Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Gerik: Desert Tiger - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

So, Gerik's Mercenaries get to form
up a world away from home. Sounds
almost too good to be true.

Wouldn't have it any other way! This
world will take some getting used to,
but if we stick together, we'll be fine.

Ewan Eager Student Face FC
Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC

You've been in Askr longer than any
of the rest of us, haven't you, Marisa?

I know my way around, yes.

Marisa Crimson Flash Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Good to know. Information's what we
need right now, so anything you can
tell us would be useful.

Understood, Chief.

Within this castle, you'll find many
Heroes summoned to Askr from
different worlds.

Of those, many are mercenaries.

Marisa Crimson Flash Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Competition, huh? Well, at least it's
something we'll have in common.

We mercenaries have a certain air
about us, don't we? Yes, I think
I can actually smell it!

Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC
Ewan Eager Student Face FC

Pretty sure that's your perfume, sis.

Aromas aside, we should get to know
our new colleagues.

Physical ability, quality of character...
We'll want to get a sense of them
with our own eyes.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Marisa Crimson Flash Face FC

In that case, Commander Anna would
be the one to speak to. You should
ask her to show you around.

And I suppose she expects to be
compensated for her time. Think this
much'll be enough to entice her?

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Marisa Crimson Flash Face FC

Probably. Hopefully.

Good enough. I'll start putting out
feelers. The rest of you... Be ready
to deploy.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC

Try not to get into any fights on your
first day, OK, Chief?

Relax. I've got this.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Gerik: Desert Tiger - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Anna Commander Face FC

Yup! The Order of Heroes does
employ quite a few mercenaries.

In fact, I think they're outnumbered
only by the nobles.

This here's a pretty popular spot for
training, so we might even...yep!
There's one now!

Hello, Commander Anna. Is there
something you need?

Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Just an introduction. Ogma, I'd like
you to meet Gerik, the commander
of Gerik's Mercenaries.

That's me. Seems we'll be working
with Askr for the foreseeable future.

Hope that's all right by you.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC

I'd heard that some new Heroes
had recently arrived.

Honor to meet you.


You must be strong. Not many
gladiators make it out of the fighting
pits to become mercenaries.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC

Who told you I was a gladiator?

The scars did. They're not the kind
you see on anyone who fights with
even modest equipment.

Scars like that only come from being
forced to fight for your life, tooth and
nail, like a caged animal.

The wounds weren't even properly
dressed. You have my sympathy.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC

Very perceptive, Gerik. I am beginning
to see how you earned the name
Desert Tiger.

But you have your share of scars.
The one on your face, for instance...
How did you come by it?

This beauty? A reminder of my young
and stupid days.

I was arrogant enough to believe
no one could best me. I was wrong.

The knight who inflicted this lovely
scar crushed me effortlessly.
Then he spared my life.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC


Every time I look in the mirror, I'm
reminded that I owe my success
as a mercenary to that knight.

Now I've got my own command, and
I'll never fail them by letting my pride
get the better of me.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ogma Loyal Blade Face FC

The words of a trustworthy man.

It seems Askr has found itself another
valuable ally, Commander Anna.

Agreed! Anyone who thinks so much
of those who follow him is bound
to be a good leader.

You should give battlefield command
a try sometime, Gerik.

Anna Commander Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Maybe we should just move along
with the tour...

Gerik: Desert Tiger - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Anna Commander Face FC

So, who should we meet next? Oh,
I know! The Greil Mercenaries!

Their group is one of the strongest
we have.

I've heard their leader's quite young.
Ike, isn't it? He must be something
else to be in command at his age.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC

Ah, Commander Anna, did I hear you
require our assistance? The Greil
Mercenaries are at your disposal.

Perfect timing, Titania! We were just
about to pay you and yours a visit.

Anna Commander Face FC
Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC

Who is this you've brought with you,
if I may?

The name's Gerik. I'm the leader of
my own mercenary company.

Heard there were lots of us here in
Askr, so I thought I'd take some time
to do a little networking.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC

I see.

As Commander Anna said, my name
is Titania. I'm the Greil Mercenaries'
deputy commander. Right this way.

That about sums it up. This world is
foreign to us, so any common ground
we can find is a plus right now.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ike Young Mercenary Face FC




Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ike Young Mercenary Face FC


Ah... Commander Ike is a man of few
words. Please don't misunderstand.

Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

It's appreciated, actually. I like when
people let their actions do the talking.

Gerik, was it? Let's be certain we
understand each other. We may
share common cause right now...

But that's mostly coincidence. If our
employers were to become enemies,
then by necessity so would we.

Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC


Should that occur, be aware that any
information you give us will be used
against you on the battlefield.

I am sure you will not hesitate to do
the same with whatever you happen
to learn during your time here.

Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC

Come now, Soren. We're all
professionals here.

It's fine. He's not wrong.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
Ike Young Mercenary Face FC

Commander Gerik...

Would you be willing to tell us about
how you became a mercenary?

I can do that.

Now, where do I start...

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

Gerik: Desert Tiger - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

My reason for becoming a mercenary
is pretty stupid. I didn't particularly
like fighting. Wasn't in it for the fame.

When I was a kid, a friend from my
village got it in his head to be the
greatest warrior in all the land.

It lit a fire under me. I just couldn't
let my friend go off and get killed.

Your friend still a mercenary now?

Ike Young Mercenary Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

He went off and got killed.

Considering I joined up purely
to protect him...

There was no reason for me to
continue on after that.

Yet you clearly did.

Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

I failed to protect him, and he got
killed. If you're in this business long
enough, that's bound to happen.

But I made other friends along the
way, and the thing about me is
I can't stand to let friends die.

So here I am, after all these years,
refusing to abandon them.

Loyalty's what drives you, then.
I respect that.

Ike Young Mercenary Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

As a sword for hire, I know my clients
could ask me to do anything.

But I also know that the choice to
accept or reject a contract is mine.

If a job demands I prey on the weak,
or sacrifice my friends, I walk away.

That's how I run my crew.


Ike Young Mercenary Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC



Doesn't look like your concerns are
founded, Soren. I don't think we'll
ever have to face this guy in battle.

Ike Young Mercenary Face FC
Titania Mighty Mercenary Face FC

It seems unlikely, given we share
the same values.

I began to suspect about halfway
through this story that it would
sway you.

I am Commander Ike's subordinate,
so I will defer to his judgment.

Commander Gerik, please overlook
my cynical view of the relationship
between our companies.

Soren Shrewd Strategist Face FC
Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC

No harm done.

The Greil Mercenaries likely owe their
strength in part to shrewd insights
like yours.

Glad that's settled! Two mercenary
groups at each other's throats would
have been a messy inconvenience.

Anna Commander Face FC
Ike Young Mercenary Face FC

Looking forward to working with you,
Commander Gerik. Let's keep our
employer safe and happy.

Same. Let's get the job done with
minimal losses.

Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC
← Joshua Tethys →
Mercenary Matters
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
