Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Wep rd058
Weapon type Staff
Might 8
Range 2
Required Assault
SP 200
Exclusive? No
String ID SID_インキュアブル
Numeric ID 3635
Foe cannot recover HP during or after combat. After combat, if unit attacked, deals 7 damage to and inflicts【Deep Wounds】on target. Foe cannot recover HP during or after combat. After combat, if unit attacked, deals 7 damage to and inflicts【Deep Wounds】on target.

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.

Notes[ | ]

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Saul Loving Shepherd Face FC

Availability[ | ]

Summoning events

  • This skill has not been available on any focus units on any summoning events.

Distributed units

  • Book VII Midpoint quest (June 2023) (×2)

Combat Manuals

Start End Hero Currency
2024-05-07T05:00:00Z 2024-06-28T06:59:59Z Saul: Loving Shepherd Divine Code: Ephemera 5

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese インキュアブル
German Unheilbar
Spanish (Europe) Incurable
Spanish (Latin America) Incurable
French Incurable
Italian Incurabile
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 不癒
Portuguese Incurável

See also[ | ]
