Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Dimitri: The Protector - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Prince Dimitri, have you yet grown
accustomed to life here?

I appreciate your consideration. In
fact, thanks to you, the adjustment
has been easy. I have only one issue...

It's that, even if I had unlimited time,
it would not be enough to learn about
all the Heroes from other worlds.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I feel the same. There is much we can
learn from them.

Ah, another issue comes to mind.
Will you do something for me, Prince

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I will try. What is it you need, Prince?

Know that you don't need to speak
so politely to me. After all, in this
world, I am not a prince.

Here, I am but one of many leaders.
I feel a little unsettled hearing you
speak to me with such politeness.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Of course. If you would feel more
comfortable with less formality on my
part, I will adjust accordingly.

In that case, would you consider
taking a more familiar attitude with
me as well?

I may be a prince of this country, but
we are both members of the Order of
Heroes. In that sense, we are equals.


...Understood. If that is your wish,
then I am happy to oblige.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC

Dimitri: The Protector - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger

The enemy is dug in on this position.
That being said, the best entry point
for our attack would be there.

The fortress? If we attack from there,
we would have a tactical advantage.

However, in that case, the fighting
could impact people in that town
adjoining the fortress.

We would be risking civilian lives to
complete the objective. It is rational,
but perhaps not moral.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger


If we shirked this opportunity and let
the enemy survive, we would risk
many more lives.

As the prince of this realm, it is my
duty to protect as many of my people
as I can. It is the rational choice.

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

And yet...

Alfonse, if I may...

This decision need not be a binary.
Why don't we consider alternative

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

Excuse me?

You need not rely strictly on yourself
to make this decision. Others might
be able to suggest different paths.

I have assembled suggestions from
others in your army.

I asked everyone, from seasoned
military minds to those who usually
skip war council meetings.

Drawing from their wisdom, I have
devised a few plans of my own—
of course, the final decision is yours.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC


Whether in your country or my own,
I cannot abide the spilling of innocent

No cause is great enough to merit
such a cost.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC

Dimitri: The Protector - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Thank you, Dimitri. Your strategy let
us scrape by without needless losses.

Yes. Well.

Your own leadership is to thank for
the victory. It was you who made the
choice. I merely advised you.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

I kept going back and forth.

I obsessed over the possibility that,
by protecting a handful of innocents,
I was endangering countless more.

But my conscience would not let me
accept the trade-off. I am ashamed
that I dithered for so long.

Alfonse... Permit me to say one thing.

Ethical choices are ambiguous.
Laws may flatten these ambiguities,
but leaders should embrace them.

At times, one must rely on logic to
make a decision. But that does not
mean ignoring what one's heart says.

When faced with a difficult decision,
you should struggle to find the truth,
even at the risk of seeming indecisive.

That is what I consider to be the role
of a leader, at any rate.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Struggling to find the right path...
And sticking to it, no matter the

That's the kind of leader I would
like to be...

...The kind of king I hope to be.

Hah. It seems the two of us are cut
from the same cloth.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC

Dimitri: The Protector - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger

Dimitri. I notice a certain carelessness
in your fighting. Carelessness as to
your own survival, I mean.

Is that really how it looks?

I have always enjoyed fighting. On
the battlefield, lance in hand, I am
not troubled by my thoughts.

It is how I was raised—I learned to
wield a weapon before I learned how
to write my own name.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Even though you're a prince?

No. It is because I am a prince.

Houses carrying the bloodlines of
the 10 Elites have always used their
Crests to protect the Kingdom.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Crests... Those are the powers passed
down through certain bloodlines in
Fódlan, yes?

Correct. And as someone born with
the Crest of the Kingdom's royal
family, it is my duty to protect others.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

If that's the case, why do you fight
with so little regard for your own life?
Your life is not yours alone.

You are right. My people cannot
afford for me to die.

My life was never mine to begin with.
I haven't the right to throw it away.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC


Oh... It's nothing. Thank you for your
concern, Alfonse. You are too kind.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

I am not being kind. We are so similar,
I feel that I just can't leave you be.

...I see.

In that case, Alfonse, let us battle side
by side and survive the fight together.
For duty's sake.

Dimitri The Protector Face FC
← Petra Dimitri →
Joining Forces
Red Friendship
Byleth F
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
