Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Dwyer: Sleepy Butler - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

Pardon me, Princess Sharena.
A moment of your time?

Sure, Jakob! What do you need?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

I’ve heard that my son was recently
summoned here to Askr.

Oh, right! You mean Dwyer.

I think he’s supposed to be doing
drills with Caeldori and Kiragi today.
I haven’t seen him yet, though.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

Knowing him, he’s likely gone and
wandered off somewhere. Thank
you—I’ll look into it.

Exercise is pointless and exhausting.
What I really need is a cup of coffee.
Maybe an afternoon nap…

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Hello there, Dwyer. Are you on your
way to training?

Ah… Princess Fjorm.

I’m actually looking for a place to…
unwind. I mean, a quiet place to
focus my mind and spirit.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I understand. Contemplation is its
own kind of training, of course.

The forest to the west is wonderful
for that sort of thing.

It’s very quiet, and there are lots of
adorable animals too.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

Whenever I need to center myself,
I find spending time with them
always puts me right at ease.

As long as it’s quiet, I could take or
leave the animals. I just need a place
to rest my eyes. I mean my mind.

Thank you, Princess Fjorm. I will
follow your advice.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I’m glad I could help. I hope your
contemplation brings you peace
and focus!

She’s so sincere and encouraging…
Now I feel guilty for skipping training
to take a nap.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Dwyer: Sleepy Butler - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

This must be the forest that Princess
Fjorm was talking about. Hmm, I do
see what she meant. Nice and quiet.

What’s this? Some kind of hut? Oh,
this is the perfect place to lie low
until the training’s done. Let’s see…

That you, Forsyth?

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Looks like someone else had the
same idea.

Who the hell are you?

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

My name is Dwyer. I am a new arrival
in Askr. Nice to meet you, I suppose.

Sure, whatever. I’m Python.

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Rude as it might be of me to ask,
I have to admit I am curious what
you are doing here.

I’m maintaining my equipment.

Other people might train obsessively,
but I’m an archer. A bowstring needs
to relax every so often or it’ll snap.

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

So you’re maintaining your bowstring
by…relaxing it? In other words, by
doing nothing?


Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Sounds like an excuse to skip out on
training to me. Not that I blame you.

I am not exactly innocent in that
regard myself.

Finally, someone who gets it. Askr
would be a better place if more
of its Heroes were like you.

And maybe I’d actually get some
sleep around here. Speaking of…

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Oh, don’t let me stop you.

Great. By the way, if a stuffy-looking
knight by the name of Forsyth comes
looking for me…I was never here, OK?

Python Apathetic Archer Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC


Dwyer: Sleepy Butler - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Mirabilis Daydream Face FC


Who is this, now?

She’s got wings on her back… Askr is
home to many non-human races,
it would seem…

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Mirabilis Daydream Face FC

Zzz… Heroes’ll never lose… We’ll
protect Askr, you’ll see… Probably…

So she’s one of the Heroes as well.
Likely needs her rest then. Better not
disturb her… I’ll find another spot.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

That’s quite a big tree. Must be calm
and quiet up in those branches…
Let’s climb up and find out.

Seriously?! Someone’s sleeping up
here too?!

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

Hey. Keep it down, will ya?

Ah…sorry to wake you. I just didn’t
expect anyone to find a secluded
spot like this before me.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

A fellow lover of naps, I take it.

Something like that. You must be
very good at it, if you can sleep
so easily on a tree branch.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

If you can nod off on wyvernback,
you can nod off anywhere.

By your clothes, I am guessing you
are one of Askr’s Heroes as well.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

It’s a living. Mostly I just play at being
a mercenary or a deliveryman.

Anyway, as you’ve noticed, I like to
nap between jobs.

Does the Order of Heroes really not
care about all this illicit snoozing?
Doesn’t it impact their operations?

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

If it did, they wouldn’t be so content
to leave me to it, would they?

I…suppose not.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Haar Black Tempest Face FC

By the way, if a lady wyvern rider
with red armor and a ponytail comes
looking for me…

You were never here. I understand.
I’ll leave you be. Sleep well.

Ugh… People here seem to enjoy
slacking off even more than I do.
I hope it isn’t hurting Askr…

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

Dwyer: Sleepy Butler - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

There you are, Dwyer. I have been
looking all over for you. Why have
you been neglecting your training?

You need not bother with the lecture,
Father. I am on my way to train now.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

So you have learned some discipline
after all. Good. It’s about time you
realized your potential as a Hero.

I intend to.

Father, I am concerned about the
Order of Heroes at large. Is all
well with their…logistics?

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

I’m afraid I don’t follow. What sort
of logistics do you mean, exactly?

I have noticed a lack of…organization.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC

I assure you, Dwyer, they know what
they’re doing. And they are organized
in every way that matters.

The fact that Corrin is counted
among the Heroes here ought to be
enough to assuage any doubts.

I’d love to just accept that and relax,
but I don’t think that’s going to cut
it anymore.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Hi, Dwyer! Are you going to join in
on training today?

Yes, I suppose I am.

Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile

That’s great! But after you’re done…
would you mind making me
some coffee?!

The cup you brewed for me the
other day was amazing!

Leave him to his training, Princess
Sharena. I am perfectly capable of
brewing you delicious coffee.

You will not even miss the rank swill
produced by my son.

Jakob Devoted Servant Face FC
Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC

This again? I thought we had already
established my brewing superiority.

It would seem no one in Askr is
content to leave me in peace…

← Nyx Midori →
New Awakening
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
