Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Jötunheimr is the realm of Jötun. It is always ruled by a queen, and the nation values tradition over others. Its counterpart is Niðavellir.

People[ | ]

  • Þjazi is a Jötunar from Jötunheimr's past who seeks to usurp the queen of Jötunheimr and bring Niðavellir back under the rule of Jötunheimr.
  • Dagr is the younger princess of Jötunheimr, who joins with the Order of Heroes on their way to the castle.
  • Nótt is the older princess of Jötunheimr.

Resplendent Heroes[ | ]

The outfits of these Resplendent Resplendent Heroes are based on Jötunheimr.

Trivia[ | ]

  • In Norse mythology, Jötunheimr is the home of Jötnar, which are often erroneously translated as "giants".

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese ヨトゥン
German Jötunheimr
Spanish (Europe) Jötunheimr
Spanish (Latin America) Jötunheimr
French Jötunheimr
Italian Jötunheimr
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 約頓
Portuguese Jötunheimr