Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Light Seekers
File:Forging Bonds Light Seekers.png
Event Characters Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Bonus Accessories Accessory Metal Headband EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Spys Brooch EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Marquesss Helm EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Basinet EXFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Rogues Hair TieFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Ladys HeadbandFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Headband of UllrFrame 1Pane 1 Accessory Bow Knight HelmFrame 1Pane 1
Start time
End time
Gust of Ostia

Availability[ | ]

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Rewards[ | ]

Red FriendshipOrange FriendshipGreen FriendshipBlue Friendship
10Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC Dew's C Conversation10Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC Edain's C Conversation10Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC Brigid's C Conversation10Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC Midir's C Conversation
25Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 5025Scarlet Badge 50
50Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 30050Hero Feather 300
75Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 5075Azure Badge 50
100Accessory Rogues Hair TieFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Ladys HeadbandFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Headband of UllrFrame 1Pane 1100Accessory Bow Knight HelmFrame 1Pane 1
150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500150Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
200Divine Code Ephemera 1 10200Divine Code Ephemera 1 10200Divine Code Ephemera 1 10200Divine Code Ephemera 1 10
250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500250Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
300Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC Dew's B Conversation300Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC Edain's B Conversation300Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC Brigid's B Conversation300Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC Midir's B Conversation
350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500350Great Scarlet Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1400First Summon Ticket I 1
450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300450Hero Feather 300
500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500500Great Azure Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300550Hero Feather 300
600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500600Great Verdant Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500700Great Transparent Badge 50Universal Crystal 1,500
800Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC Dew's A Conversation800Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC Edain's A Conversation800Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC Brigid's A Conversation800Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC Midir's A Conversation
900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300900Hero Feather 300
1,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 101,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 10
1,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 3001,100Hero Feather 300
1,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,5001,200Divine Dew 5Universal Crystal 1,500
1,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 3001,300Hero Feather 300
1,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 3001,400Hero Feather 300
1,500Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC Dew's S Conversation1,500Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC Edain's S Conversation1,500Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC Brigid's S Conversation1,500Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC Midir's S Conversation
1,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 21,600Trait Fruit 2
1,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 3001,700Hero Feather 300
1,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 3001,900Hero Feather 300
2,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 3002,100Hero Feather 300
2,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 3002,300Hero Feather 300
2,500Accessory Rogues Hair Tie EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Ladys Headband EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Headband of Ullr EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,5002,500Accessory Bow Knight Helm EXFrame 1Pane 1Universal Crystal 1,500
2,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 3002,750Hero Feather 300
3,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 103,000Divine Code Ephemera 1 10
3,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 5003,250Hero Feather 500
3,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 103,500Heroic Grail 10

Bonus schedule[ | ]

Hour (UTC)
Day 11.5× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Red2.0× Green1.5× Red1.5× Blue1.5× Blue2.0× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Green1.5× Red2.0× Green2.0× Blue1.0× Orange1.5× Orange2.0× Red
Day 21.5× Green1.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Red1.5× Orange1.5× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Red1.5× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Blue
Day 31.5× Blue2.0× Red2.0× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Green1.5× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Red1.0× Orange2.0× Red2.0× Blue2.0× Green2.0× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Red1.5× Green1.5× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Orange
Day 41.5× Green1.5× Green2.0× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Blue1.0× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Blue2.0× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Green2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Red1.0× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Green2.0× Red2.0× Red1.5× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Blue
Day 52.0× Red1.5× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Blue1.0× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Green1.5× Orange1.5× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Green1.5× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Red1.0× Orange
Day 61.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Red2.0× Blue2.0× Orange2.0× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Red1.5× Green2.0× Orange1.5× Red1.5× Orange1.5× Blue1.0× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Blue1.5× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Green2.0× Orange1.0× Red
Day 72.0× Green2.0× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Red2.0× Blue1.0× Red1.5× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Green1.5× Red1.5× Blue1.5× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Red
Day 81.5× Orange1.5× Orange2.0× Green1.5× Red2.0× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Red1.5× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Green2.0× Red2.0× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Green1.5× Orange
Day 91.5× Blue1.5× Green1.5× Blue1.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Red2.0× Green1.5× Green2.0× Orange1.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Blue2.0× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Red1.5× Green1.5× Red1.5× Blue
Day 101.5× Orange1.5× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Red1.5× Red2.0× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Blue1.5× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Orange1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Red1.0× Red2.0× Blue1.5× Orange2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Red2.0× Blue2.0× Green2.0× Red
Day 111.5× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Red2.0× Green2.0× Orange2.0× Orange1.0× Red2.0× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Orange1.5× Green1.5× Red2.0× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Orange1.5× Red1.5× Orange2.0× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Green2.0× Red2.0× Blue
Day 122.0× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Orange1.5× Red1.5× Green1.5× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Blue1.5× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Orange2.0× Green2.0× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Blue2.0× Red1.5× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Green1.5× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Green
Day 132.0× Blue2.0× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Orange2.0× Orange1.0× Red2.0× Red1.5× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Green2.0× Orange1.5× Blue2.0× Red1.5× Red1.5× Blue1.5× Green2.0× Red1.5× Red1.5× Orange2.0× Blue2.0× Green2.0× Orange
Day 141.5× Blue1.5× Red1.5× Orange2.0× Blue1.5× Green1.0× Green2.0× Red2.0× Orange2.0× Orange2.0× Green1.5× Blue2.0× Blue1.5× Green1.5× Red2.0× Red1.5× Orange1.5× Green2.0× Blue1.5× Red2.0× Orange1.5× Blue1.5× Orange2.0× Red1.5× Green

Special conversations[ | ]

Light Seekers[ | ]

Light Seekers - Opening

Background image: EvBg_NightPlain
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

There are more enemies here?!

Get back, Edain!


Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Are you all right? Did they harm you?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

No... I am all right. Thank you, Sister.

Careful! There are more, behind
that tree!

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Stay back, Lady Brigid and
Lady Edain!

There were even more enemies
hidden here? Thank you, Midir. I'll be
forever grateful.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

In an unfamiliar world, in a forest, at
night... There's no telling where our
enemies may strike from.

I suppose it is too dangerous for us
to stay here and continue to fight.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Agreed. Let's leave this forest as
quickly as we can and regroup with
our allies.

I hear there is an Order of Heroes
camp at the lake to our west. We
should make our way there.

I will scout ahead.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

We will follow behind. Though, let
us proceed with caution and save
our energy along the way.

Stop! We cannot go this way. Look!
Enemies lie in ambush atop
those cliffs.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

It seems we should turn back then.

Wait! Those bushes over there...
They shook!

You don't think we were followed,
do you?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

If we fail to act, we will be attacked
from both sides...

Edain, Brigid... Run! But keep your
distance from the cliff. I will get
their attention!

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

You will not do it alone, Dew! I will
accompany you.

Lady Brigid, Lady Edain, hurry! We
shall catch up to you soon!

If we leave you, we leave you to be
exposed to danger...

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Edain, let's trust them.

Dew, Midir, don't do
anything reckless!

Leave it to us! Keeping the enemy
running is my specialty.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

*pant* *pant*

We should be able to rest here
awhile. Are you well, Edain?

Yes, I am unharmed. But...Midir
and Dew...

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

They're OK. I am sure of it. Now,
let's keep moving.

Light Seekers - C

Background image: EvBg_NightPlain
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

With every step we take, the forest
grows thicker... I cannot see what
must be right in front of me.

I haven’t often walked in forests this
dark, even during my time with the
Orgahil Pirates.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

Neither were these forests so thick
in Yngvi...

Ah, Yngvi... My home... I would like to
return there someday.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

Perhaps someday you will.


Have you agreed to Dew’s strategy to
protect me because I am unable
to fight?

That was the plan, even though I
thought it would be more effective to
split up.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

I am sorry, but... If I had the strength
to fight, I would...

Don’t worry about the fighting. Your
powers of healing have done plenty
to aid us.

All is well. I imagine you must be
uneasy, but rest assured, I am here
with you.

I will protect you, even at the cost of
my life.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

N-no! That is unacceptable!

But Edain...

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

We have spent every day until now
apart. And I have worried over your
safety and well-being.

I could not stand it if we were to be
separated again. Not after being
reunited like this!


Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

I shall support you whenever danger
befalls you.

Please... You must not sacrifice
yourself for me, Sister.

I’m sorry for causing you so
much grief.

Of course you feel this way, after
being apart for so long... And now,
we finally found each other.

You’re right. Let’s help each other
from now on. If we survive, we shall
do so together.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

Yes. No matter what.

With Dew and Midir as well. Through
some twist of fate, we were brought
here together, to fight side by side.

We shall survive and return to
Jugdral together.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Light Seekers - B

Background image: EvBg_NightPlain
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

We made it through... But where are
Edain and Brigid?

We must find them at once!

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Y-yes, but...aren’t we lost too?

I can’t tell which way is west...

Your predicament is likely because
you ran about so haphazardly.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

I was confusing the enemy! That’s
how it’s done. What did you expect?

I am not blaming you, so please, do
not be offended by my frankness.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

I’m not offended!

*sigh* It’s just... If I was going to get
lost, I would have preferred to do so
with Edain beside me.

Don’t you feel the same? Wouldn’t
you rather be with Edain or Brigid?

I am not fond of the fact that I cannot
protect them now, but...

Seeing as how you are here with me,
I shall protect you with all
my strength.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Even though I’m a lowly thief? What’s
in it for you?

I owe a great debt to Lord Sigurd.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

What for?

He saved Lady Edain and me.

And you... You lend him your aid,
knowing full well of the dangers?

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

It’s just how things worked out, is all.
I had nowhere else to go...

Whatever your reasons, you fight
beside him, risking your life to do so.

And as such, you are my ally, Dew.
So I will protect you as I would
any other.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Er... This conversation is getting a
little heavy for my taste, but...

I know you’re a good person, Midir.
I am sorry.

Why are you sorry?

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

For what I said earlier... I feel like it
was hurtful.

It is no matter. Now, let us hurry. We
can use the moon to guide us in the
correct direction.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Yes! Let’s get back to Edain and
Brigid and hightail it out of this
dreaded forest!

Light Seekers - A

Background image: EvBg_NightPlain
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

We’ve made significant progress. Are
you tired, Edain?

Yes, a little... However, I can
keep walking.

And what about you? You are so
tired, you are squinting...

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

The moon is illuminating the area
more than I expected. I should even
be able to spot Dew and Midir...

Wait! That sound—

It’s the enemy! They are approaching
from behind!

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Run, Edain! We have to make it out of
here before we’re surrounded!

Understood! Be careful, Brigid!

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Ugh! So many arrows... There must
be numerous foes out there.

Brigid, you arm! Hold still and I will
heal it with my staff!

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

No, we can’t stop. Just keep
running, Edain!

If I don’t heal it now—

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

If only we had the four of us...

There! Haaa!

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC


Midir! Dew! You are all right!

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Lady Brigid, Lady Edain! Forgive me
for my tardiness!

We spotted your hair from across the
forest. It’s so bright and beautiful, it
stands out even at night.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Now we can stage a counterattack.
It’s time to reduce the enemy forces,
then make our way out of here!

Leave it to me!

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

You saved us... It’s because of you,
Midir and Dew, that we made it
through this.

You foresaw their arrival, didn’t
you, Brigid?

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

My duty is to protect you, and yet...
I lost sight of you. Please, accept
my apology.

Though I am certain you two worked
together to make it through this, as is
evident by your lack of harm.

And we did the same, which is the
only reason we made it this far.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Yes. Two is far better than one. And
four... Well, that’s nearly unstoppable.

I didn’t know what would come of us,
having been summoned to a world
we knew nothing of...

But Edain, Dew, Midir... I am able to
fight somehow despite these
challenges because you’re with me.

I feel the same.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

The conflict we faced today was an
opportunity to realize the importance
of supporting one another.

Heheheh... I’m sure glad I was able to
help too.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Our most powerful tool is not a divine
weapon or powerful magic...

It is our collaboration. I felt this today.

Dawn will come soon. Let’s leave this
forest behind and return to the castle
in Askr, no matter what’s in our path!

Dew: Benevolent Thief[ | ]

Dew: Benevolent Thief - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Huh... So you started out as Askr’s
enemy, Ratatoskr?

Um, yes! I first came to Askr as a
Quieting Hand.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Is that so... I wasn’t aware that you
were once at odds with the Order.

Do you mean to say that the Order of
Heroes allowed one who aimed to
assassinate the prince in their ranks?

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry

W-w-well, things were a little, um...
complicated before I joined!

I did act as a double agent for a
while, sharing information between
Askr and Yggdrasill...

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Blush

B-but that’s all behind me! I’m a
full-fledged member of the Order
of Heroes now.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

I caused them a lot of trouble back
then, so now I want to do whatever I
can as a Healing Hand to help them.

It is quite noble to work so earnestly
toward repaying a debt.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Smile

Y-you think so? I’m feeling a little
self-conscious about it now...

Of course. It is wise to have such a
clear goal.

In fact, don’t you think we could
benefit from developing a goal for
our own time in Askr?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

A wonderful idea, Lady Brigid. Having
a collective goal in mind will give us a
clearer path forward.

*chuckle* In that case, shall we take
some time to think about what this
goal should be individually?

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Yes, let’s.

A goal... Hm...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Dew: Benevolent Thief - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Ratatoskr will be lending the four of
us her aid in the upcoming battle.

Please let me know if you’re injured,
OK? I’ll fix you up right away!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

We are in your debt, Ratatoskr.

We do not expect the enemy will
approach for some time.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

So it seems... Shall we use this time
to continue our previous discussion?

Oh, you mean the goal thing, right?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

What is the goal you decided on,
Brigid? I am quite curious.

It’s...about this bow, Yewfelle. It is
said that Ullr, one of the 12 legendary
crusaders, once wielded it.

You entrusted this divine weapon to
me, Edain, and my goal is to master it.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

I am certain you will reach that goal
in no time, Lady Brigid.

Yes, I, too, have faith that you will
draw out its true power.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Thank you. What goal did you decide
on for yourself, Edain?

My aim is no different here than it
was in our homeland.

I shall heal and save those who are
harmed. If I can but lend my power to
you all today, that will be enough.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Lady Edain, Lady Brigid, I pledge to
protect you both with my life.

There can be no greater goal for
a knight.

Midir... I thank you.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I admire your conviction, Midir, but
don’t overextend yourself. Now then,
Dew, do you have a goal?

Uh, y-yeah. A goal... My goal is, um...

Hold on, i-it’s on the tip of my
tongue, I swear...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

It is all right, Dew. There is no need
to rush your answer.

Mm-hm! It’s important to take the
time you need to think through
something like this.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Er, if you say so...

Dew: Benevolent Thief - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

Oh, there you are, Dew!
Thank goodness.

What’s the matter, Ratatoskr? Do you
need something from me?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

No, it’s just... You didn’t look so good
earlier, so I wanted to check on you.

It’s nice of you to worry about me
like that.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

Um, I want to ask... Is it deciding on a
goal that’s bothering you so much?

Well... I once promised Edain that I’d
wash my hands of thievery. Put it all
behind me.

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2

That’s a good thing, isn’t it? It’s not
right to take things from people.

But when I thought about what I’d be
left with if I wasn’t a thief anymore, it
made me feel...empty.

I don’t have the strength of a knight
or swordsman. I have absolutely no
talent with magic...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

It’s hard to change who you are...
I think I know how you feel.

You do?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain

I was once ordered to fight as a
Quieting Hand, an assassin.

But I just couldn’t bring myself to
hurt people... In the end, I couldn’t be
anything other than a Healing Hand.

Are you saying I can’t be anything
but a thief?

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry

N-no, not at all!

It wouldn’t make sense to pretend
that everything you’ve gone through
until now just never happened.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC

But I know that being a Healing Hand
means I’m able to do things I’d never
be able to do as a Quieting Hand.

So there must be some way to use
the skills you developed and hard
work you put in for a good cause...

Thieving for a good cause, huh? You
know, I think that’ll really help me
tackle this whole goal thing.

I’ll set aside some time to think on
if there’s a way I can make a goal
that’ll help everyone...

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2

That’s a great idea!

Dew: Benevolent Thief - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Ratatoskr! Perfect timing. I was just
looking for you!

H-huh? Oh, hello, Dew. You seem to
be in a better place today.

It looks like a big weight’s been lifted
from your shoulders. It’s good to see
you so cheerful again!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Yeah, getting stuck in my own head
isn’t really my style.

But look, I gave what you said
some thought.

Oh... I’m sorry about that. After our
conversation, I realized that it was
presumptuous of me to—

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

There’s no need to apologize. On the
contrary, I’m grateful!

I’m a thief right down to my bones.

I did some bad things and got caught.
That’s just a fact I have to reflect on.
But, y’know...

Even though I promised Edain I’d put
my thieving days behind me, without
that identity, I would have nothing.

Yeah... It’s difficult to change how
you live your life.

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Pain
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

But! Just like there are evil knights,
swordsmen, and mages...

There must also be thieves of justice!
We can’t all be bad, right? That’s why
I’m going to be a chivalrous outlaw!

Ch-ch-chivalrous outlaw?! That
sounds so gallant!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

I won’t steal from people in need, or
those living honestly. No matter what.

But it’s fine to steal from villains who
cause others to suffer, right?

Um, w-well... As long as you’re only
stealing from people like that, it
should be OK...probably?

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

And even if I’m not the strongest
fighter, I’m great at scouting and
stirring confusion in enemy ranks.

I’ll use my thieving skills for good!
That’s my goal!

I think that’s an amazing goal, Dew!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Cool2
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Heh. I knew you’d think so!

All right then. Time to track down an
evildoer and break into their mansion!

What?! Ar-aren’t you moving a
little too fast?

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face worry
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

They say you shouldn’t hesitate in
doing a good deed, right?

Hey, why don’t you come with me,
Ratatoskr? You can start your journey
as a chivalrous outlaw too!

N-no thank you! I’m perfectly content
to do my best as a Healing Hand!

Ratatoskr Mending Hand Face Blush

Edain: Lady of Yngvi[ | ]

Edain: Lady of Yngvi - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Jamke Prince of Verdane Face FC

Edain?! I can scarce believe it is
really you in this foreign land...

Prince Jamke! And to see you here in
Askr as well...

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

The look on your face, Jamke! Hehe...
Just holler and I’ll get whatever you
need, Edain. I mean...within reason.

Of course, Dew. I will count on
your aid.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC

If anything troubles you, do not
hesitate to request my advice. I will
talk anytime.

Thank you, Azelle. You are always
such a great help to me.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Now, now, everyone. Do give her
some space...

Hehe... It is quite all right, Midir. No
need to concern yourself over me.

I was uncertain when I was first
summoned, but now...

My nerves are calm after seeing
friendly faces such as yours. I hope
I, too, can be of service here.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Jamke Prince of Verdane Face FC

As we all do!

And I will come to your aid as I
always have, foreign world or not.

Azelle Youthful Flame Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

I’m going to find something that will
make you happy, Edain!


Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC


What the— She just got here and now
she’s hogging all the attention?!

What do you suppose people see
in her?

Well, I suppose she’s no
run-of-the-mill princess...

Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Sure, she’s beautiful—one might even
say drop-dead gorgeous. But...that
doesn’t justify this kind of popularity.

Besides, I’m not any less pretty than
she is, right?!


Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Hey! What you mean “sure”?!

Oh, don’t mind me. It’s just that I’m
so interested in what this princess is
all about. Aren’t you?

Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Hm... If we can keep a close eye on
her, we may just figure out how to
attract a man with loads of money.

Edain: Lady of Yngvi - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

So this is the castle’s dining hall...
It smells of delicious food.

How will I ever decide what to eat
amongst all this...

Hey there!

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

Something the matter?

Oh...I, um... Who might you be?

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

You’re Lady Edain, right? Newly
summoned here?

I’m Charlotte. From Nohr.

And I am Dorothea Arnault, from
Fódlan. It is a pleasure to make
your acquaintance.

Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

The pleasure is mine. I am Edain,
the second daughter of House Yngvi.

Her noble blinding me!

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

Don’t lose your nerve! We must get
close to her! Um...

Lady Edain, if it is not too much of a
bother, won’t you partake in a meal
with us?

Oh, how kind...

I had been taking my meals in my
room, but it would be nice to eat
here in the dining hall.

Now that I have ventured all the way
here, I feel a bit...lost.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Well, good thing we found you then!
Anything you need, don’t hesitate to
ask, OK?

Thank you. I am so grateful to have
met you.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

So...what did you think of
Lady Edain?

Hmm... How should I put his?

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

She was like a princess you’d see in a
picture book, right?

She’s pretty from a distance, but up
close...she’s practically shining!

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

I can see why everyone is so
enamored with her. I mean, even we
were starry-eyed around her.

But it’s not just her looks... It’s her
personality too!

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

She praised those around her, saying
they were “people one could count
on to fight for peace.”

Can you believe it? Every last one of
’em is trying to catch her eye! It’s
clear as day!

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

But I could tell—she really believed in
what she was saying.

Yeah... Not calculated or planned at
all. It’s like she spoke directly from
her heart.

Ugh... I dunno. This doesn’t feel too
great. All we wanted was to figure out
the secret of attraction from her...

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

Instead, it feels like all we learned
was just how far from her we
really are.

We’re just hoping to marry for
money. Yet, it seems so far out of
our reach...

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Edain: Lady of Yngvi - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Damn it! Rrraaah! Don’t mess
with me!

*pant* *pant* The enemy’s pretty
serious today.

They’re coming out in force, ready
to slit throats!

Wait! I-I’m injured... Oh, this could
be bad...


Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

L-Lady Edain?!

Hold still! I will use my staff to
heal you.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Wh-what are you doing in a place
like this?

This is the middle of the front lines,
you know! And you’ve got not guards
with you. It’s way too dangerous!

I heard you were holding back the
enemy all alone.

I was too worried to stay put, so I
came as quickly as I could.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

F-for me?

I am sorry, but I cannot fight. I can
only heal you. Even still, I want to
help all I can.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Lady Edain...

Your wounds have closed, but do not
push yourself too hard.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Now I get it... People are drawn to
your kindness above all else. It’s not
because of your beauty or status.

Did you say something, Charlotte?

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Oh, nothing! I just want to thank you
for saving me.

I’ll push ahead a little further now.
I’ve gotta make use of the support
you’ve given me, after all!

Edain: Lady of Yngvi - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

Hello, Edain! Thank you for your
support yesterday.

With your help, we were able to
recover and keep fighting.

Of course. I am just happy to know
you are all right.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Hey! You’re calling her Edain, not
Lady Edain?!

I asked her to address me like she
would anyone else. This way I feel
closer to her.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC

Does it feel as though I’m one step
ahead of you, Charlotte?

Hey now! There’s no reason to fight
over her! Um...

Lady Edain, you must be
uncomfortable just standing
around talking...

Wouldn’t you like to come with me to
the dining hall?

Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC
Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

I would be glad to.

Hey, Jamke! Look at that over there!

Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC
Jamke Prince of Verdane Face FC

Hm? What is it?

You know Edain... I have something
to tell you. Charlotte, she—

Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

Hold it right there, Dorothea! You’re
the one who—

Hehe... You two are sure great
together. You must be very close.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

More and more Heroes are coming to
shower Lady Edain with attention.

Others are drawn to her beauty, her
kindness, and her inner strength.

This merely means it matters not if
she’s in Jugdral or in Askr.

Jamke Prince of Verdane Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

It looks like you’ll have to rival for
her attention.

If you want to approach her, don’t
you think it’s wise to do so sooner
rather than later?

Wh-what are you suggesting? I am
not sure I look at Edain that way...
Hey, wait! I am still talking!

Jamke Prince of Verdane Face FC
Dew Benevolent Thief Face FC

Heheheh! You make is so easy to
tease you, Jamke!

Oh, look how late it is! We lost
track of time. We will talk again
soon, Edain.

Dorothea Daring Ex-Singer Face FC
Charlotte Wily Warrior Face FC

No trying to get ahead of me,
Dorothea! Be sure to talk to me
too, Lady Edain!

I am who I am now because of the
support I received from others.

Gods, please protect all who are
precious to me.

Edain Lady of Yngvi Face FC

Brigid: Awakened Bow[ | ]

Brigid: Awakened Bow - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I thank you for showing me the
castle. I know you must be busy.

Oh, it’s no trouble! This castle is
huge, and I don’t want you to
get lost.

We’ve seen the training grounds and
the library, so next is the dining hall.
It’s this way.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

Phew! There we go! All done,
and nicely, if I say so meself.

Hello, Darros! Thank you for your
hard work cleaning the hall.

It’s as shiny as a mirror!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Hm... The scent of salt... Princess
Fjorm, might you introduce us?

This is Darros, a pirate of Archanea.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

Former pirate, lass, former pirate!

I washed my hands clean of piracy
when I met the good Prince Marth.

Oh, how rude of me! I didn’t mean
to suggest...

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I am Brigid of Jugdral. Like you, I was
once a pirate.

Really, now? I thought you was a
princess too!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Darros uses his spare time to clean
the castle when he’s not training.
And we really appreciate it!

I do it cos I want to. Even when I was
a pirate I preferred swabbin’ the deck
to stabbin’ an innocent crewman.

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Most pirates are surly dogs, and most
honest sailors aren’t much better.
You are...a bit different, aren’t you?

Haha! I’ve long been told I’m an
odd’un. But late to clean the library,
I am! And so I take my leave!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

He takes his duties seriously. Pirates,
I have met many. None are his like.

He’s a very kind, thoughtful man. I
could learn something from him.

You may be surprised to hear that
the Order of Heroes has many pirates
in its ranks.

Just like Darros, they are all
unique Heroes.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I would meet them, these unique

Brigid: Awakened Bow - B

Background image: 002_PlainSea
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

The Askran port is splendid. It is
teeming with people, and so lively.

Look! I can see the man I wanted
to introduce you to. He’s over on
that pier.

He lends his strength to us in battle,
but he also transports cargo for the
Order of Heroes by ship!

Ah, he’s looking this way!
Hello, Fargus!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Hoy, Princess Fjorm! So you came all
this way after all. Well, don’t just
stand there! Let’s be on our way.

Of course! Shall we, Brigid?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

I know I say this every time, but
watch your feet.

I will!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Careful, Princess.

Ah, thank you! I slipped.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Givin’ me a heart attack you are, lass.
Now who’s this with you?

Well met. I am Brigid of Jugdral.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Feel like I’ve seen you before...
Though maybe it’s just
my imagination.

Got your sea legs, I see. You a sailor?

Nah, not a sailor... There’s something
about how you carry yourself.

I understand what you imply. Yes, I
once led a group of pirates in Orgahil.

I have since put that life behind me.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

A former pirate, eh? I bet you have a
story or two. Mind sharing?

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

So you were taken in as a child by
the captain and raised a pirate
after losin’ your memories...

He was an upstanding and chivalrous
outlaw, to be sure. Of course, the
same cannot be said of all the crew.

When he passed away and I took
command, some mutinied.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Miscreants! No pirate should put their
captain’s daughter to the blade.

Talking to you puts me right back
there. It’s almost like he lives again.
Strange, isn’t it?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

That so? Well, it’s the same for me. I
feel like I already know you.

Truth told, I had one like you in
my crew.

Like me? How do you mean?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Took a blow to the head and lost
his memories.

Said he couldn’t remember who he
was or where he was from, so I took
him in.

An amnesiac pirate? That’s just
like her!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

He was a bold one, always in high
spirits. He’d bellow, “I’m the leader
of Fargus’s suicide squad!”

No matter what sea you’re sailin’, in
whatever world, you’ll find people
who need a hand.

There are people being abused in
every land you’ll chart. That’s who
we want to help.


Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Somethin’ funny ‘bout what I said?

No, not really. But those words do
remind me of the man who raised
me, Fargus. Thank you for the tale.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC

Right. Well, if you find yourself in
need, we’ll be there. So don’t be a
stranger—you can count on us!

Brigid: Awakened Bow - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

This shop looks like it carries old
maps... I have a suspicion we will
find the next person here.

Yes! He says that he’s in search of
a treasure map here in Askr. He
dreams of amassing a great fortune.

Oh, look! He’s come outside.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

That damn miser. Saw right
through me...

*sigh* Being penniless is rough. The
cold wind blowing through the cracks
in the walls bites just as hard in Askr.

Hello, Geese!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Oh, hello, Princess. And who might
this woman be?

You look familiar...though I might be
imagining it. You new here?

I am Brigid of Jugdral.

I was once a pirate, like you. Well
met, sir.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

You kidding? You look like a
noblewoman born and bred. Yet you
were a pirate?

Hm, maybe I sounded a bit rude...but
I was just surprised, is all.

Hehe. You’re not wrong. In truth,
Brigid IS a noblewoman.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

A pirate and a noble? That’s new
to me. Quite a life story, I imagine!

Yes, you could say that...
Right, Brigid?

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Rough times indeed, though it seems
you’ve come out the other side
just fine.

It was a time of war... Many suffered
far more than I.

In fact, I would say I was blessed.
The captain raised me to be
a survivor.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

He must have been a good man.

Indeed he was. Now, Geese, to return
to the beginning... You search for
a map?

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

My whole life. See, my family were
merchants who shipped out on
the seas.

My older brother was all set to inherit
the business, but then he ran off. It
fell to me instead.

But war broke out, and I couldn’t
do business anymore...

I didn’t know that. So you weren’t
always a pirate.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

The war upended everything, my
business included. I had no choice.
My crew were good people though.

None of ‘em want to fight or steal.

Pirates we may be, but only in name.
We’re better at getting things and
people where they need to be.

It seems that the pirates of other
worlds all have their own stories,
their own circumstances.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

Tell you the truth, my dream is to
rebuild the business and get back
to honest shipping.

I want to strike it rich and feed
my crew... But you need money
to make money.

And that is where the treasure map
comes in.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

The sea isn’t a battlefield. It’s where
you make your dreams come true.

I’ll get my hands on that money,
look out at the gleaming waves,
and I’ll shout...

“Look here, crew! I did it! We made it!
The sea always provides!”

No matter how fiercely the seas rage,
you cling to your dreams. Wonderful.

Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

I hope your dream comes
true, Geese!

Brigid: Awakened Bow - S

Background image: 002_PlainSea
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I thank you, Princess Fjorm, for your
generosity with your time.

I met a number of fine pirates among
the Order of Heroes, and it is all
thanks to you.

I am so glad I took the time, then!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

All those I met are brave souls who
live with the sea.

Chivalrous outlaws all, and
determined to face the wrath of
the waves.

If they join together, it would be a
great boon to Askr, I believe.

Makes an old man happy to hear
those fine words.

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

Fargus! And the rest of you are with
him too.

Peace means more than money. After
all, peace brings business with it!

Geese A Life at Sea Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

I may have put me piratin’ days
behind me, but I’ll be of use, make
no mistake!

Listen up, Brigid. We have an idea.
How ‘bout the four of us joining up
as a pirate band?

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

We should be working together, don’t
you think?

I’ll swab the decks!

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

I suppose this must make us the
Askr Pirates. And I think Fargus
must be the captain.

Haha! I thank you for the thought, but
I’m better when I let loose and smash
some skulls.

I’ll leave the captaining to you, if it’s
all the same.

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

But when I was captain, I could not
hold my crew together...and in the
end, they betrayed me.

I think this is where I step in.

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

You... You are me? Another me?
But how?

Heh-heh. Yes, I am you. But from
another world.

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

I should have introduced you already!
Please forgive me!

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes, this is Brigid—the pirate. She
came to Askr to join in our
pirate festival.

Well, no wonder you looked
so familiar!

Fargus Badon Buccaneer Face FC
Geese A Life at Sea Face FC

True it is. I’d seen her before, but
your manner is so different...I didn’t
put it together till now.

So what do you say? Cocaptains?

We may have a lot to learn, but two
heads are better than one, no?

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Brigid Awakened Bow Face FC

You may be right. We can make it
work—if you are willing.

Let us lead this pirate band and bring
peace to the seas of Askr.

Then it’s settled. Let us raise the flag
of the Askr Pirates!

Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

No complaints from me, captains. I
look forward to followin’ yer orders!

Aye. We have two goddesses to lead
us. Lead us to treasure, I expect!

Geese A Life at Sea Face FC
Lifis Terror of Iz Face FC

What’s this I hear? It’s a travesty!

I heard a beautiful new arrival to
Askr has been meeting with pirates—
so why not me?

August, what’s the meaning of this?

Do not bring your nonsense to me. I
have important tactical decisions
to make.

If I were to theorize, I would point to
your demeanor and conduct. Look
there and you shall have your answer.

August Astute Tactician Face FC
Lifis Terror of Iz Face FC

What? Fools, the lot of you. Fools!

Midir: Archer of Yngvi[ | ]

Midir: Archer of Yngvi - C

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC


Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Tch! My aim is still not good enough.
Concentrate... Haa!

Hm? Oh, it’s Midir. He’s been at the
training grounds lately, working so
hard on his bowmanship.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Still not enough... You’ll be useless to
the princesses if you stay like this!

You must improve... Haa!

He seems so focused. But...
something’s wrong. What is it...

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Ah, Princess Sharena. Did you come
to train too?

Hello, Ronan! Oh, and hello, Castor
and Neimi.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

G-good day, Princess.

Princess Sharena, I was hoping we
could resume our conversation from
before. mother is ill, and—

Castor Loving Son Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Perhaps that’s a topic for another
time, Castor. Let’s speak with
Midir while we have the chance.

U-um, hello. You’re Midir, correct?
Apologies for interrupting
your training.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Hm? You three are archers... Oh, and
Princess Sharena. Is something
the matter?

Ah, no. I was just passing by, but it
seems the others have something to
discuss with you.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

What can I do for you?

We wanted to offer an invitation.
Perhaps you would like to come
hunting with us.

Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC
Castor Loving Son Face FC

The mountains around the castle are
abundant with game.

And the dining staff asked us to
secure meat for tonight’s dinner. We
thought it might lighten your mood.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

My mood?

Oh! In that case, allow me to
accompany you! I would love to
watch you all hunt!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

All right. Lead the way.

Midir: Archer of Yngvi - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Castor Loving Son Face FC


Ah! That bird dodged your shot! But
it was a commendable effort, Castor.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Castor Loving Son Face FC

I thought I had it! It has been a while
since my last hunt, but I hadn’t
thought my aim had dulled this much.

Is that so? I had heard you were born
into a family of hunters like I was.

Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC
Castor Loving Son Face FC

Yes, but it didn’t make much money,
so I stopped... Heheh.

Oh! See there? Haaa!

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Very impressive, Neimi, but I’d expect
nothing less. Seems although the bird
was quick, you were far quicker.

Heheheh... It must be thanks to
my grandfather’s teachings.

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

You are all quite skilled. I cannot
allow myself to fall behind... Haaa!

W-wow... Midir slew one with one
shot too!

Castor Loving Son Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile

All right, everyone! Let’s take a break.

I see... So your grandfather was a
skilled archer as well. I see where
you get your talents, Neimi.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Yes, it’s all thanks to him. He taught
me when I was little...

You are quite skilled yourself.

Thank you. I studied as a squire.
I was so young...

Back then, I knew little and
understood less. I chafe at
the memories. But even so...

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile

It’s good to see you smiling...
I’m glad.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

It seemed like you were pushing
yourself very hard at the training
grounds. I admit, I was...concerned.

My apologies if I worried you. In the
mountains, training with my bow
always begot a sense of peace.

But lately, the weight of responsibility
when I draw my bow has been...
well...overwhelming at times.

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

Even if what you do is the same,
the weight it puts on the heart
changes as you do.

Hm? I think I just heard something!

Castor Loving Son Face FC
Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

I heard it too.

Th-there! In the tall grass!

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Midir: Archer of Yngvi - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Castor Loving Son Face FC

Aaahhh! It’s a bear!


Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC

I can’t believe it snuck up on us!
H-how did we miss it?!

Whoa! I had no idea bears could
even get this big!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC

Princess Sharena, this is no time to
focus on your surprise! Watch out!


Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Duck, Princess! Hmph! Hrraa!

Rrragh?! *growl*

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

H-huh? M-Midir. You saved me.

What impeccable aim... You felled
that bear with a single shot!

Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC
Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC

Phew... That was close. Thank you,
Midir. I owe you my life!

Wh-what? N-not at all, Princess. You
were in danger, and my body, it just...
reacted to protect you...

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC
Castor Loving Son Face FC

But to hit the target’s weak point in
such a turbulent situation was
truly astounding.

And to slay it with one shot, no less.
Even my grandfather would
be impressed!

Neimi Tearful Archer Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

It’s strange... By the time I knew I
must protect you...

I had already nocked my arrow and
released my bowstring without a
thought. As if...being guided by...


Ronan Villager of Iz Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

I see. I understand it now, though
perhaps only vaguely.

Ronan, Castor, Neimi,
Princess Sharena...

Thank you for bringing me hunting. It
seems it was precisely what I needed.
Please, let us continue...

Midir: Archer of Yngvi - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Right...there! Haaa!

Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Breathe. Eyes on the target... Yaaa!

Wow! Great work today, Midir!
As always, your help was
simply invaluable!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Princess Sharena. I am glad to see
you unharmed. If we keep this up in
our final push, victory will be ours.

Hold on... Midir? Is it me, or is
something different? You’ve changed,
haven’t you?

I saw it when you first came to Askr...
How far you pushed yourself, and
how hard you were on, well, you.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Before Askr, I was...a failure, unable
to see any of my responsibilities
to the end. And others paid for it...

I see. So that’s why you spent so
much time at the training grounds.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain2
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Yes...but even so, no matter how
many times I drew on my bowstring,
nothing changed. I was still me.

Why do I even wield a bow? To
defend others? To protect myself?
To feel strong?

My bow never answered. So in Askr, I
decided to reach for strength and
strength alone.

But something changed when we
were hunting, didn’t it?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face FC
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

When it came to saving you, my body
reacted, moved on its own! And I
remembered why I carry this bow...

I have people to protect. People I
must protect.

I am grateful that you would worry
over me, Princess Sharena, and to
the others for bringing me hunting.

Grateful? Please, think nothing of it!
I should be thanking you. You’re the
one who saved me, after all.

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Smile
Midir Archer of Yngvi Face FC

Heh. I became a knight with this bow.
Now I truly understand what it means
to wield its strength.

For Lady Brigid, Lady Edain, and
my beloved companions in Askr,
I will become stronger...

Book IX, Chapter 3: Part 5: Beckoning Chaos
Chulainn: Unbeaten Warrior

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