Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

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21 November 2022

  • curprev 17:3917:39, 21 November 2022RainThunder0 talk contribs 11,389 bytes +11,389 Created page with "{{NewsStyling|1={{NewsImage|1=640px|link=Mjölnir's Strike 115}} {{NewsHeadings|Mjölnir's Strike Battles Begin!}} Active Periods<br> Shield Phase: {{HT|2022-11-21T07:00:00Z}} to {{HT|2022-11-23T06:59:59Z}} <br> Counter Phase: {{HT|2022-11-23T07:00:00Z}} to {{HT|2022-11-24T03:59:59Z}}<br> <br> This time, Thórr's army is being led by {{NewsAccent|Muarim: Raw Instinct}}. The {{NewsAccent|Shield phase}} is now acti..."