Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

This page lists all the sets of bonus Heroes used in the Arena.

Heroes by season[ | ]

Seasons Dates Heroes
1 / 2 / 3  –
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
Sharena: Princess of Askr
Marth: Altean Prince
Tiki: Dragon Scion
Robin: High Deliverer
Lucina: Future Witness
Roy: Young Lion
Lyn: Lady of the Plains
Takumi: Wild Card
Camilla: Bewitching Beauty
4 / 5  –
Eirika: Restoration Lady
Ephraim: Restoration Lord
Seliph: Heir of Light
Julia: Naga's Blood
Narcian: Wyvern General
Odin: Potent Force
Catria: Middle Whitewing
6 / 7  –
Sanaki: Begnion's Apostle
Klein: Silver Nobleman
Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist
Olwen: Blue Mage Knight
Eldigan: Lionheart
Lachesis: Lionheart's Sister
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Jagen: Veteran Knight
Sully: Crimson Knight
8 / 9  –
Lucius: The Light
Priscilla: Delicate Princess
Karel: Sword Demon
Ninian: Oracle of Destiny
Rebecca: Wildflower
Jaffar: Angel of Death
Ursula: Blue Crow
Azama: Carefree Monk
Fir: Sword Student
Anna: Commander
10 / 11  –
Chrom: Spring Exalt
Xander: Spring Prince
Lucina: Spring Exalt
Camilla: Spring Princess
Michalis: Ambitious King
Palla: Eldest Whitewing
Selena: Cutting Wit
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
12 / 13  –
Alm: Hero of Prophecy
Faye: Devoted Heart
Clair: Highborn Flier
Lukas: Sharp Soldier
Navarre: Scarlet Sword
Cherche: Wyvern Friend
Setsuna: Absent Archer
Virion: Elite Archer
Cecilia: Etrurian General
Sharena: Princess of Askr
14 / 15  –
Ike: Young Mercenary
Soren: Shrewd Strategist
Mist: Helpful Sister
Titania: Mighty Mercenary
Zephiel: The Liberator
Barst: The Hatchet
Clarine: Refined Noble
Hana: Focused Samurai
Felicia: Maid Mayhem
Anna: Commander
16 / 17  –
Celica: Caring Princess
Mae: Bundle of Energy
Boey: Skillful Survivor
Genny: Endearing Ally
Xander: Paragon Knight
Roy: Young Lion
Shanna: Sprightly Flier
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Wrys: Kindly Priest
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
18 / 19 / 20  –
Caeda: Talys's Bride
Lyn: Bride of the Plains
Cordelia: Perfect Bride
Charlotte: Money Maiden
Lloyd: White Wolf
Henry: Twisted Mind
Corrin: Fateful Princess
Donnel: Village Hero
Olivia: Blushing Beauty
Sharena: Princess of Askr
21 / 22  –
Luke: Rowdy Squire
Roderick: Steady Squire
Athena: Borderland Sword
Katarina: Wayward One
Camus: Sable Knight
Hinoka: Warrior Princess
Jakob: Devoted Servant
Stahl: Viridian Knight
Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
Anna: Commander
23 / 24  –
Gaius: Thief Exposed
Frederick: Horizon Watcher
Robin: Seaside Tactician
Tiki: Summering Scion
Legion: Masked Maniac
Peri: Playful Slayer
Sakura: Loving Priestess
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
25 / 26  –
Delthea: Free Spirit
Mathilda: Legendary Knight
Gray: Wry Comrade
Saber: Driven Mercenary
Sonya: Vengeful Mage
Leon: True of Heart
Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark
Virion: Elite Archer
Cecilia: Etrurian General
Sharena: Princess of Askr
27 / 28  –
Leo: Seashore's Prince
Xander: Student Swimmer
Corrin: Novice Vacationer
Elise: Tropical Flower
Berkut: Prideful Prince
Robin: High Deliverer
Gaius: Candy Stealer
Hana: Focused Samurai
Felicia: Maid Mayhem
Anna: Commander
29 / 30 / 31  –
Seth: Silver Knight
Innes: Regal Strategician
Amelia: Rose of the War
Tana: Winged Princess
Legion: Masked Maniac
Eliwood: Knight of Lycia
Setsuna: Absent Archer
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Wrys: Kindly Priest
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
32 / 33  –
Ike: Brave Mercenary
Roy: Brave Lion
Lyn: Brave Lady
Lucina: Brave Princess
Valter: Dark Moonstone
Sully: Crimson Knight
Florina: Lovely Flier
Donnel: Village Hero
Olivia: Blushing Beauty
Sharena: Princess of Askr
34 / 35  –
Oscar: Agile Horseman
Elincia: Lost Princess
Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier
Valter: Dark Moonstone
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Kagero: Honorable Ninja
Hinata: Wild Samurai
Stahl: Viridian Knight
Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
Anna: Commander
36 / 37  –
Inigo: Indigo Dancer
Shigure: Dark Sky Singer
Olivia: Festival Dancer
Azura: Lady of Ballads
Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark
Catria: Middle Whitewing
Virion: Elite Archer
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
38 / 39  –
Sigurd: Holy Knight
Deirdre: Lady of the Forest
Tailtiu: Thunder Noble
Clarine: Refined Noble
Tiki: Dragon Scion
Laslow: Dancing Duelist
Barst: The Hatchet
Virion: Elite Archer
Cecilia: Etrurian General
Sharena: Princess of Askr
40 / 41 / 42  –
Henry: Happy Vampire
Nowi: Eternal Witch
Jakob: Devoted Monster
Sakura: Gentle Nekomata
Arvis: Emperor of Flame
Selena: Cutting Wit
Merric: Wind Mage
Hana: Focused Samurai
Felicia: Maid Mayhem
Anna: Commander
43 / 44  –
Dorcas: Serene Warrior
Lute: Prodigy
Mia: Lady of Blades
Ursula: Blue Crow
Kagero: Honorable Ninja
Henry: Twisted Mind
Serra: Outspoken Cleric
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Wrys: Kindly Priest
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
45 / 46  –
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
Shiro: Raw Talent
Siegbert: Future King
Soleil: Adorable Adorer
Michalis: Ambitious King
Ayra: Astra's Wielder
Ephraim: Restoration Lord
Donnel: Village Hero
Olivia: Blushing Beauty
Sharena: Princess of Askr
47 / 48  –
Chrom: Gifted Leader
Robin: Festive Tactician
Tharja: "Normal Girl"
Lissa: Pure Joy
Berkut: Prideful Prince
Minerva: Red Dragoon
Jaffar: Angel of Death
Stahl: Viridian Knight
Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
Anna: Commander
49 / 50  –
Camilla: Holiday Traveler
Takumi: Prince of Soup
Azura: Celebratory Spirit
Rhajat: Black Magician
Navarre: Scarlet Sword
Olwen: Blue Mage Knight
Genny: Endearing Ally
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
51 / 52  –
Micaiah: Priestess of Dawn
Sothe: Zephyr
Zelgius: Jet-Black General
Oliver: Admirer of Beauty
Sanaki: Begnion's Apostle
Fae: Divine Dragon
Linde: Light Mage
Chrom: Exalted Prince
Virion: Elite Archer
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
53 / 54  –
Eirika: Anamnesis Lady
Myrrh: Great Dragon
L'Arachel: Princess of Light
Lyon: Shadow Prince
Rebecca: Wildflower
Marth: Altean Prince
Raven: Peerless Fighter
Peri: Playful Slayer
Hana: Focused Samurai
Anna: Commander
55 / 56  –
Ike: Vanguard Legend
Roy: Youthful Gifts
Lilina: Blush of Youth
Hector: Just Here to Fight
Lyn: Wind's Embrace
Valter: Dark Moonstone
Lloyd: White Wolf
Soren: Shrewd Strategist
Tharja: Dark Shadow
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
57 / 58  –
Robin: Fell Reincarnation
Hardin: Dark Emperor
Celica: Imprisoned Soul
Takumi: Empty Vessel
Michalis: Ambitious King
Sheena: Princess of Gra
Nowi: Eternal Youth
Alm: Hero of Prophecy
Lukas: Sharp Soldier
Sharena: Princess of Askr
59 / 60 / 61  –
Ephraim: Legendary Lord
Chrom: Knight Exalt
Morgan: Lad from Afar
Morgan: Lass from Afar
Arvis: Emperor of Flame
Xander: Paragon Knight
Hinoka: Warrior Princess
Kagero: Honorable Ninja
Deirdre: Lady of the Forest
Anna: Commander
62 / 63  –
Robin: Fell Vessel
Alfonse: Spring Prince
Sharena: Spring Princess
Catria: Spring Whitewing
Kagero: Spring Ninja
Zephiel: The Liberator
Narcian: Wyvern General
Delthea: Free Spirit
Eirika: Restoration Lady
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
64 / 65  –
Reinhardt: Thunder's Sword
Olwen: Righteous Knight
Leif: Prince of Leonster
Nanna: Nordion Princess
Saias: Bishop of Flame
Legion: Masked Maniac
Priscilla: Delicate Princess
Robin: High Deliverer
Ephraim: Restoration Lord
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
66 / 67  –
Lyn: Lady of the Wind
Shigure: Uplifting Artist
Kana: Dragon Princess
Hinoka: Blue Sky Warrior
Ryoma: Peerless Samurai
Camus: Sable Knight
Lilina: Delightful Noble
Titania: Mighty Mercenary
Siegbert: Future King
Sharena: Princess of Askr
68 / 69  –
Ares: Black Knight
Ishtar: Thunder Goddess
Lene: Yearning Dancer
Kana: Dragon Spawn
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Ike: Young Mercenary
Shiro: Raw Talent
Klein: Silver Nobleman
Amelia: Rose of the War
Anna: Commander
70 / 71  –
Ninian: Bright-Eyed Bride
Sanaki: Apostle in White
Tharja: Obsessive Bride
Marth: Altean Groom
Julius: Scion of Darkness
Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark
Zelgius: Jet-Black General
Effie: Army of One
Julia: Naga's Blood
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
72 / 73  –
Ryoma: Supreme Samurai
Nino: Pale Flower
Karla: Sword Vassal
Legault: The Hurricane
Ursula: Blue Crow
Berkut: Prideful Prince
Soleil: Adorable Adorer
Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier
Dorcas: Serene Warrior
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
74 / 75 / 76  –
Noire: Shade Seeker
Cordelia: Knight Paradise
Tana: Noble and Nimble
Innes: Flawless Form
Canas: Wisdom Seeker
Linus: Mad Dog
Navarre: Scarlet Sword
Celica: Caring Princess
Camilla: Bewitching Beauty
Sharena: Princess of Askr
77 / 78  –
Hector: Marquess of Ostia
Takumi: Prince at Play
Camilla: Tropical Beauty
Tiki: Beachside Scion
Linde: Summer Rays
Lyon: Shadow Prince
Lloyd: White Wolf
Leif: Prince of Leonster
Shanna: Sprightly Flier
Anna: Commander
79 / 80  –
Olivia: Sky-High Dancer
Sumia: Maid of Flowers
Maribelle: Dire Damsel
Libra: Fetching Friar
Walhart: The Conqueror
Zephiel: The Liberator
Henry: Twisted Mind
Mae: Bundle of Energy
Saizo: Angry Ninja
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
81 / 82  –
Lucina: Glorious Archer
Ryoma: Dancing Samurai
Xander: Dancing Knight
Elincia: Estival Princess
Micaiah: Summer's Dawn
Takumi: Empty Vessel
Arvis: Emperor of Flame
Roderick: Steady Squire
Frederick: Polite Knight
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
83 / 84  –
Hector: Brave Warrior
Ephraim: Sacred Twin Lord
Celica: Warrior Priestess
Veronica: Brave Princess
Narcian: Wyvern General
Gordin: Altean Archer
Palla: Eldest Whitewing
Olwen: Righteous Knight
Lute: Prodigy
Sharena: Princess of Askr
85 / 86  –
Marth: Hero-King
Quan: Luminous Lancer
Lewyn: Guiding Breeze
Silvia: Traveling Dancer
Jamke: Prince of Verdane
Valter: Dark Moonstone
Saber: Driven Mercenary
Tailtiu: Thunder Noble
Jakob: Devoted Servant
Anna: Commander
87 / 88 / 89  –
Flora: Cold as Ice
Nina: Eye Spy
Ophelia: Dramatic Heroine
Silas: Loyal Knight
Ethlyn: Spirited Princess
Garon: King of Nohr
Laevatein: Searing Steel
Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel
Helbindi: Savage Scourge
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
90 / 91  –
Tiki: Legendary Dragon
Kagero: Beverage Ninja
Myrrh: Spooky Monster
Mia: Moonlit Witch
Niles: Forbidden Tease
Dorcas: Pumpkin Smasher
Saias: Bishop of Flame
Legion: Masked Maniac
Lon'qu: Solitary Blade
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
92 / 93  –
Loki: The Trickster
Owain: Chosen One
Kliff: Curious Spirit
Aversa: Dark One
Kana: Dragon Spawn
Camus: Sable Knight
Jeorge: Perfect Shot
Luke: Rowdy Squire
Hawkeye: Desert Guardian
Sharena: Princess of Askr
94 / 95 / 96  –
Eirika: Graceful Resolve
Corrin: Dream Prince
Corrin: Dream Princess
Camilla: Flower of Fantasy
Mikoto: Caring Mother
Azura: Young Songstress
Julius: Scion of Darkness
Robin: Mystery Tactician
Gwendolyn: Adorable Knight
Anna: Commander
97 / 98 / 99  –
Hríd: Icy Blade
Surtr: Ruler of Flame
Laegjarn: Sheathed Steel
Laevatein: Searing Steel
Helbindi: Savage Scourge
Ylgr: Fresh Snowfall
Gharnef: Dark Pontifex
Xander: Paragon Knight
Mist: Helpful Sister
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
100 / 101  –
Eir: Merciful Death
Ephraim: Sparkling Gallantly
Eirika: Gentle as Snow
Fae: Holiday Dear
Cecilia: Festive Instructor
Clarisse: Sniper in the Dark
Navarre: Scarlet Sword
Est: Junior Whitewing
Barst: The Hatchet
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
102 / 103  –
Azura: Vallite Songstress
Fjorm: New Traditions
Gunnthrá: Year's First Dream
Hríd: Resolute Prince
Laevatein: Kumade Warrior
Laegjarn: New Experiences
Linus: Mad Dog
Berkut: Prideful Prince
Raigh: Dark Child
Sharena: Princess of Askr
104 / 105  –
Tibarn: Lord of the Air
Reyson: White Prince
Leanne: Forest's Song
Nailah: Unflinching Eye
Naesala: Sky's Shadow
Lloyd: White Wolf
Athena: Borderland Sword
Beruka: Quiet Assassin
Niles: Cruel to Be Kind
Anna: Commander
106 / 107  –
Duma: God of Strength
Ryoma: Samurai at Ease
Hinoka: Relaxed Warrior
Sakura: Hot-Spring Healer
Elise: Bubbling Flower
Camilla: Steamy Secrets
Ursula: Blue Crow
Eliwood: Knight of Lycia
Boey: Skillful Survivor
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
108 / 109  –
Ike: Stalwart Heart
Soren: Addled Strategist
Mist: Purest Spirit
Greil: Heroic Exemplar
Titania: Warm Knight
Walhart: The Conqueror
Rebecca: Wildflower
Oscar: Agile Horseman
Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
110 / 111  –
Roy: Blazing Lion
Selkie: Free Spirit
Velouria: Wolf Cub
Kaden: Kitsune Braggart
Keaton: Lupine Collector
Panne: Proud Taguel
Maria: Minerva's Sister
Arthur: Hapless Hero
Ike: Vanguard Legend
Sharena: Princess of Askr
112 / 113  –
Idunn: Dark Priestess
Lugh: Anima Child
Sue: Doe of the Plains
Thea: Stormy Flier
Rutger: Lone Swordsman
Shanna: Sprightly Flier
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Clarine: Refined Noble
Ephraim: Legendary Lord
Anna: Commander
114 / 115  –
Yune: Chaos Goddess
Palla: Eldest Bun-Bun
Marisa: Crimson Rabbit
Bruno: Masked Hare
Veronica: Spring Princess
Loki: Spring Trickster
Jamke: Prince of Verdane
Ogma: Loyal Blade
Robin: Fell Vessel
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
116 / 117  –
Caineghis: Gallia's Lion King
Ranulf: Friend of Nations
Lethe: Gallia's Valkyrie
Mordecai: Kindhearted Tiger
Haar: Black Tempest
Seth: Silver Knight
Hinata: Wild Samurai
Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
Lyn: Lady of the Wind
Sharena: Princess of Askr
118 / 119 / 120  –
Alm: Saint-King
Lukas: Buffet for One
Genny: Dressed with Care
Flora: Signature Dish
Felicia: Off the Menu
Leo: Extra Tomatoes
Garon: King of Nohr
Olivia: Blushing Beauty
Ryoma: Supreme Samurai
Anna: Commander
121 / 122  –
Tiki: Torpid Dragon
Mareeta: The Blade's Pawn
Berkut: Purgatorial Prince
Corrin: Wailing Soul
Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet
Bartre: Fearless Warrior
Sully: Crimson Knight
Libra: Fetching Friar
Hector: Marquess of Ostia
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
123 / 124  –
Naga: Dragon Divinity
Fjorm: Bride of Rime
Sigrun: Steadfast Bride
Tanith: Forthright Heart
Pent: Fancy Fiancé
Louise: Eternal Devotion
Aversa: Dark One
Stahl: Viridian Knight
Lucina: Glorious Archer
Sharena: Princess of Askr
125 / 126  –
Nah: Little Miss
Brady: Daunting Priest
Yarne: Timid Taguel
Kjelle: Fair Fighter
Cynthia: Hero Chaser
Silvia: Traveling Dancer
Saizo: Angry Ninja
Draug: Gentle Giant
Marth: Hero-King
Anna: Commander
127 / 128  –
Eliwood: Blazing Knight
Laegjarn: Burning Sun
Laevatein: Bonfire's Blaze
Helbindi: Seaside Scourge
Gunnthrá: Beaming Smile
Ylgr: Breaking the Ice
Gharnef: Dark Pontifex
Leon: True of Heart
Tiki: Legendary Dragon
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
129 / 130 / 131  –
Lilina: Beachside Bloom
Wolt: Sunbeam Archer
Lyn: Lady of the Beach
Ursula: Clear-Blue Crow
Fiora: Defrosted Ilian
Naesala: Sky's Shadow
Hawkeye: Desert Guardian
Luke: Rowdy Squire
Eirika: Graceful Resolve
Sharena: Princess of Askr
132 / 133  –
Sothis: Girl on the Throne
Byleth: Proven Professor
Byleth: Tested Professor
Edelgard: The Future
Dimitri: The Protector
Claude: The Schemer
Kronya: Gleaming Blade
Roderick: Steady Squire
Hríd: Icy Blade
Anna: Commander
134 / 135  –
Hubert: Sinister Servant
Petra: Princess of Brigid
Mercedes: Kindly Devotee
Hilda: Idle Maiden
Death Knight: The Reaper
Sigrun: Loyal Protector
Selena: Cutting Wit
Boey: Skillful Survivor
Azura: Vallite Songstress
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
136 / 137  –
Julia: Crusader of Light
Alm: Imperial Ascent
Micaiah: Queen of Dawn
Eliwood: Marquess Pherae
Camilla: Light of Nohr
Oliver: Admirer of Beauty
Gordin: Altean Archer
Beruka: Quiet Assassin
Roy: Blazing Lion
Sharena: Princess of Askr
138 / 139  –
Reinhardt: Lightning's Rondo
Ishtar: Thunder's Waltz
Nephenee: Sincere Dancer
Berkut: Debonair Noble
Rinea: Reminiscent Belle
Panne: Proud Taguel
Palla: Eldest Whitewing
Laslow: Dancing Duelist
Alm: Saint-King
Anna: Commander
140 / 141 / 142  –
Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch
Sirius: Mysterious Knight
Phina: Roving Dancer
Norne: The Volunteer
Nagi: Dragon Avatar
Bantu: Tiki's Guardian
Astram: Midia's Hero
Jakob: Devoted Servant
Eliwood: Blazing Knight
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
143 / 144  –
Hector: Dressed-Up Duo
L'Arachel: Harvest Princess
Dozla: Harvest Attendant
Ilyana: Treat Harvester
Rolf: Tricky Archer
Rutger: Lone Swordsman
Camilla: Flower of Fantasy
Frederick: Polite Knight
Julia: Crusader of Light
Sharena: Princess of Askr
145 / 146  –
Leif: Unifier of Thracia
Catria: Mild Middle Sister
Forsyth: Loyal Lieutenant
Python: Apathetic Archer
Silque: Adherent of Mila
Valbar: Open and Honest
Conrad: Masked Knight
Hawkeye: Desert Guardian
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
Anna: Commander
147 / 148  –
Ephraim: Dynastic Duo
Gerik: Desert Tiger
Ewan: Eager Student
Tethys: Beloved Dancer
Ross: His Father's Son
Cormag: Aloof Lanceman
Athena: Borderland Sword
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
149 / 150 / 151  –
Altina: Dawn's Trueblade
Echidna: Unyielding Idealist
Perceval: Knightly Ideal
Larum: Sprightly Dancer
Igrene: Nabata Protector
Chad: Lycian Wildcat
Brunnya: Devoted General
Haar: Black Tempest
Ike: Vanguard Legend
Sharena: Princess of Askr
152 / 153  –
Peony: Sweet Dream
Marth: Royal Altean Duo
Nino: Flower of Frost
Zephiel: Winter's Crown
Sothis: Silver Specter
Jaffar: Angel of Night
Kempf: Conniving General
Eyvel: Mistress of Fiana
Mareeta: Sword of Stars
Anna: Commander
154 / 155  –
Celica: Queen of Valentia
Alfonse: Askran Duo
Anna: Wealth-Wisher
Lethe: New Year's Claw
Selkie: New Year's Spirit
Eir: Renewed Life
Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet
Tanya: Dagdar's Kid
Osian: Scolded Soldier
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
156 / 157  –
Larcei: Keen Kin
Shannan: Wielder of Astra
Ced: Hero on the Wind
Altena: Luminous Rider
Travant: King of Thracia
Rebecca: Wildflower
Henry: Twisted Mind
Gunter: Inveterate Soldier
Ephraim: Legendary Lord
Sharena: Princess of Askr
158 / 159  –
Líf: Lethal Swordsman
Tsubasa: Madcap Idol
Kiria: Cool Façade
Eleonora: Shooting Starlet
Mamori: Microwavin' Idol
Itsuki: Finding a Path
Cynthia: Hero Chaser
Lucius: The Light
Robin: Fell Vessel
Anna: Commander
160 / 161  –
Alm: Lovebird Duo
Rudolf: Emperor of Rigel
Faye: Drawn Heartstring
Conrad: Unmasked Knight
Silque: Selfless Cleric
Lyon: Shadow Prince
Abel: The Panther
Barst: The Hatchet
Lyn: Lady of the Wind
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
162 / 163  –
Chrom: Crowned Exalt
Leila: Rose amid Fangs
Nils: Bright Bard
Fiora: Airborne Warrior
Rath: Wolf of Sacae
Heath: Wandering Knight
Laslow: Dancing Duelist
Byleth: Proven Professor
Ryoma: Supreme Samurai
Sharena: Princess of Askr
164 / 165 / 166  –
Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles
Lysithea: Child Prodigy
Bernadetta: Eternal Loner
Annette: Overachiever
Flame Emperor: Bringer of War
Dimitri: The Protector
Claude: The Schemer
Edelgard: The Future
Hector: Marquess of Ostia
Anna: Commander
167 / 168  –
Bramimond: The Enigma
Idunn: Dragonkin Duo
Narcian: Vernal General
Fir: Student of Spring
Est: Springtime Flier
Bartre: Earsome Warrior
Kronya: Gleaming Blade
Hilda: Idle Maiden
Lucina: Glorious Archer
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
169 / 170  –
Rinkah: Scion of Flame
Lilith: Astral Daughter
Midori: Reliable Chemist
Forrest: Fashion Forward
Iago: Nohr's Tactician
Jagen: Veteran Knight
Cain: The Bull
Merric: Wind Mage
Marth: Hero-King
Sharena: Princess of Askr
171 / 172  –
Edelgard: Flame Emperor
Palla: Sisterly Trio
Marth: Legacied Hero
Caeda: Princess of Talys
Merric: Changing Winds
Minerva: Princess-Knight
Death Knight: The Reaper
Jeorge: Perfect Shot
Tiki: Legendary Dragon
Anna: Commander
173 / 174  –
Ike: Zeal Unleashed
Julia: Heart Usurped
Lyon: Demon King
Corrin: Bloodbound Beast
Ashnard: Mad King
Gwendolyn: Adorable Knight
Libra: Fetching Friar
Leon: True of Heart
Eirika: Graceful Resolve
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
175 / 176  –
Mila: Goddess of Love
Micaiah: Dawn Wind's Duo
Oboro: Fierce Bride-to-Be
Nailah: Blessed Queen
Rafiel: Blessed Wings
Hinata: Samurai Groom
Astram: Midia's Hero
Oboro: Fierce Fighter
Hríd: Icy Blade
Sharena: Princess of Askr
177 / 178  –
Mirabilis: Daydream
Anna: Secret Seller
Say'ri: Chon'sin's Blade
Mustafa: Plegian Champion
Emmeryn: Gentle Exalt
Gangrel: Plegia's Mad King
Draug: Gentle Giant
Donnel: Village Hero
Azura: Vallite Songstress
Anna: Commander
179 / 180  –
Seliph: Scion of Light
Mia: Harmonic Blades
Selena: Sandbar Fluorspar
Lute: Summer Prodigy
Joshua: Tropical Gambler
Rhys: Gentle Basker
Conrad: Masked Knight
Ross: His Father's Son
Roy: Blazing Lion
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
181 / 182 / 183  –
Byleth: Fell Star's Duo
Dorothea: Solar Songstress
Ingrid: Solstice Knight
Sylvain: Hanging with Tens
Lorenz: Highborn Heat
Cormag: Aloof Lanceman
Sheena: Princess of Gra
Corrin: Fateful Princess
Alm: Saint-King
Sharena: Princess of Askr
184 / 185  –
Hel: Death Sovereign
Kris: Unknown Hero
Kris: Unsung Hero
Julian: Tender Thief
Lena: Tender Angel
Eremiya: Bishop of Woe
Mathilda: Legendary Knight
Petra: Princess of Brigid
Eliwood: Blazing Knight
Anna: Commander
186 / 187  –
Veronica: Harmonic Pirates
Geese: A Life at Sea
Brigid: Orgahil Pirate
Tibarn: Shipless Pirate
Darros: Seawalker
Haar: Black Tempest
Cecilia: Etrurian General
Setsuna: Absent Archer
Julia: Crusader of Light
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
188 / 189  –
Corrin: Child of Dusk
Dimitri: King of Faerghus
Claude: Almyra's King
Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor
Lysithea: Earnest Seeker
Jorge: Traveling Peddler
Ogma: Loyal Blade
Fir: Sword Student
Leif: Unifier of Thracia
Sharena: Princess of Askr
190 / 191 / 192  –
Sigurd: Destined Duo
Quan: Lightfoot Prince
Ethlyn: Glimmering Lady
Lachesis: Ballroom Bloom
Eldigan: Strutting Lion
Kempf: Conniving General
Hana: Focused Samurai
Azama: Carefree Monk
Celica: Queen of Valentia
Anna: Commander
193 / 194  –
Plumeria: Lewd Dream
Jill: Fiery Dracoknight
Ilyana: Hungering Mage
Gatrie: Armored Amour
Shinon: Scathing Archer
Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer
Seth: Silver Knight
Boey: Skillful Survivor
Chrom: Crowned Exalt
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
195 / 196  –
Tiki: Harmonic Hope
Robin: Fall Vessel
Dheginsea: Harvest Goldoan
Xane: Autumn Trickster
Ena: Autumn Tactician
Delthea: Tatarrah's Puppet
Eyvel: Mistress of Fiana
Gerik: Desert Tiger
Edelgard: Flame Emperor
Sharena: Princess of Askr
197 / 198  –
Dimitri: Savior King
Shamir: Archer Apart
Catherine: Thunder Knight
Seteth: Seiros Adherent
Flayn: Playing Innocent
Nemesis: King of Liberation
Hawkeye: Desert Guardian
Gaius: Candy Stealer
Seliph: Scion of Light
Anna: Commander
199 / 200  –
Lyn: Ninja-Friend Duo
Laevatein: Ninja of Múspell
Navarre: Scarlet Ninja
Zihark: Ninja Blademaster
Hana: Focused Ninja
Travant: King of Thracia
Hubert: Sinister Servant
Ced: Hero on the Wind
Corrin: Child of Dusk
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
201 / 202 / 203  –
Freyja: Lady of Nightmare
Triandra: Nightmare
Guinivere: Princess of Bern
Melady: Crimson Rider
Dieck: Wounded Tiger
Merlinus: Pherae's Clerk
Galle: Azure Rider
Athena: Borderland Sword
Dimitri: Savior King
Sharena: Princess of Askr
204 / 205  –
Reginn: Bearing Hope
Altina: Cross-Time Duo
Bernadetta: Frosty Shut-In
Hilda: Holiday Layabout
Sephiran: Hoary Sovereign
Felix: Icy Gift Giver
Caellach: Tiger Eye
Natasha: Sacred Healer
Knoll: Darkness Watcher
Anna: Commander
206 / 207  –
Lilina: Firelight Leader
Peony: Álfar Dream Duo
Plumeria: Temptation Anew
Velouria: Renewed Wolfpup
Kaden: Refreshed Kitsune
Keaton: Resolved Wolfskin
Duessel: Obsidian
Selena: Fluorspar
Fjorm: Princess of Ice
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
208 / 209  –
Sara: Lady of Loptr
Asbel: Windswept Youth
Ronan: Villager of Iz
Miranda: Willful Princess
Veld: Manfroy's Rock
Seliph: Heir of Light
Bartre: Fearless Warrior
Kaze: Easygoing Ninja
Ephraim: Legendary Lord
Sharena: Princess of Askr
210 / 211  –
Seiros: Saint of Legend
Dorothea: Twilit Harmony
Katarina: Torchlit Wanderer
Tharja: Florid Charmer
Raphael: Muscle-Monger
Kris: Ardent Firebrand
Heath: Wandering Knight
Shigure: Uplifting Artist
Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams
Anna: Commander
212 / 213  –
Líf: Undying Ties Duo
Gustav: Majestic Love
Henriette: Overflowing Love
Alfonse: Uplifting Love
Veronica: Bestowed Love
Flame Emperor: Bringer of War
Nina: Eye Spy
Florina: Lovely Flier
Lyn: Lady of the Wind
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
214 / 215  –
Claude: King of Unification
Annand: Knight-Defender
Erinys: Earnest Knight
Azelle: Youthful Flame
Lex: Young Blade
Díthorba: Cutting Knight
Lugh: Anima Child
Sothe: Zephyr
Lon'qu: Solitary Blade
Sharena: Princess of Askr
216 / 217 / 218  –
Ingrid: Galatea's Heir
Marianne: Adopted Daughter
Dedue: Dimitri's Vassal
Linhardt: Hevring's Heir
Solon: Church Shadow
Nowi: Eternal Witch
L'Arachel: Princess of Light
Matthew: Faithful Spy
Ike: Vanguard Legend
Anna: Commander
219 / 220  –
Dagr: Sun's Radiance
Myrrh: Spring Harmony
Minerva: Verdant Dragoon
Inigo: Festival Flower
Severa: Bitter Blossom
Saleh: Vernal Sage
Iago: Nohr's Tactician
Lachesis: Lionheart's Sister
Ryoma: Supreme Samurai
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
221 / 222  –
Pent: Mage General
Louise: Lady of Violets
Farina: The Great Wing
Erk: Studious Mage
Sonia: Inhuman Beauty
Hector: Just Here to Fight
Raigh: Dark Child
Hinata: Wild Samurai
Eirika: Graceful Resolve
Sharena: Princess of Askr
223 / 224  –
Sigurd: Fated Holy Knight
Eirika: Twin Refulgence
Lyon: Grado's Gaze
L'Arachel: Seeker of Justice
Tana: Frelian Starlight
Innes: Frelian Moonlight
Ashnard: Mad King
Sumia: Maid of Flowers
Arthur: Hapless Hero
Anna: Commander
225 / 226  –
Dimitri: Savage Boar
Edelgard: Hegemon Husk
Morgan: Fated Darkness
Morgan: Devoted Darkness
Orson: Passion's Folly
Sophia: Nabata Prophet
Serra: Outspoken Cleric
Beruka: Quiet Assassin
Lucina: Glorious Archer
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
227 / 228  –
Ashera: Order Goddess
Catria: Azure Wing Pair
Shanna: Bridal Novice
Juno: Soaring Bride
Saul: Minister of Love
Zelot: Avowed Groom
Gangrel: Plegia's Mad King
Bantu: Tiki's Guardian
Hector: Marquess of Ostia
Sharena: Princess of Askr
229 / 230 / 231  –
Nótt: Moon's Elegance
Palla: Kind Eldest Sister
Zeke: Past Unknown
Tatiana: Devoted Saint
Luthier: Odd Wayfarer
Fernand: Traitorous Knight
Sharena: Spring Princess
Sothe: Zephyr
Marth: Hero-King
Anna: Commander
232 / 233  –
Byleth: The Fódlan Star
Hilda: Deer's Two-Piece
Mercedes: Unfussed Basker
Ashe: Fabled Sea Knight
Caspar: Summer Intensity
Leonie: Relentless Rays
Eremiya: Bishop of Woe
Ewan: Eager Student
Odin: Potent Force
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
234 / 235  –
Caeda: Sea-Blossom Pair
Freyja: Fleeting Summer
Freyr: Estival Dreams
Ogma: Blade on Leave
Norne: Seaside Volunteer
Jorge: Traveling Peddler
Catria: Spring Whitewing
Stahl: Viridian Knight
Azura: Vallite Songstress
Sharena: Princess of Askr
236 / 237  –
Ullr: The Bowmaster
Nifl: God of Ice
Charlotte: Wily Warrior
Nyx: Rulebreaker Mage
Orochi: Merry Diviner
Benny: Sensitive Soul
Arete: Requiem's Beauty
Palla: Eldest Whitewing
Robin: Fell Vessel
Anna: Commander
238 / 239 / 240  –
Hinoka: Fair Pirate Pair
Surtr: Pirate of Red Sky
Naesala: Sea's Shadow
Vika: Sea-Dark Wing
Lifis: Terror of Iz
Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer
Sanaki: Apostle in White
Maribelle: Dire Damsel
Tiki: Legendary Dragon
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
241 / 242  –
Micaiah: Radiant Queen
Gatekeeper: Nothing to Report
Marth: Prince of Light
Marianne: Serene Adherent
Eirika: Pledged Restorer
Pelleas: Ashnard's Orphan
Draug: Gentle Giant
Frederick: Polite Knight
Peri: Playful Slayer
Sharena: Princess of Askr
243 / 244  –
Leif: Destined Scions
Julia: Scion of the Saint
Larcei: Scion of Astra
Lewyn: Wind-Song Scion
Nanna: Mystletainn Scion
Nemesis: King of Liberation
Shanna: Sprightly Flier
Fiora: Airborne Warrior
Hríd: Icy Blade
Anna: Commander
245 / 246  –
Ótr: Kingsbrother
Múspell: Flame God
Yuri: Ashen Valiant
Constance: Fallen Noble
Hapi: Drawn-Out Sigh
Balthus: King of Grappling
Aelfric: Custodian Monk
Silas: Loyal Knight
Leif: Unifier of Thracia
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
247 / 248  –
Sothis: Bound-Spirit Duo
Robin: Fall Reincarnation
Rhea: Witch of Creation
Kurthnaga: Autumn Goldoan
Sophia: Cobweb Prophet
Galle: Azure Rider
Tharja: Obsessive Bride
Selena: Cutting Wit
Chrom: Crowned Exalt
Sharena: Princess of Askr
249 / 250  –
Fae: Childlike Dragon
Fjorm: Ice Ascendant
Malice: Deft Sellsword
Wolf: Coyote's Loyal
Roshea: Coyote's Faithful
Vyland: Coyote's Justice
Sedgar: Coyote's Dutiful
Soleil: Adorable Adorer
Wrys: Kindly Priest
Anna: Commander
251 / 252  –
Corrin: Nightfall Ninja Act
Igrene: Ninja of Nabata
Shinon: Sharptongue Ninja
Corrin: Daylight Ninja Act
Shamir: Lone-Moon Ninja
Caellach: Tiger Eye
Tana: Noble and Nimble
Subaki: Perfect Expert
Alm: Saint-King
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
253 / 254 / 255  –
Thórr: War God
Eitri: Youthful Sage
Laegjarn: Flame Ascendant
Volke: Man of Mysteries
Marcia: Petulant Knight
Astrid: Resolute Damsel
Tanith: Bright Blade
Bertram: Dread Cavalier
Kaze: Easygoing Ninja
Sharena: Princess of Askr
256 / 257  –
Ash: Retainer to Askr
Lysithea: Gifted Students
Mirabilis: Sugarplum Vision
Manuela: Silver Caroler
Artur: Silver Saint
Ignatz: Snowscape Artist
Yen'fay: Blade Legend
Priam: Radiant Hero
Roy: Blazing Lion
Anna: Commander
258 / 259  –
Byleth: The Fódlan Light
Dagr: New Year Jötnar
Reginn: Bearing Dawn
Fáfnir: Fresh Ambition
Lyre: Lap Cat of Luxury
Kyza: Tiger of Fortune
Flavia: Feroxi East-Khan
Basilio: Feroxi West-Khan
Miriel: Rapier Intellect
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
260 / 261  –
Joshua: Resolute Tempest
Rennac: Rich "Merchant"
Neimi: Tearful Archer
Colm: Capable Thief
Riev: Blood Beryl
Silas: Loyal Knight
Frederick: Polite Knight
Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
Eliwood: Blazing Knight
Sharena: Princess of Askr
262 / 263  –
Elimine: Scouring Saint
Azura: Hatari Duet
Karla: Sun-Piercing Steel
Nailah: Hatari Scorcher
Xane: Desert Mirage
Deen: Bladed Sandstorm
Caellach: Tiger Eye
Selena: Cutting Wit
Julia: Crusader of Light
Anna: Commander
264 / 265  –
Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo
Lucina: Future Fondness
Robin: Tactful Deliverer
Owain: Devoted Defender
Lissa: Sweet Celebrant
Díthorba: Cutting Knight
Ephraim: Sparkling Gallantly
Lugh: Anima Child
Seliph: Scion of Light
Alfonse: Prince of Askr
266 / 267  –
Caeda: Beloved Queen
Idunn: Divine Demon
Hugh: Worldly Mage
Niime: Mountain Hermit
Cath: Master Thief
Gonzalez: Kindly Bandit
Legault: The Hurricane
Olivia: Blushing Beauty
Henry: Twisted Mind
Sharena: Princess of Askr
268 / 269 / 270  –
Sonya: Dazzling Rabbits
Delthea: Prodigy in Bloom
Henry: Peculiar Egg
Maria: Sunny Smile
Luthier: Spring Hopes