Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Dew: Benevolent Thief - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Huh... So you started out as Askr’s
enemy, Ratatoskr?

Um, yes! I first came to Askr as a
Quieting Hand.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Is that so... I wasn’t aware that you
were once at odds with the Order.

Do you mean to say that the Order of
Heroes allowed one who aimed to
assassinate the prince in their ranks?

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry

W-w-well, things were a little, um...
complicated before I joined!

I did act as a double agent for a
while, sharing information between
Askr and Yggdrasill...

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Blush

B-but that’s all behind me! I’m a
full-fledged member of the Order
of Heroes now.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

I caused them a lot of trouble back
then, so now I want to do whatever I
can as a Healing Hand to help them.

It is quite noble to work so earnestly
toward repaying a debt.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Smile

Y-you think so? I’m feeling a little
self-conscious about it now...

Of course. It is wise to have such a
clear goal.

In fact, don’t you think we could
benefit from developing a goal for
our own time in Askr?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

A wonderful idea, Lady Brigid. Having
a collective goal in mind will give us a
clearer path forward.

*chuckle* In that case, shall we take
some time to think about what this
goal should be individually?

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Yes, let’s.

A goal... Hm...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Dew: Benevolent Thief - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Ratatoskr will be lending the four of
us her aid in the upcoming battle.

Please let me know if you’re injured,
OK? I’ll fix you up right away!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

We are in your debt, Ratatoskr.

We do not expect the enemy will
approach for some time.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

So it seems... Shall we use this time
to continue our previous discussion?

Oh, you mean the goal thing, right?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

What is the goal you decided on,
Brigid? I am quite curious.

It’s...about this bow, Yewfelle. It is
said that Ullr, one of the 12 legendary
crusaders, once wielded it.

You entrusted this divine weapon to
me, Edain, and my goal is to master it.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

I am certain you will reach that goal
in no time, Lady Brigid.

Yes, I, too, have faith that you will
draw out its true power.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Thank you. What goal did you decide
on for yourself, Edain?

My aim is no different here than it
was in our homeland.

I shall heal and save those who are
harmed. If I can but lend my power to
you all today, that will be enough.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Lady Edain, Lady Brigid, I pledge to
protect you both with my life.

There can be no greater goal for
a knight.

Midir... I thank you.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I admire your conviction, Midir, but
don’t overextend yourself. Now then,
Dew, do you have a goal?

Uh, y-yeah. A goal... My goal is, um...

Hold on, i-it’s on the tip of my
tongue, I swear...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

It is all right, Dew. There is no need
to rush your answer.

Mm-hm! It’s important to take the
time you need to think through
something like this.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Er, if you say so...

Dew: Benevolent Thief - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

Oh, there you are, Dew!
Thank goodness.

What’s the matter, Ratatoskr? Do you
need something from me?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

No, it’s just... You didn’t look so good
earlier, so I wanted to check on you.

It’s nice of you to worry about me
like that.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

Um, I want to ask... Is it deciding on a
goal that’s bothering you so much?

Well... I once promised Edain that I’d
wash my hands of thievery. Put it all
behind me.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2

That’s a good thing, isn’t it? It’s not
right to take things from people.

But when I thought about what I’d be
left with if I wasn’t a thief anymore, it
made me feel...empty.

I don’t have the strength of a knight
or swordsman. I have absolutely no
talent with magic...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

It’s hard to change who you are...
I think I know how you feel.

You do?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

I was once ordered to fight as a
Quieting Hand, an assassin.

But I just couldn’t bring myself to
hurt people... In the end, I couldn’t be
anything other than a Healing Hand.

Are you saying I can’t be anything
but a thief?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry

N-no, not at all!

It wouldn’t make sense to pretend
that everything you’ve gone through
until now just never happened.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

But I know that being a Healing Hand
means I’m able to do things I’d never
be able to do as a Quieting Hand.

So there must be some way to use
the skills you developed and hard
work you put in for a good cause...

Thieving for a good cause, huh? You
know, I think that’ll really help me
tackle this whole goal thing.

I’ll set aside some time to think on
if there’s a way I can make a goal
that’ll help everyone...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2

That’s a great idea!

Dew: Benevolent Thief - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Ratatoskr! Perfect timing. I was just
looking for you!

H-huh? Oh, hello, Dew. You seem to
be in a better place today.

It looks like a big weight’s been lifted
from your shoulders. It’s good to see
you so cheerful again!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Yeah, getting stuck in my own head
isn’t really my style.

But look, I gave what you said
some thought.

Oh... I’m sorry about that. After our
conversation, I realized that it was
presumptuous of me to—

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

There’s no need to apologize. On the
contrary, I’m grateful!

I’m a thief right down to my bones.

I did some bad things and got caught.
That’s just a fact I have to reflect on.
But, y’know...

Even though I promised Edain I’d put
my thieving days behind me, without
that identity, I would have nothing.

Yeah... It’s difficult to change how
you live your life.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

But! Just like there are evil knights,
swordsmen, and mages...

There must also be thieves of justice!
We can’t all be bad, right? That’s why
I’m going to be a chivalrous outlaw!

Ch-ch-chivalrous outlaw?! That
sounds so gallant!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

I won’t steal from people in need, or
those living honestly. No matter what.

But it’s fine to steal from villains who
cause others to suffer, right?

Um, w-well... As long as you’re only
stealing from people like that, it
should be OK...probably?

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

And even if I’m not the strongest
fighter, I’m great at scouting and
stirring confusion in enemy ranks.

I’ll use my thieving skills for good!
That’s my goal!

I think that’s an amazing goal, Dew!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Heh. I knew you’d think so!

All right then. Time to track down an
evildoer and break into their mansion!

What?! Ar-aren’t you moving a
little too fast?

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

They say you shouldn’t hesitate in
doing a good deed, right?

Hey, why don’t you come with me,
Ratatoskr? You can start your journey
as a chivalrous outlaw too!

N-no thank you! I’m perfectly content
to do my best as a Healing Hand!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Blush
← Erinys Seliph →
Light Seekers
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
