Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

In Those We Hope - Opening

Background image: 005_Castle
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

Robin, Felix, Bernadetta... You have
my utmost gratitude for responding
to my sudden summons.

I take it this is an urgent matter. But
what is the nature of it?

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Felix Sword Savant Face FC

Why are we the only ones here? Is it
some mission you need handled
with discretion?

Uh... You wouldn't ask us to
assassinate anyone, or anything
nefarious like that, would you?!

I'm sure Felix is fine with it, so...uh...
can I go now?

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

No, no, it's nothing violent like that!
Have you heard of the Hero Fest
that's held in Askr?

I heard it's a festival where the
people of Askr express their gratitude
to the Heroes.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

Yes, it is a festival for the Heroes as
much as it is for the Askrans. The
entire country comes together for it.

I never knew such a thing existed.

At least it has nothing to do with me,
so...I'll stick to my room!

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Actually, Bernadetta, it does have to
do with you.

We would like you to speak at the
festival, as one of the representatives
of the Heroes.

We asked the summoner to choose
who should speak in front of
everyone, and...

The summoner recommended that
I join the three of you for this task.

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

The four of us represent the Heroes?
That is an important role.

Is this some kind of joke?! Why am I
getting dragged into this?

You're trying to upset me, huh?
I know! You want to humiliate me in
front of everyone...

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

That is not our intention. It seems this
decision was well thought out and
made for good reason.

Apparently, the voices of those who
need you were heard from worlds
away by 【Summoner】.

That being said, Commander Anna
has the final say, as she is responsible
for the festival.

I agree with the summoner! You all
should be proud to gain the support
of people from other worlds.

Anna Commander Face Smile
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

It is the duty of a Hero to meet the
expectations of the people. So, leave
it to us.

I will accept; however, I may not
have much to say beyond my
knowledge of the blade.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Anna Commander Face FC

Thank you all. I look forward to
hearing what you have to say!

Whaaa! It's decided then?! No, no,
nooo... Why meee...

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

In Those We Hope - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

As I recall, the speaking topic chosen
by Commander Anna is “What is
a Hero?”

Robin, Felix, Bernadetta... How are
your preparations going? We have
one week until the Hero Fest.

It has actually proven difficult to
process my thoughts on the subject.

I am grateful you made time for us to
strategize today.

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

It can be hard to express your
emotions, so I wanted to award us
ample time to ponder them together.

And your words, Alfonse, are not only
those of a prince, but also a Hero
wishing to enlighten the path ahead.

I would think your job is the most
challenging, to bear the weight of that
responsibility on your shoulders. appears the one
struggling most of all is you,

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Whaaat?! Don’t call on me so

I can’t do it. I won’t! Whether you
attempt to scare me into it or not!

Hmph. Judging from this reaction,
it’s clear as day that you’ve made
no progress.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

B-but a Hero... What is a Hero?!
There’s no real answer to that...

Besides, there’s no way I can talk in
front of all those people anyway...
How do you not get that?!

It’s all right, Bernadetta. We will all
help you think of something.

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

That’s right. If we put our heads
together, we’ll figure out an answer
for sure!

Um... It’s nice you want to support
little ol’ me, but...

Everyone is looking forward to this
festival, and if I speak... Ugh, it’ll just
ruin it!

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Felix Sword Savant Face FC

Hm? What is happening?

Everything is...shaking...

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

It’s as if space itself is splitting in two.
Could it be...a Tempest?! But why
now, of all times?

Ahhh! Time and space are going to
swallow me whole!

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

In Those We Hope - B

Background image: EvBg_Vortex
Felix Sword Savant Face FC

Where...are we? I thought we were
sucked into some kind of vortex, and
the next thing I know, we’re in this...

A Tempest—where time and space
are distorted, and worlds become

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

No, no, nooo! This place has it out
for me! It wants to kill me, I know it!

Look over there! We’re not alone.
There are warriors traveling toward
some kind of light.

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

It’s so bright I can’t quite make it out, that a castle?

A castle—wait! I recognize that castle.
It’s in Askr!

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

They’re invading. We must hold them
back, no matter what.

Please, lend me your aid.

No matter where my opponent is, I
will cut them down with my blade.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

They do not yet notice us. Come,
we will ambush them!

I shall lead the charge with this axe
and we shall take them down
together! Follow me!

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC


They will never enter Askr! Hiyah!

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

The enemy is in disarray! Keep
charging until they turn back!

I have thought about the question of
what makes a Hero for the past
several days, but...

It wasn’t until we began this battle
to protect the people of Askr that I
knew my answer.

To me a Hero is one who forges the
future. It is a Hero’s duty to protect
the future for all people!

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

I can fight with such precision
because I am not alone. I overcome
trials by connecting with others.

So, to me a Hero is one who forges
connections and moves forward
hand-in-hand with others!

My answer is... A Hero is strong.

A Hero does not yield to anyone;
they shape their fate with their own
two hands.

One cannot protect others if they
have no strength.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Wow! I can’t believe we took on so
many enemies with just the four
of us...

Bernadetta! Don’t stop moving,
they’ll swarm you!

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Ahhh! There’s more of them!

Whaaa! They’ll overtake me! They’ll
kill me! I don’t want to die!

Bernadetta? She fled! Hmph.
I thought she’d have more fight in her
than that.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

I cannot force her aid. We shall push
them back with our strength alone!

Urgh! This was challenging enough
with the four of us. Now, to do it
with only three of us?!

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Felix Sword Savant Face FC

If we create an opening, we could
force them through it... But that
seems unlikely.

I will not allow them to pass, even if
it costs my life! We have a future to
build and they will not take it from us!

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC

What is that? Arrows? They’re flying
from afar! Is that...Bernadetta?!

Hraaah! Begone!

You threatened my peace, so this is
what you get!

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Felix Sword Savant Face FC

Impressive! She’s so far away that I
cannot even make her out... Hmph,
she’s good.

Look! The enemy lines are beginning
to crumble!

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

Bernadetta has granted us an
opportunity to strike! Let us do
so swiftly!

In Those We Hope - A

Background image: EvBg BraveCastleNeighborhood
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

Is everyone all right? Even after all
that, we still managed to make it
back to the castle.

All thanks to you, Bernadetta. Your
cover fire was timed perfectly!

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

I’m glad it worked out...somehow...

Hmph, and here I was thinking you’d
fled. But it seems you carry with you
some semblance of pride.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Why are you looking at me like that?!
It’s scary! I helped you in battle, now
what more do you want from me?

You want an explanation?! Fine!
Fighting so close was terrifying! So...I
tried moving farther away...

And you shifted to counterattacking
after putting distance between
yourself and our foes...

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

If I said I didn’t want to flee I’d be
lying. But...

Heroes are people too. We have
feelings, and sometimes it’s OK
to flee.

Indeed. We are individuals before we
are Heroes, after all.

Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

B-but, still! We can’t abandon hope,
even if we do flee. At...least that’s
what I think.

Fleeing can buy you time and maybe
open up an opportunity...

Everything will work out in the end
if you just...don’t give up. I learned
that lesson from all sorts of people.


Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Ahhh! Stop staring at me! Did I say
something embarrassing?!

I believe you have figured out what to
say in front of the people of Askr.

Felix Sword Savant Face FC
Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC

Huh? Th-that?!

Precisely. It is acceptable for Heroes
to flee, but, no matter what, they
must not abandon hope.

When faced with the choice to fight
recklessly or flee, it is better to flee.
I agree with you on this.

Robin Exalts Right Hand Face FC
Alfonse Heir to Openness Face FC

There are as many trains of thought
as there are Heroes in the Order
of Heroes.

Your answer to Anna’s question suits
you well, Bernadetta.

I might flee in the future, but...

If I hold on to hope, maybe the light
will shine wherever I flee. At least it

No, not probably—it sure will! I’ll do
my best to believe this is true!

Bernadetta Sheltered Loner Face FC
Devotion to Protect
In Those We Hope Spirits Ablaze
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Robin F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
