Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Brigid: Awakened Bow - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I thank you for showing me the
castle. I know you must be busy.

Oh, it’s no trouble! This castle is
huge, and I don’t want you to
get lost.

We’ve seen the training grounds and
the library, so next is the dining hall.
It’s this way.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

Phew! There we go! All done,
and nicely, if I say so meself.

Hello, Darros! Thank you for your
hard work cleaning the hall.

It’s as shiny as a mirror!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Hm... The scent of salt... Princess
Fjorm, might you introduce us?

This is Darros, a pirate of Archanea.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

Former pirate, lass, former pirate!

I washed my hands clean of piracy
when I met the good Prince Marth.

Oh, how rude of me! I didn’t mean
to suggest...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I am Brigid of Jugdral. Like you, I was
once a pirate.

Really, now? I thought you was a
princess too!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Darros uses his spare time to clean
the castle when he’s not training.
And we really appreciate it!

I do it cos I want to. Even when I was
a pirate I preferred swabbin’ the deck
to stabbin’ an innocent crewman.

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Most pirates are surly dogs, and most
honest sailors aren’t much better.
You are...a bit different, aren’t you?

Haha! I’ve long been told I’m an
odd’un. But late to clean the library,
I am! And so I take my leave!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

He takes his duties seriously. Pirates,
I have met many. None are his like.

He’s a very kind, thoughtful man. I
could learn something from him.

You may be surprised to hear that
the Order of Heroes has many pirates
in its ranks.

Just like Darros, they are all
unique Heroes.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I would meet them, these unique

Brigid: Awakened Bow - B

Background image: 002_PlainSea
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

The Askran port is splendid. It is
teeming with people, and so lively.

Look! I can see the man I wanted
to introduce you to. He’s over on
that pier.

He lends his strength to us in battle,
but he also transports cargo for the
Order of Heroes by ship!

Ah, he’s looking this way!
Hello, Fargus!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Hoy, Princess Fjorm! So you came all
this way after all. Well, don’t just
stand there! Let’s be on our way.

Of course! Shall we, Brigid?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

I know I say this every time, but
watch your feet.

I will!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Careful, Princess.

Ah, thank you! I slipped.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Givin’ me a heart attack you are, lass.
Now who’s this with you?

Well met. I am Brigid of Jugdral.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Feel like I’ve seen you before...
Though maybe it’s just
my imagination.

Got your sea legs, I see. You a sailor?

Nah, not a sailor... There’s something
about how you carry yourself.

I understand what you imply. Yes, I
once led a group of pirates in Orgahil.

I have since put that life behind me.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

A former pirate, eh? I bet you have a
story or two. Mind sharing?

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

So you were taken in as a child by
the captain and raised a pirate
after losin’ your memories...

He was an upstanding and chivalrous
outlaw, to be sure. Of course, the
same cannot be said of all the crew.

When he passed away and I took
command, some mutinied.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Miscreants! No pirate should put their
captain’s daughter to the blade.

Talking to you puts me right back
there. It’s almost like he lives again.
Strange, isn’t it?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

That so? Well, it’s the same for me. I
feel like I already know you.

Truth told, I had one like you in
my crew.

Like me? How do you mean?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Took a blow to the head and lost
his memories.

Said he couldn’t remember who he
was or where he was from, so I took
him in.

An amnesiac pirate? That’s just
like her!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

He was a bold one, always in high
spirits. He’d bellow, “I’m the leader
of Fargus’s suicide squad!”

No matter what sea you’re sailin’, in
whatever world, you’ll find people
who need a hand.

There are people being abused in
every land you’ll chart. That’s who
we want to help.


Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Somethin’ funny ‘bout what I said?

No, not really. But those words do
remind me of the man who raised
me, Fargus. Thank you for the tale.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Right. Well, if you find yourself in
need, we’ll be there. So don’t be a
stranger—you can count on us!

Brigid: Awakened Bow - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

This shop looks like it carries old
maps... I have a suspicion we will
find the next person here.

Yes! He says that he’s in search of
a treasure map here in Askr. He
dreams of amassing a great fortune.

Oh, look! He’s come outside.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

That damn miser. Saw right
through me...

*sigh* Being penniless is rough. The
cold wind blowing through the cracks
in the walls bites just as hard in Askr.

Hello, Geese!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Oh, hello, Princess. And who might
this woman be?

You look familiar...though I might be
imagining it. You new here?

I am Brigid of Jugdral.

I was once a pirate, like you. Well
met, sir.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

You kidding? You look like a
noblewoman born and bred. Yet you
were a pirate?

Hm, maybe I sounded a bit rude...but
I was just surprised, is all.

Hehe. You’re not wrong. In truth,
Brigid IS a noblewoman.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

A pirate and a noble? That’s new
to me. Quite a life story, I imagine!

Yes, you could say that...
Right, Brigid?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Rough times indeed, though it seems
you’ve come out the other side
just fine.

It was a time of war... Many suffered
far more than I.

In fact, I would say I was blessed.
The captain raised me to be
a survivor.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

He must have been a good man.

Indeed he was. Now, Geese, to return
to the beginning... You search for
a map?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

My whole life. See, my family were
merchants who shipped out on
the seas.

My older brother was all set to inherit
the business, but then he ran off. It
fell to me instead.

But war broke out, and I couldn’t
do business anymore...

I didn’t know that. So you weren’t
always a pirate.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

The war upended everything, my
business included. I had no choice.
My crew were good people though.

None of ‘em want to fight or steal.

Pirates we may be, but only in name.
We’re better at getting things and
people where they need to be.

It seems that the pirates of other
worlds all have their own stories,
their own circumstances.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Tell you the truth, my dream is to
rebuild the business and get back
to honest shipping.

I want to strike it rich and feed
my crew... But you need money
to make money.

And that is where the treasure map
comes in.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

The sea isn’t a battlefield. It’s where
you make your dreams come true.

I’ll get my hands on that money,
look out at the gleaming waves,
and I’ll shout...

“Look here, crew! I did it! We made it!
The sea always provides!”

No matter how fiercely the seas rage,
you cling to your dreams. Wonderful.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

I hope your dream comes
true, Geese!

Brigid: Awakened Bow - S

Background image: 002_PlainSea
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I thank you, Princess Fjorm, for your
generosity with your time.

I met a number of fine pirates among
the Order of Heroes, and it is all
thanks to you.

I am so glad I took the time, then!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

All those I met are brave souls who
live with the sea.

Chivalrous outlaws all, and
determined to face the wrath of
the waves.

If they join together, it would be a
great boon to Askr, I believe.

Makes an old man happy to hear
those fine words.

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Fargus! And the rest of you are with
him too.

Peace means more than money. After
all, peace brings business with it!

Geese A Life at Sea Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

I may have put me piratin’ days
behind me, but I’ll be of use, make
no mistake!

Listen up, Brigid. We have an idea.
How ‘bout the four of us joining up
as a pirate band?

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

We should be working together, don’t
you think?

I’ll swab the decks!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I suppose this must make us the
Askr Pirates. And I think Fargus
must be the captain.

Haha! I thank you for the thought, but
I’m better when I let loose and smash
some skulls.

I’ll leave the captaining to you, if it’s
all the same.

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

But when I was captain, I could not
hold my crew together...and in the
end, they betrayed me.

I think this is where I step in.

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

You... You are me? Another me?
But how?

Heh-heh. Yes, I am you. But from
another world.

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

I should have introduced you already!
Please forgive me!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes, this is Brigid—the pirate. She
came to Askr to join in our
pirate festival.

Well, no wonder you looked
so familiar!

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

True it is. I’d seen her before, but
your manner is so different...I didn’t
put it together till now.

So what do you say? Cocaptains?

We may have a lot to learn, but two
heads are better than one, no?

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

You may be right. We can make it
work—if you are willing.

Let us lead this pirate band and bring
peace to the seas of Askr.

Then it’s settled. Let us raise the flag
of the Askr Pirates!

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

No complaints from me, captains. I
look forward to followin’ yer orders!

Aye. We have two goddesses to lead
us. Lead us to treasure, I expect!

Geese A Life at Sea Face FC
Lifis Terror of Iz Face FC

What’s this I hear? It’s a travesty!

I heard a beautiful new arrival to
Askr has been meeting with pirates—
so why not me?

August, what’s the meaning of this?

Do not bring your nonsense to me. I
have important tactical decisions
to make.

If I were to theorize, I would point to
your demeanor and conduct. Look
there and you shall have your answer.

August Astute Tactician Face FC
Lifis Terror of Iz Face FC

What? Fools, the lot of you. Fools!

Edain →
Light Seekers
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
