Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Elffin: Truth Beholden - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

I can sense the enemy’s presence still
lingering here. Though there are not
many of them left.

I am confident our victory will be
sealed when Klein arrives with

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Oh! M-my eyes... Not now...

I found someone. Come, this way!

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

I have been spotted!

Aha! A tiny remnant of that band of
thieves... You should really keep your
guard up, you know. Hiyah!

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Wh-wha... The enemy...has fallen?

Is ally I hear?

That’s right! You really put yourself
in danger there.

Oh, I see you’re a bit off-balance. Are

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

No, no, I am well. My sight will return
in a moment...

Thank you for saving me.

You... You’re the strategist who was
summoned here recently, huh?

I’m Joshua, by the way. I’m a humble
mercenary from Magvel, and I’ve
been hired by the Order of Heroes.

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

I am Elffin, a bard from Elibe. I was
a member of the resistance.

Hmm... A bard of the resistance?
OK then... I won’t pry.

More importantly, what’s up with
your eyes? Should I fetch a cleric?

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

It is nothing. Simply the effects of an
illness that has ailed me for quite
some time.

Unfortunately, I cannot be healed by
a cleric. A moment’s rest shall help
me feel much better.

Prince Myrddin! Are you unharmed?!

Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Uh, Prince?


Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Klein Silver Nobleman Face FC

Oh, I-I-I mean, Elffin, it-it’s you. Are
you injured?

Hm, that’s suspicious. I suppose
everyone’s got their secrets. I’ll just
pretend I didn’t hear that.

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC


Elffin: Truth Beholden - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Ah... And so we meet again, Elffin.

Good day, Joshua.

I have a matter to discuss with you...
About what you heard the other day,
I would appreciate your discretion.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

You got it. I may not look like it, but
I can keep a secret.

But can I ask... Why conceal your

Since you did save my life, I feel I
owe you an explanation.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

There was a rebel in the palace?

Yes, and I was nearly assassinated.
A loyal retainer devised a plot to
validate my assassination.

He arranged my escape to the
Western Isles, which lie off the coast.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

And this illness you have? It is an
aftereffect of the attempt on
your life?

Yes. As you observed, the poison
from the arrow that struck me still
affects my eyesight.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I’m glad you survived. But, that is
quite the hardship to endure.

Why join the resistance? Revenge
against those who targeted you?

Actually, no...

While I recovered, I witnessed the
corrupt ways of the Etrurian
government in the Western Isles.

Nobles imposed unfair rule over
people simply to fatten their
own bellies...

I had been blind to their atrocities
while I was in the palace.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I see. So that’s why you joined the

What a trill! A prince hiding his
identity, attempting to make the
world a better place!

Wouldn’t you know, it sounds like
the type of tale I’d hear in a bard’s
song. Though...

I imagine it’s a less of a thrill to you
and more of a life-or-death matter...

Might I ask you something as well,

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Normally I’d say you’ll get my answer
if you beat me in a bet, but...

I’ll answer any question you have, as
a way of saying thank you for
sharing such an interesting tale.

Might it be that you are of similar
background to me?

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Hey! You’re getting awfully personal
all of a sudden. Care to explain why
you think this of me, sir strategist?

I have long lived in a palace. I can
recognize the aura of one who
comes and goes from such a place.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Really? Well... When did you notice
this of me?

The moment you told me you were a
humble mercenary. It was then that I
felt something peculiar.

I venture to guess you felt it also,
when I told you I was a bard, did
you not?

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Haha, it’s true. I guess we both saw
through each other the moment we
met... We’re not so different, huh?

Elffin: Truth Beholden - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I am the crown prince of Jehanna,
a desert land in Magvel.

Jehanna is a large country in the
east, correct?

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Impressive. But I’d expect no less of
a respected strategist. Do you know
the geography of other worlds too?

I am not an expert on all the worlds
the way 【Summoner】 is.

I have only studied the minimum
necessary to contribute to the
Order of Heroes.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I see. As far as my past, I wasn’t cut
out for the strict upbringing I had at
the palace.

I left Jehanna in secret, intent on
wandering the land on my own.

The people at the palace must have
been distraught over your
sudden disappearance...

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Perhaps they were, but on the other
hand, they may have expected it
from me.

I traveled place to place across
Magvel and worked as a mercenary.

Were you not afraid of the world
outside your palace walls?

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

The desire to flee my oppressive life
outweighed any fear I felt.

Though, I never imagined I’d actually
go so far as to cross into another

Do you experience regret for
abandoning your status as a prince?

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I am not sure... For now, I’m satisfied
if I can simply wield my blade for
those who need it.


Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

You know, I said we were similar, but
I really shouldn’t have...

I left home for selfish reasons. You
and I are not comparable.

Yes, we are. Though I left due to
circumstances out of my control, you
made the difficult decision yourself.

That strength of will is
truly commendable.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

I’m not so sure... I acted as a selfish
child with no foresight.

I don’t lay my life on the line to fight
for my homeland like you do.


Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC
Joshua Tempest King Face FC

Back in the palace, I didn’t feel like
royalty in the slightest.

Even so... I can’t imagine how my
mother must have suffered from
my choices.

*sigh* All right. That’s enough sad
talk. Let’s move on.

Another battlefield awaits us
tomorrow. Let’s do our best for
the cause.

Yes. I do hope we will fight at
one another’s sides again.

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Elffin: Truth Beholden - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

I am glad to see you made it through
unharmed, Joshua.

Hello, Elffin. Yes, the battle was
fierce today. Did your illness
flare up?

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

No, it did not. In fact, the flare-ups
seem to have decreased in
frequency recently.

Sounds like luck is on your side
then, eh? That’s good to hear.

But keep your guard up. Misfortune
beckons around every corner.

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

I shall etch those words on my heart.

I have a duty to return to Elibe one
day and right my country’s injustices.
I must not fall before that day.

Haha, that’s the spirit! Luck only
smiles on those who never give up.

Let me know if I can help you with
anything while we’re in Askr.

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Thank you. I will count on you.

Ah, that reminds me... I have
something interesting to tell you.

It seems there’s another like us in
the Order of Heroes...

A prince who’s concealing his true
identity and traveling across the land.

Joshua Tempest King Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Really? That is interesting. What kind
of person do you suppose he
might be...

Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

♪ ♪ ♪

Oh, what is this? I am lured by a most
beautiful melody...

Ah, behold a mysterious, handsome
young man on his harp. What a sight.

It could only be made better if it were
a woman of peerless beauty...

Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

And who might you be?

My name is Lewyn. I am a mere
traveler, a bard who hails
from Jugdral.

Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

A...traveler, you say? Hmm...

What is it? What is wrong? Did I say
something strange?

Lewyn Guiding Breeze Face FC
Elffin Truth Beholden Face FC

Oh, no...of course not. Forgive my
manners. I was only reminded of
something someone told me recently.

I am Elffin. I am a bard, like you,
hailing from Elibe. It is a pleasure...

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