Heroes' Saga
The struggle between the peaceful Hoshido and the militant Nohr was reflected nowhere more strongly than Corrin's heart. For one from Hoshido but raised in Nohr, it was like having two homes, two families—until Nohr's King Garon assassinated Corrin's mother. Forced to choose between two brothers—Ryoma of Hoshido and Xander of Nohr—Corrin sided with Ryoma, and marched on Garon...
平和を愛する白夜王国と 戦を是とする暗夜王国 白夜に生まれ暗夜に育った王子カムイは 母を暗夜王ガロンに謀殺され 二国の間で揺れ動く 白夜の兄リョウマと暗夜の兄マークス カムイはリョウマの手を取り ガロンを討つ道を選び取る
1st Act
When King Garon visited a lively port town to view a performance, Azura, songstress and comrade of Corrin, attempted to captivate and control him with her mysterious song. Xander's arrival, however, shifted the balance of the situation. Backed into a corner, Corrin was able to emerge safely thanks to assistance from Elise, the youngest of the royal Nohrian siblings...
歌と踊りで賑わう港町を訪れるガロン王 カムイの同志 歌姫アクアは 不思議な歌の力でガロンを捕らえようとした そこへマークスが現れ形勢は逆転 追い詰められたカムイを身を挺し救ったのは 暗夜の妹姫エリーゼであった
2nd Act
Corrin and company continued on, advancing through Nohrian lands under the ever-present cover of darkness. Nohr's barren earth bore only meager foodstuffs, forcing its people to conquer to survive. Deep in wooded Nohrian territory, the party encountered and defeated Leo, who revealed to them the conflict in his heart—and their way forward...
暗夜王国に進軍するカムイたち そこは闇に覆われ乏しい糧を人々が奪い合う 争いの絶えぬ不毛の地であった 闇深い森での暗夜の弟王子レオンとの戦い 敗れたレオンは葛藤する胸の内を明かし 彼らに次の道を示し去ってゆく
3rd Act
Reaching the capital underground, Corrin reunited with Elise. With her guidance, they infiltrated the castle only to be surprised by Camilla along the way. Appealing to her heart, Corrin and Elise desperately pleaded with Camilla until she lowered her axe and sent them on their way...
たどり着いた王都の地下で カムイはエリーゼと再会する 彼女の手引きで王城へと侵入する道半ば 暗夜の姉王女カミラが襲撃 カムイとエリーゼの必死の訴えに カミラは斧を収め彼らを送り出す
4th Act
Defeating Iago with the aid of Leo, Corrin then met Xander in the castle and was forced to fight. Elise, not wanting to see her siblings hurt one another, put herself between the two and was struck down by Xander's blade. Even with her death, Xander could not surrender, and ultimately allowed himself to be defeated to save his own Nohrian pride...
憎き仇敵を倒し レオンに助けられ カムイは王城でマークスと邂逅する エリーゼはふたりの戦いを阻止せんとして マークスの剣に命を落とす 妹姫の願いも虚しく マークスは激闘の末 暗夜王子の矜持に殉じるのだった
Final Act
After so much sacrifice, Corrin finally brought Garon low, but was able to do so only with the aid of Azura, who put all of her remaining strength into her song before expiring from the strain. On the day of Ryoma's ascension to the throne, Corrin's heart leaped with joy at the sight of Azura in the lake where the two first met—but in a blink, she was gone again, vanishing into the waters.
多大な犠牲を払いながらも ついにカムイはガロンを斃すが アクアは歌の力を使い果たし消滅する リョウマが白夜王に即位するその日 湖のほとりに佇むアクアに喜ぶカムイ だが目を閉じた刹那 彼女は再び消えてしまった