Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Lilina: Brilliant Flame - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Roy Young Lion Face FC

There you are, Lilina! Welcome
to Askr.

So you are here, Roy! I’m glad I’m not
alone here.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Roy Young Lion Face FC

I heard you had been summoned, so I
wanted to greet you then and there.
But I was in battle and just got back.

Oh, don’t worry about me! You
were busy.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Roy Young Lion Face FC

Indeed! I am fighting for Askr as one
of the Order of Heroes.

Commander Anna explained—how
we’ve all been summoned from our
worlds to fight as one.

I have been whisked to a world of
living legends, it seems...

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Roy Young Lion Face FC

Chin up, Lilina! The Order of Heroes
will surely benefit from your support.

Many of our allies from the Lycian
League are here too. And of course,
I will fight by your side!

Thank you, Roy. You always know
how to reassure me. It is good that
you are here. I will do all I can!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Roy Young Lion Face FC

I am counting on you, Lilina, and
so in Askr!

If I can draw out the power of this
new tome, I am sure it will help Roy.

I must master it, for the sake of all
the people who dwell in this land!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Lilina: Brilliant Flame - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Yah! Hah!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

So many enemies...but I must
prevail! Hee-yah!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Somehow...I did it. But I still haven’t
mastered the intricacies of
this tome...

I can sense an immense power within,
but so much of it remains untapped.

I must consider how to bring it fully
under my control!

Look out!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC


What are you doing just standing
there woolgathering? The battlefield
is overrun with foes!

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC


We must rout the enemy. Are you
with me, or are you not?

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Of course I am!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

*pant* It has grown quiet. At last...

Indeed, it seems that is the end of it.
Are you injured?

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

N-no, I’m all right. Sorry for worrying
you. But thank you for saving me.

I know that you know better than to
be lost in thought on the battlefield.
What troubles you?

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

You are correct. I was considering
how I might draw out the true power
of this tome.

It is remarkable...but I can tell it will
be difficult to master. You must study
hard, and train hard too.

I know you can do it though. You are
diligent and have a talent for magic.

I also observed you making good use
of it just now.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Good, perhaps, but not good enough.
As you say, I must train more.
Much more...

Lilina: Brilliant Flame - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Focus... Yah!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

No, this isn’t enough! The flames are
flickering! I must try again... Graaah!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

*pant* It’s not...good enough...

Lilina! What are you doing? Have you
been practicing all day?

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Cecilia... I...

Careful! You almost fell right over just
now! It is high time you took a break.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

I know... I just wanted to master the
tome as soon as I could...

Training is important, yes, but you
gain nothing if you destroy yourself
in the process.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

Is this tome too much for me?

What do you think?

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

There are many gifted mages in the
Order of Heroes.

It may be best that I give the tome to
one of them.

If that is what you wish, then of
course you may do so. You may
even be correct to do so.

But I find it difficult to believe that
this tome found its way into your
hands for no reason.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC


I say it is too soon to give up. You
must explore every means to achieve
your goal.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

What sort of means do you have
in mind?

Do not forget—you are not alone.
Your companions can support you
on your road to mastery.

I, for one, believe there must be a
more effective method for success
than simply training day in, day out.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

I pray you are correct...

Whatever the case, you have done
enough for one day. Your mind and
heart are exhausted, so rest.

Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC
Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC

You are right, Cecilia. Thank you.

Lilina: Brilliant Flame - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

Good morning, Lilina. I hope you
are faring better than you
were yesterday.

I am, yes. And I think I owe you an
apology, Cecilia. Thank you for
looking out for me.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

It seems you are back to your old
self. Good. As a mage, you must learn
to remain calm and collected.

That is how we control such great
power. And that calm has its origin
in self-assuredness.

That is certainly something I did not
possess until yesterday.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

That is because you are a deeply
earnest person. You stake your life
on fulfilling your responsibilities.

One such as mastering that tome.

You’re right, of course. But that
isn’t all...

I also wish to live up to Roy’s
expectations of me.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

If the burden of expectations and
responsibilities ever becomes too
great, it is wise to seek help.

From your friends, or from the other
mages in the Order of Heroes.

You are right! There are many
exceptional mages gathered
here, from many lands.

If I call upon their strength, instead of
just pushing myself...I will be able to
make real progress.

What a relief it is to consider asking
for help! And so I shall. The mages
of the Order will offer wise counsel.

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

Wise and happily given, I am sure.
You have made the right decision.

This is what I had been considering
trying... What do you think? Yaaah!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Linde Light Mage Face FC

Not bad! Better than yesterday, to
be sure.

My exceptional perception makes it
clear—you have more potential.

Lute Prodigy Face FC
Ophelia Dramatic Heroine Face FC

An explosive, vibrant flame! Burning
Passion, Smoldering Soul! How about
that for a name?

I...I will consider that. Later, perhaps...

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Sonya Vengeful Mage Face FC

You’ve worked on power, but how
about distance? Let’s try a farther
target and see what happens.

Yes! I’ll get it another go. And I’ll be
stronger yet! I will give it my all!

Lilina Brilliant Flame Face FC
Cecilia Etrurian General Face FC

Heh. It seems like these mages of
other lands are very helpful in
training my dear Lilina.

Lilina...your greatest assets are your
optimism and determination. You
make people want to help you!

And that is why this tome was
entrusted to you, I expect. No, I’m
certain of it.

I have the highest expectations
for you!

← Merlinus Bors →
Inspiring Beacon
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
