Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Lucina: Fate's Resolve - C

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Father, I’m so glad I get to see you!

I’ve heard wonderful things about
the work you’ve done here in Askr.

Oh, Lucina! You look exceptionally
strong. Must be putting in some
hard work.

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

R-really? It might just be this big
armor making me look tougher...

Say, why don’t we take advantage
of this rare opportunity to spar?

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Spar...with you?!

It sounds far more exciting than just
a simple exchange of words, don’t
you think?

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Of course! I’d love to!

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Phew... Thank you. That was a great
test of my skills.

Mine as well! I worked up a good
sweat too.

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

So, um... Do you have any feedback
on my form?

Well... To be honest, I didn’t expect
to see such remarkable growth.

Your movement, your strategy...
I was completely caught off-guard.

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

R-really? It took everything I had just
to keep up with you...

I can sense the inherent power of
your axe, but that power must make
it difficult to wield.

And yet you handle it well. It’s easy
to see the positive results of your
hard work.

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Thank you... It means so much to
hear that from you.

There’s no need to be so humble.
You might even have me outmatched
in a serious fight!

Chrom Crowned Exalt Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

No way! I still have so much to learn...
I want to keep training while I’m in
Askr so I can catch up to you.

Lucina: Fate's Resolve - B

Background image: 014_GaidenCastle
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I see... It must have felt wonderful to
receive such praise from your father.

It felt very affirming, and yet...

At the same time, sparring with
him made me starkly aware of
our difference in strength.

I still have a long way to go.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

Hehe, you’re the same as ever. So
you’ve been at the training grounds
all day to hone your skills?

Yes. It seems I have yet to master
this axe.

I need to train more to have complete
control over it. Hya!

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC


Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC


Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Oho! You, there! You wield that
glorious axe with a warrior’s spirit!

I appreciate the praise. I am Lucina
of Ylisse. Who might you be?

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Bartre. Just a follower of the way of
the axe. I love ‘em, and they love
me right back!

The fire in your eyes, the way you
focus with every swing...

You’re a special one, I can tell!

Um, thank you.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Lemme share something with you
since you’re so passionate about

There’s a group here in Askr that’d
be perfect for you!

Let me know if you’re interested in
taking your skills to the next level!

I appreciate the invitation, but I’m
just a beginner with the axe.

I would like to start by mastering the
basics first.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Gahaha! Not wanting to neglect the
basics, eh? Got a good head on
your shoulders.

I knew you were special! Well,
invitation’s always open, so track
me down when you’re ready to join!

Same goes for you, Princess Fjorm!

Oh, y-yes! I’ll keep that in mind,
thank you.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Well, I’m off! See ya! Gahaha!

Lucina: Fate's Resolve - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

The group Bartre was talking about is
called CHOP. It’s for Heroes who use
axes in battle.

Bartre is also the group’s leader.

A gathering of warriors who wield
axes... How interesting.

I’d like to pay them a visit once I’m
closer to mastering my Arcane Þrima.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

They’re all kind people, so I’m sure
you would be welcomed anytime.


Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Princess Lucina? Is something
troubling you?

It’s just... There’s something I think I
need to do before joining CHOP.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It must be important. May I ask what
it is?

It’s about something that happened
long before I came to Askr.

I took the name Marth and wore
it as my own in the fight against
the Fell Dragon.

It is the name of the legendary
Hero-King who had once saved
the world.

I needed to hide my identity from
my father because of the unusual
circumstances of my arrival.

So I wore a mask to conceal my
identity and took the name of the
legendary Hero...

And so I became Marth.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Do you mean the hero of Archanea?
That Prince Marth?

You know him? I see... So he is also
in the Order of Heroes.

I have been thinking about this ever
since I came to Askr...

If the Hero-King Marth is in this world
too, I would like to apologize to him
for misusing his name.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Even in your Ylisse, Prince Marth is
a near-mythical figure, then.

You chose to use his name because
of his legendary reputation, correct?
Surely he wouldn’t be offended...

The fact remains that I borrowed his
identity without permission.

I would like to apologize directly, but
he’s so...heroic. It will be difficult to
work up the courage to speak to him.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

I understand that struggle all too well.

In that case, why don’t we come
with you?

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

Huh? W-wait, you’re—

Lucina: Fate's Resolve - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Pardon me, Prince Marth. Could I ask
for a moment of your time?

Of course, Princess Fjorm. Oh, who is
this you have with you?

Marth Hero-King Face FC
Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC

H-hello! We’re...

From Ylisse.

Lucina Future Witness Face FC
Lucina Spring Exalt Face FC

Our name is Lucina!

We came here...

Lucina Brave Princess Face FC
Lucina Glorious Archer Face FC

So that we could meet you...

And apologize in person.

Lucina Future Fondness Face FC
Marth Hero-King Face FC

Apologize? But we’ve only just met.

Well, actually...

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Marth Hero-King Face FC

I see... So you fought using my
name to save the world from
a horrible future.

I can only imagine what a difficult
battle it was.

But you persevered and fought to the
very end. That’s quite admirable!

What? But I, um, we...stole your
identity for our own goals.

You were known across the continent
as the symbol of hope itself, a great
and deeply revered hero.

To borrow such an important name
in a moment of desperation is not
some small transgression.

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Marth Hero-King Face FC

Haha, come now, you’re being far too
hard on yourself. I’ve never thought
of myself as some great hero anyway.

I just put everything I had into the
struggles before me with the help of
my friends.

Isn’t that how you overcame your
own troubles?

Well, I suppose...

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Marth Hero-King Face FC

I am happy to hear that my name was
enough to inspire hope in people of
the distant future.

Actually, I’d like to thank you.

Thank you for using my name as a
beacon of hope. I am honored.

Wh-what? Hero-King...

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

Oh, how wonderful! I’m so relieved.
Aren’t you, Lucina?

Yes... I didn’t quite realize how heavy
a weight that had become on my
shoulders until it was lifted.

I thank you from the bottom of my
heart, Hero-King Marth!

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Marth Hero-King Face FC

I hope we can all move on from the
past. What’s important now is that we
fight together for Askr as comrades!

Of course! I’ll devote myself even
more to my training so I might make
you proud!

Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC
Lucina Glorious Archer Face FC

We will all do so, with shared spirit.

I will hold you to your word, then!

Marth Hero-King Face FC
Marth Enigmatic Blade Face FC

Blast! I hid behind this pillar for too
long and missed my opportunity.

I...should have told him I’m sorry too.
Oh well...

← Anna Owain →
Hope Held High
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
