target practice is one thing. Out
here, the target doesn’t move, and
I can take my time...

But on the battlefield, I... I...

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Norne The Volunteer Face FC

It’s OK, Neimi. We’ve all been there.
There’s no use worrying about the
things ya can’t control.

And besides, didn’t ya just arrive in
Askr? Findin’ your bearings take
time. Go easy on yourself!

I...I’ll try. Thank you.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Leon True of Heart Face FC

Oh, poor thing...

It must be so frustrating to have
practice be the only place you
can perform well.

It’s a shame... Even the best battle
simulations aren’t even close to the
real thing.

Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Leon True of Heart Face FC

I wish there was something I could do
to help, but I’m afraid I might just
make the situation worse.

Hmm... Maybe we could ask the
commander to see what she thinks?

Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

That would be a start...

Oh! You want me to go game hunting
with you?

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC

Yeah, we thought we’d sharpen our
skills in the wild. There’s a nice
forested area near the castle.

We’ve already asked for permission
and there’s a spot with your name
on it. All we need is a “yes.”

Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Oh! Well, in that case, yes! I’d love to
join you. I mean, if you’re sure. I
don’t want to be in the way...

May I join you as well?

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC

Of course, Sue! With you spotting
for us, we won’t have to worry about
our dinner escaping.

We will not let you down,
right, Neimi?

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC


Neimi: Tearful Archer - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Have you ever tracked wild game
before, Neimi?

Yeah. grandpa was an expert
hunter. He taught me everything I
know about archery.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC

Ahh, I see. So you learned your skills
from a game hunter. That actually
makes a lot of sense.

Now that I think of it... Sue, your
grandfather was pretty amazing
too, right? The silver something?

Wolf. He was called the Silver Wolf.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC

Yeah, that was it! I guess you and
Neimi are pretty similar in that
respect. Who knew?

Well, even though I was my grandpa’s
student, I still couldn’t hit the target
every time. Not like he could.

I always had to bring a whole quiver.
But he...he only ever brought a single
arrow on the hunt.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Seriously? Just one?

His motto was “one arrow for one
animal.” He never missed his mark.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

That’s incredible. Perhaps it was this
respect for nature that allowed him to
coexist peacefully alongside it.

Perhaps. But even without nature’s
blessing, such precision still requires
a great deal of skill.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Someday, I want to be just as good as
he was. I can’t imagine only needing
one arrow, but—

Wait, is that—it is! Neimi, look
over there! A huge buck. Do you
think you can make the shot?

Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

I see him! I’ll...I’ll try!

OK... Visualize the arrow’s path...
Synchronize your breathing...!

Wow! A perfect shot.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Amazing! It’s almost as if your
grandfather himself was here, guiding
the arrow.

So, a buck is fine, but...

Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

I-I did it? I did it! Whew...

This is incredible. It appears you
don’t have any difficulty hitting a
practice target or animal, and yet...

This is just a guess, but...could it be
that you get nervous only when
you’re aiming at people?

Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Oh, I...I never thought of it like that,
but I guess that would make sense...
Grandpa refused to join the army...

Just incredible. A single arrow...

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

Neimi: Tearful Archer - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

Neimi, may I speak with you
a moment?

Oh, hi, Sue. Of course. What’s up?

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

It’s about your grandfather. Needing
only a single arrow for hunting is
quite the feat. Surely he was famous?

Oh, well... Maybe? He never really
acted like he was, but I heard people
talk about him occasionally.

People called him “Single-Arrow
Zethla” because of his accuracy.

They said he could shoot any target,
moving or still, with one shot. “No
second arrow for Zethla,” they said.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

I see...

I’m actually wearing his gauntlet. The
gold falcon embroidered on it, well,
it’s one of the ways I remember him.

He passed it down to me, along with
everything he could teach me about
archery and hunting.

When I got the gauntlet, it was way
too big for me. I had to resize it to fit.
It feels much better now...

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

It’s clear that your grandfather and
his teachings are very dear to you.

I don’t believe that hesitating to aim
your bow at another person is a
negative thing.

You don’t?

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

No. We should never have to shoot
our fellow man. But the grim reality is
a different story...

Sometimes, it takes an arrow to stop
an arrow. The people of Askr need
our protection. Even if it means...

Yeah... I heard Princess Sharena talk
about the struggles of the common
folk. It’s so sad...

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC

Your grandfather entrusted his legacy
and his gauntlet to you. But do you
know why he did so?

Was it simply because you were his
granddaughter? Or...was it something

I-I don’t...

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Neimi: Tearful Archer - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

The village where Colm and I grew
up was torched by bandits. We...
we’ve been on the run ever since.

I couldn’t even begin to count how
many times knowing archery has
helped get us out of a bind.

It seems your grandfather’s skills
became quite useful.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Not even just archery. We’d have
perished long ago if he hadn’t taught
me a bunch of survival skills.

Maybe it’s silly, but I know he’s
looking over us. I feel him every time
I use what he taught me. *sniffle*

It wasn’t just you he saved. Think
of all the people he helped you
protect since then.

He may have given you those skills,
but you were the one who utilized
them. You must give yourself credit.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC


You’ve taken his teachings and made
them your own. Something worthy of
passing on yourself.

Just think of how many lives have
already been saved thanks to you...
and how many lives still can be.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Did I... Can I...really do all that?

I learned archery from my father.
And he, his father before him. Their
legacies live on through me.

That knowledge and skill, refined
through years and years, continues
to save people to this very day.

I have made their art my own, but I
did not start with nothing, and neither
will my successor.

I will pass on my knowledge in the
hopes that it will be used for the
greater good after I am gone.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

I wonder if that’s what Grandpa had
in mind when he decided to teach

I believe so. You use your bow to
protect what you have, rather than
using it to take what you do not.

Surely your grandfather saw archery
as a way to keep yourself and those
closest to you safe.

Sue Doe of the Plains Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Yeah... You’re right. Thank you, Sue.
I’m really glad that we had this talk.

Grandpa wanted me to make good
use of what he taught me. So I’m
going to make him proud!

← Colm Tana →
New Foundations
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
