Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Flayn: Playing Innocent - C

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC

Oh, hello. It is good to see you again.
Might you...have a moment to speak?

I am truly grateful to be able
to meet all of you.

It feels wonderful to say I am serving
as an operative of the special forces
corps, the Order of Heroes.

...Oh, is it just Hero?
Not operative? I see...

Well, as wonderful as orders and
heroes are, I do so adore the thought
of being a special-forces operative!

Your allies have introduced many
new turns of phrase. I've never heard
the word "operation" used that way...

Nor had I ever heard the word
"operative," of course.

And the term "special forces" is also
evocative itself. And together, they
are sublime indeed!

Special-forces operative,
special-forces operative...
Hee hee...

I shall not tire of these magic words
any time soon, I assure you.

Now then, shall we set out
for our next operation?

Expect great things from Operative
Flayn of the special-forces division
Order of Heroes!

Flayn: Playing Innocent - B

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC

Oh my, there you are, the summoner
of legend... So good to see you!

Previously, I was unaware that
you were such a prominent figure
amongst the Order of Heroes.

But now, I must say, your title of
legendary summoner does leave
something to be desired.

I am simply unable to abide your
lack of honorifics, so...I will choose
one of my own to use with you.

Order of Heroes Special-Forces
Operative 【Summoner】!

See! That is much more impressive,
do you not agree?

But I think I might have thought of
something even better...


It's obviously a higher rank than
an operative—and it has a certain
stately aspect to it!

I would like that title myself one day...
Commander Flayn, Order of Heroes!

But all this is just a fantasy, as I will
surely never hold that position while
Commander Anna keeps her post...

Ah, apologies for turning gloomy...
It is just that impossible dreams are
so truly heartbreaking...

Flayn: Playing Innocent - A

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC

Oh, it is wonderful to see you again,
Operative 【Summoner】.

Do you have a moment to speak?
I had a truly wonderful thought.

I was thinking more about wanting
a title like commander, and...

As long as Commander Anna is the
commander of the Order of Heroes,
I cannot be a commander, for one...

Beyond that, Askr has so many other
incredible Heroes, and Prince Alfonse
and Princess Sharena besides...

My status as operative is only
a temporary one...

In light of that, there is but one
option left for me to take... Perhaps
you have already figured it out?

I ought to establish my own special
group to carry out secret operations!

Luckily, there does not appear to be
any special-forces group or any sort
of operatives anywhere in Fódlan.

It is a great opportunity! I believe
Commander Anna would be proud.

I will soon announce its creation,
and that will be that. Established!

As for the name... What would
suit it best?

I know! We will adorn it with your
name, the name of the legendary
summoner! Which means it is...

Special Forces and Operations Corps,
Order of 【Summoner】!

...How does that sound?

Oh, and the first commander will
be me, Commander Flayn! This is
beginning to sound like such fun...

Flayn: Playing Innocent - S

Background image: 002 PlainForestInside
Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC


Oh, lovely to see you,

Might we speak a moment? It is
regarding my plan to create the
special-forces group in Fódlan...

It seems there is something
of a snag...

You see, I've invited some students
from the Officers Academy, but they
do not seem the least bit interested.

A commander is only a commander
if she has operatives under her
command, see my problem.

If only I had a summoner like you as
one of my operatives, we could bring
in more new operatives in no time.

Oh! There's an idea!

If you join as one of my operatives,
everything will be solved!

I will need someone I can entrust
with battlefield command as well...
So what do you think?

If you are not happy as an operative,
perhaps I could make you, oh...
vice commander?

Yes! It is settled! Now, join me, and
fight by my side!

...Hm? Oh, WHO we fight is— Well,
special operatives ought to combat
foes of an otherworldly nature...

But it could well be that such foes
will never come to Fódlan.

Then we will fight to protect OTHER
worlds from— Oh, we need the power
to open gateways to other worlds?


It seems that, in the end, impossible
dreams are indeed heartbreaking
after all...

← Seteth Catherine →
In Her Service
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
