Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Joshua: Resolute Tempest - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ewan Eager Student Face FC

Hey, Tethys! You won’t believe your
ears! Joshua has become the next
king of Jehanna!

Haven’t I taught you not to make
jokes at another’s expense? What
if someone took you seriously?

Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC
Ewan Eager Student Face FC

But I am serious, I swear! I overheard
Prince Alfonse and the summoner
talking about it.

Well, if that’s the case... Wow. I’m not
even sure how to respond to that.
What do you think, Marisa?

I mean, put a risk-taker like him in
charge of the treasury and it’ll be
cleaned out by morning...

Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC
Marisa Crimson Flash Face FC

It doesn’t much matter to me.

As long as he keeps honing his sword
skills, he can be the king of whatever
he wants.

Hah! That’s our Marisa. What about
you, Chief? Do you thi—

Hm? I could have sworn he was
here a moment ago. Where did he
run off to?

Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Nice getup. It suits you.

You also think I’ve changed, huh?
The threads don’t always make the
man, you know.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Others might be distracted by your
clothes, but I can tell you’re different.
Right down to your very core.

You have the eyes of a man who’s
finally decided to embrace his fate.

Hah. I may have taken my sweet time,
but getting here was something of a
group effort.

I’ve only been able to come this
far thanks to the time I spent traveling
the world as a hired sword.

You’ll be glad to know that you and
your mercenaries played no small
part in making me who I am today.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

That so?

You know how to rally your troops.
They’ll follow you anywhere, and
for good reason.

And, of course... Ephraim and Eirika
never shirked from their duties or
backed down from a fight.

I learned how a leader and a royal
should act from all of you.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Well, I’m glad to hear your time away
from home was well-spent. Speaking
of teaching...

The mercenary Joshua is already
here in Askr, you know. Are you
planning on talking to him?

No. I walk my path, and he walks his.
I wouldn’t want to get in the way of
his journey.

Besides, this is something he needs
to decide for himself. No matter how
hard it may be...

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC

Joshua: Resolute Tempest - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Joshua, let me ask you something.

By all means. If I’m able to answer,
I will.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

I don’t presume to know everything
about what you’ve gone through,
but I can’t help but wonder...

Did you finally decide to accept the
crown because of the tragedy that
befell Queen Ismaire?

What happened to my mother was
ultimately the result of my own
immaturity and naivety.

I left to wander the world, and by the
time I arrived in Jehanna Hall, it was
already too late. Her fate was sealed.

The queen was mortally wounded,
and even the throne was reduced to
mere cinders...

All at the hands of a former comrade.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Still, do you really think you could
have predicted what could happen?

Perhaps not...but I am glad Jehanna
did not bend the knee. It weathered
the storm and lived to see the dawn.

My mother always wanted me to lead
our people, and they need me now
more than ever.

But I know that I can’t hope to do it
alone. This burden is far too great for
me to shoulder it all by myself.

Speaking of which, do you recall the
bet we made? I wanted you to join
me once the war in Magvel was over.

I still do. But no coin flips or sleight
of hand this time—just an earnest
request. Will you join me?

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Ha, you don’t need to tell me it’s
earnest. I can hear it in your voice.
I do have one condition, though...

Joshua: Resolute Tempest - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC

A condition, huh? I can’t imagine you
want something as simple as money
or fame, but I’ll hear you out.

You once told me that a man can
have all the skill in the world and
still have a bad day.

What happens to the people when
their king has a bad day?

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC

I’d like to say, “It’s life really, innit?”
but I believe you’ve already heard
that one.

I remember you said there’s good
luck and bad, but that neither one
is an excuse for failure.

And I still stand by those words. But
know this...

For a mercenary, that single bad day
of yours means they likely won’t live
to see the morrow.

Working for a client who could put
my soldiers in a position like that
would be a grave mistake.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC

So that’s what you’re getting at, huh?
You want to see just how lucky this
king really is.

Right, so how about we settle what’s
going to happen after Askr.

Heads, we work for you. Tails, we
remain a free company. Deal?

You know you can’t pull a fast one on
me, so don’t even think about trying.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC

You really like making the stakes as
high as possible, don’t you? Fine.
I accept your terms.

Joshua: Resolute Tempest - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

It’s time, Joshua. Will it be heads or
tails? Well... Here goes nothing!

...Well? Come on, show me the coin
already. The suspense is killing me!

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

It’s...tails. Look like we won’t be
settling down in Jehanna after all.

Damn it. I really needed that win...

Lady Luck can be a cruel mistress,
but that’s just how it goes sometimes.
No use crying over spilled milk.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

There are two sides to every coin.
Mine just happened to come up
tails this time. That’s all.

But you know the funny thing about
luck? You can make your own...and
your friends can help you.

Right. Sometimes I forget I’m not
on my own anymore. Old habits die
hard, I guess...

Something as reckless as staking the
fate of a kingdom on a coin flip will
only end well half of the time.

I’m no longer a wayward swordsman.
I’m a king, with all the responsibilities
that protecting my people entails.

It’s high time I relied on my friends
and kicked Lady Luck to the curb.
At least for a little while, eh?

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Works for me. I’m sure we can come
to a temporary arrangement. I am a
mercenary, after all.

So, when I return to Magvel, it will be
in the employ of Jehanna’s king. I’ve
got your back.

Gerik... Thank you.

Joshua Resolute Tempest Face FC
← Amelia Gerik →
New Foundations
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
