Lokiロキ | Why must it always be so insufferably | ふぅ、 | ||
Loki... | ………… | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
Lokiロキ | Princess Laegjarn! What exquisite | あらん、レーギャルン王女。 | ||
Lokiロキ | I wish you'd let me take care of you | あなたと、あなたの妹… | ||
I can take care of Laevatein. | …悪いけど、遠慮しておくわ。 | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
And I'll also take care of anyone who | それと…警告しておくわ。 | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
Lokiロキ | So, no bath, then? | あらん。 | ||
I have had my fill of your foolishness, I know that you have not sworn your | …戯言はよしなさい、ロキ。 あなたは父上に忠誠を誓ってはいない。 | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
Lokiロキ | So what? The king seems pleased If you would like to know what I really | どうかしら…ねえ? それとも、謎解きでもしてみる? | ||
I doubt I could make sense of any I've already wasted enough time It seems as though you operate on I have little doubt you'd throw away You are a creature of chaos. | …………。 何度か、そう考えたことがあるわ。 ロキ。 ふとした気まぐれで、 まるで、混沌そのもの… | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
Lokiロキ | Darling! I'd no idea you'd taken such But I am afraid we're out of time. | ふふ、私に興味を じゃあ、私はちょっとお出かけしてくるわ。 | ||
Where are you going now? | どこへ行くつもり? | Laegjarnレーギャルン | ||
Lokiロキ | Oh, never mind that, dear. It's... Let's just call it the heart of the chaos | ふふ、内緒。 |
Lokiロキ | The Tempest is already sputtering Those brides were so adorable. I Oh, well. I'll console myself with the | あらん。 残念、ねえ…? でも…いいわ。 | ||
Lokiロキ | You know what? I think I'll keep that | …ねえ、ところで。 | ||
... | ………… | Laevateinレーヴァテイン | ||
Lokiロキ | Princess Laevatein! You were spying | レーヴァテイン王女、私を監視してたの? | ||
No. It was my idea. Loki... If you hurt her... I will get you. | ちがう… ロキ… | Laevateinレーヴァテイン | ||
Lokiロキ | The love shared between sisters is | あらん。 | ||
Lokiロキ | But it's also a bit sad! So strong, this Your own mother! | でも、悲しいわ… 私は… | ||
What? No... Not true! ...Is it? | え…!? う、うそ…そうだったの…? | Laevateinレーヴァテイン | ||
Lokiロキ | Of course it isn't, dear. You are just as | うそよ。 | ||
You— | こ、この…! | Laevateinレーヴァテイン | ||
Lokiロキ | Now, now, Princess. You are so You don't need to worry about me, | レーヴァテイン王女。 私を警戒する必要なんてないのよ。 | ||
Lokiロキ | The destruction of Askr. | アスクを滅ぼす… |