Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Type Icon Name SP Required Description
A Leaden Regrets Leaden Regrets 300 If unit can transform, transformation effects gain "if unit is within 2 spaces of a beast or dragon ally, or if number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 2" as a trigger condition (in addition to existing conditions).

If defending in Aether Raids, at the start of enemy turn 1, if conditions for transforming are met, unit transforms.

If unit is transformed or if foe initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-10 on foe, reduces damage from foe's follow-up attack by 80% ("follow-up attack" normally means only the second strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the third and fourth strikes), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If foe initiates combat, after combat, the closest foes within 4 spaces of target who have yet to act have their actions end immediately.
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

* Unused restrictions: No restrictions.

Effects[ | ]

Map effects
 Adds "if a Icon Type DragonstoneIcon Type Beast Dragon/Beast
Ally Ally is within 2 spaces
or adjacent non-
Icon Type DragonstoneIcon Type Beast Dragon/Beast
Allies Allies ≤ 2"
to Icon Type Beast Unit Unit's
transformation conditions
Unit Unit
Icon Type Beast Unit Unit Transforms
if conditions are met
Start of enemy
turn 1 if defending
in Aether Raids
End Action Ends actionClosest Foes Foes
within 4 spaces
of Foe Target
After combat in
Enemy Phase
Combat effects
Temporary debuffs Atk/Def-10Foe FoeEnemy Phase or
Unit Unit is transformed
Reduce Damage Reduction Reduces the effect of
"Reduces damage by X%" by 50%
Damage Reduction Reduces damage by 80%
from Foe Foe's follow-up
(including fourth attacks)
Unit Unit

Notes[ | ]

  • The additional transformation conditions added by Leaden Regrets allow the user to transform if either the regular transformation conditions or the additional transformation conditions are met.
  • "If foe initiates combat" means if a foe triggers combat during the enemy phase. The unit being initiated upon does not need to deal damage, nor be able to counterattack.
    • However, if the effect is applied after combat, the unit being initiated upon must also survive it to fulfill this condition.
  • The stat decrease that can be applied by Leaden Regrets is considered a temporary debuff.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Fomortiis Dark of Night Face FC
Leaden Regrets

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 鉛色の残夢
German ???
Spanish (Europe) ???
Spanish (Latin America) ???
French ???
Italian ???
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ???
Portuguese ???

See also[ | ]
