Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Hope's Flame - Opening

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

I told you, I don't need anyone's help
to deal with pathetic bandits attacking
a village, so...

I'm sure you're quite capable, but we
don't know how many of them there
are yet. We should work together.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

That's right! You seem confident in
your magic, but I think we should try
to avoid being needlessly reckless.

I will never be bested by such vulgar
creatures as bandits! I have far more
significant concerns.

Like why must I be forced to work
with you, Merric?

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Arlen, I'm pleased to be reunited with
you like this. We can use our abilities
to complete this mission together.

Work together? With you? Don't be
foolish! I'll never trust you!

The tome of Excalibur was always
meant to be passed on to me!

Although... Perhaps there is an
opportunity here. Shall we see who
can defeat the most bandits?

If I win, you will return Excalibur to
its rightful place with me!

Princess Caeda of Talys and Princess
Yuliya of Grust, I would like you to be
the witnesses for this contest.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

No. We are not going along with your
weird plan for some silly competition
when there is a threat to deal with.

Arlen, setting aside your competition,
fighting may not be the only way to
bring this conflict to a close.

Why don't we try talking to these
bandits? We may be able to resolve
this without the need for combat.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

They're bandits. We must deal with
them decisively or they could do
irreparable damage to the village.

Pay attention, Merric, and you will
see how much greater I am than you!


Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Hope's Flame - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

It has been a while now. The bandits
should arrive at any moment.

I advised the villagers to stay hidden
from danger, but I’m afraid something
bad may still happen.

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC

Yes. We should remain alert as well.

Ridiculous! If they’re going to attack,
we should await them in the open,
and strike them down quickly.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Arlen, I have to disagree with you.

The village could suffer significant
damage if they find out we are here
and attempt to burn us out.

Merric is right. Our priority has to be
protecting the village. To think you
would risk goading the bandits on!

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Quiet, everyone. They’re here. Let’s
watch and see what their move is.

You can stand and gawk if you want.
I shall strike down each and every
one of them myself!

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Wait, Arlen! ...And there he goes.

Hmph! He never listens! Is he too
wrapped up in his own ambitions to
lend an ear to anyone else?!

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC

Don’t worry, I’ll go after Arlen. You
two, protect the village!

You can count on us! Be careful,
Princess Caeda!

Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

What is that? It’s strangely bright on
the eastern side of the village.

What?! Princess Yuliya, watch out!
The bandits have begun shooting
fire arrows!

Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

Then we need to lead the villagers to
safety! Terrible things could happen
if we don’t hurry!

Hope's Flame - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

I will not allow Merric and his irk to
claim this victory. Haaa!

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

Hmph. There are quite a lot of them,
though they’re still no match for me.

But... Where is Merric? He can’t hope
to win if he doesn’t fight.

Everyone, you must listen to me!
I have something important to say!

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

Why is Princess Caeda shouting like
that? Doesn’t she realize we are in
the midst of a battle?

Arlen! You need to stop fighting. At
least until I’ve had a chance to speak.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

Stop fighting? Is this her idea of a
joke? What nonsense!

Everyone, you will be safe if you take
shelter over here! Hurry! The flames
are right behind us!

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Leave this to me! I’ll use my wind
magic to prevent the flames from
coming this way!

I would expect no less of a talented
wind mage! You are stopping the fire
in its tracks!

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Everyone, run to safety now, while
you still can!

Huh? That’s strange. Did you notice
how quiet it has gotten? Is it possible
the fighting could be finished?

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

Yes, it is. The over.

Arlen! Thank goodness you weren’t

Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

I lost track of you when the battle
started. Were you...leading the
villagers to safety?

Why, of course! The bandits shot
flaming arrows at us.

We helped them get away safely, and
Merric prevented the flames from
spreading with his wind magic.

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

I see...

If the battle is over, does that mean
the bandits have all been defeated?

Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

No, a large number remain, though
they seem to have lost the will to
fight. I didn’t have to do a thing.

I don’t understand. Are you saying
they simply stopped fighting?

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC

Perhaps you should come and see
for yourselves.

Conflict only brings greater suffering.
There is no future in it. If you look in
your hearts, I know you’ll see it’s true.

I believe you all have kindness deep
within you. You understand what it
is like to suffer.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

What is this?

Look at that! All the bandits listening
to Princess Caeda speak have cast
aside their weapons!

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

It’s true. Princess Caeda has
convinced them to stop fighting.

I thought it pointless to try convincing
villains such as these the value of
peace, but...

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

Look! Some of them are even crying.
They must have secretly hated doing
such terrible things.

Princess Caeda is remarkable. I can
scarce believe she was able to end
this confrontation without fighting.

Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Hope's Flame - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

I see you are the last one. Let me
help you.

Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

There, now all of the bandits who
were injured in the fighting have
been healed.

Thank you, Princess Yuliya. Because
of your efforts, there are no major
injuries to the bandits or villagers.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

I can’t take all the credit. It was
mostly because everyone worked

But still... Arlen, I found it impressive
how you took on so many bandits
by yourself.

I suppose.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

What is it, Arlen? Is something about
this not sitting right with you?

I was thinking about my competition
with you...

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

Really?! Must you bring that up
again? You both did quite a lot to
help out today. Is that not sufficient?

Princess Yuliya, I did drive back the
bandits alone, but I do not say that
with pride now.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

What do you mean?

Merric, you chose to protect the
villagers rather than compete with
me. I know you were right to do so.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

Hm. I see your attitude has improved
since we got here.

Most importantly, I see the true victor
in this battle was Princess Caeda.

The way she convinced the bandits
to lay down their weapons... I was
nothing short of miraculous.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC

It wasn’t that impressive. Everyone
has a conscience, even those who
perform evil deeds.

All I did was help them find that. Now
they have a chance to lead honest
lives and atone for their sins.

Fighting isn’t the only way to resolve
problems. I disregarded that before,
but now it resonates with me deeply.

I apologize again for trying to drag
you into my personal rivalry, Princess
Caeda and Princess Yuliya.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Yuliya Princess of Grust Face FC

The incident has already been
discarded form my memory. How
about you, Princess Caeda?

And also from mine. Arlen, please
continue to lend your considerable
might to the Order of Heroes.

Caeda Marths Faithful Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

It seems you learned a lot from this
mission, Arlen.

What?! Such arrogance... I despise
that smug face of yours.

...But, it is as you say. There is much I
still need to learn.

I shall endeavor to become greater
than you while I am here in Askr, and
I will succeed no matter what.

Until that day, I suppose it makes
sense to leave Excalibur in your care.

Arlen Mage of Khadein Face FC
Merric Wind Pontifex Face FC

Thank you, Arlen. I, too, still have
much to learn.

Let us learn together, as comrades
here in the Order of Heroes.

Thaw of Knowledge
Hope's Flame Will into Action
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
