Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

The Home Screen acts as the hub zone in Fire Emblem Heroes and represents the Order of Heroes' Castle.

Character Interaction[ | ]

There's an assortment of Heroes waiting in the Castle, with whom you can interact. Holding their sprite model takes you to their Character Status Page, while tapping on it triggers one of their casual Castle quotes. If you reach Level 40 on a 5 ★ Hero, the next time you visit your Home Screen you will be greeted by their 5 ★ LV. 40 conversation.

The leader sitting on top of the stairs is the leftmost Hero on the very first team in your Allies Menu, and represents you while visiting your friends' Castles, and in events like the Voting Gauntlet. The unit visiting your Castle at the very bottom of your screen is one of your friends' leader and sends their regards.

When the day resets at 7:00 AM UTC, the visiting Hero and one of your own Heroes gifts you with Hero Feather Hero Feathers (for a maximum of 15). This is represented by a heart icon hovering over their heads.

If you reach the Hero Merit milestones on a certain Hero, you can collect your Hero Feather Hero Feathers by tapping on the Heroes surrounded by feathers. If a Hero reaches the maximum amount of HM, he is surrounded by even more feathers.

Castle Layout[ | ]

Castle Layout

Castle Layout

Present List[ | ]

Here, the Messenger Owl Feh delivers and keeps your presents. You can receive presents from:

Quests & Missions[ | ]

Here you can earn rewards for clearing quests. There are a variety of quest types, including daily, monthly and event-specific quests, so check this section often to make sure you don't miss out.

Notifications[ | ]

Main article: Notifications

A notice board to keep you updated with the latest game information and event details.

Friend List[ | ]

"Friends" redirects here. For the Paralogue map, see Friends (map).

This is where you can add friends or check your friend requests. You can also view your Friend Code (10-digit ID number), which is required for people to send you friend requests.

[ | ]

A banner at the bottom of the screen sends out notifications. The current banner types are:

Reoccuring or permanent[ | ]

Image Transcription Notes
Home Screen Banner Free Summon Free Summon! Tapping leads to the Summoning Focus menu.
Home Screen Banner Special offer on Orbs Special offer on Orbs! Tapping leads to the Shop menu.
Home Screen Banner Feh Channel Feh Channel! Tapping leads to the current Feh Channel YouTube video.
Home Screen Pre-register now
Home Screen Banner Grand Conquests 1-8
Grand Conquests! Tapping leads to the current Grand Conquests event.
Home Screen Banner Tap Battle Tap Battle! Tapping leads to the current Tap Battle event.
Home Screen Banner Voting Gauntlet Voting Gauntlet Tapping leads to the current Voting Gauntlet event.
Home Screen Banner Forging Bonds Get 2 Orb Each Day Tapping leads to the current Forging Bonds event.
Home Screen Banner Tempest Trials Plus Tempest Trials+! Tapping leads to the current Tempest Trials+ event.
Home Screen Banner Get Rewards
Home Screen Banner Get Rewards GC
Get Rewards! Tapping leads to the current concluded Tempest Trials+ or Grand Conquests event.
Home Screen Banner Rival Domains New Maps: Rival Domains! Tapping leads to the the Special Maps menu.
Home Screen Banner Aether Raids New Season! Tapping leads to the the Aether Raids menu.
Home Screen Banner Try Out Accessories Try Out Accessories! Tapping leads to the Equip Accessories menu.
Home Screen Banner New Tactics Drills New Tactics Drills! Tapping leads to the Tactics Drills menu.
Home Screen Banner Update Update! Tapping leads to the notification about the latest update.
Home Screen Banner Learn with Sharena Learn with Sharena! Tapping leads to the Learn with Sharena! website.
Home Screen Banner JP Twitter 公式Twitter Tapping leads to the Japanese twitter page (Only shows if language is set to Japanese).
Home Screen Banner CYL
Home Screen Banner CYL Results
Choose Your Legends! Tapping leads to the current Choose Your Legends webpage.

Other[ | ]

Image Transcription Notes
Home Screen Banner New Years Event New Year's Event!

Current Season[ | ]

Home Confer Blessing Button
Main article: Seasons

Seasons affect which Legendary Legendary Heroes, Mythic Mythic Heroes, and Blessings currently grant bonuses.

The current season is displayed on the upper-left corner of the Home Screen. Each season features two of the four elements: Icon Season Water Water, Icon Season Wind Wind, Icon Season Earth Earth, and Icon Season Fire Fire, and it changes at the same time as the Arena season. Aether Raids seasons rotate between Season Light Dark Light/Dark, Season Astra Anima Astra/Anima, and Icon Season Chaos Chaos, and the Aether Raids season changes at the same time as the Arena season.

Upgrade Castle[ | ]

Home Upgrade Castle Button

Upgrading your Castle will permanently increase the experience your units receive in battle. Additionally, this will also change the Castle Design. Once a castle design is purchased, the Change Castle Design menu can be used to change the current castle design to other castle designs.

Castle Designs[ | ]

Castle Design Cost Wallpaper
Early Tidings Customization Support Pack
Hoshidan Festival Customization Support Pack
Askran Camp Customization Support Pack
Nostalgic Snowfall Customization Support Pack
Ninja Village Customization Support Pack
Teatime Elegance Customization Support Pack
Bridal Festival Hall Customization Support Pack
Devotion Venue Customization Support Pack
Harvest Eve Customization Support Pack
Den of Thieves Customization Support Pack
Askr Castle Library Customization Support Pack
Royal Castle
Boost EXP earned by 100%
10 Orb Orbs
Royal Castle
Ornate Castle
Boost EXP earned by 80%
8 Orb Orbs
Ornate Castle
Carpeted Castle
Boost EXP earned by 60%
5 Orb Orbs
Carpeted Castle
Columned Castle
Boost EXP earned by 40%
2 Orb Orbs
Columned Castle
Torchlit Castle
Boost EXP earned by 20%
1 Orb Orb
Torchlit Castle
Basic Castle -
Basic Castle
2nd Anniversary -
Wallpaper7 2years
Black Eagles -
Wallpaper8 abc
Blue Lions -
Wallpaper9 abc
Golden Deer -
Wallpaper10 abc
Mechanical Castle -
Wallpaper11 nisaveril
Closed-Off Castle -
Wallpaper12 embla
Luminous Castle -
Wallpaper13 vana
Yggdrasill Castle -
Wallpaper14 Yggdrasill
Celestial Castle -
Wallpaper15 Asgard

The 2nd Anniversary castle design was given to any players that logged in during the 2nd Anniversary celebration.

Heroes' Path[ | ]

Icon Rankup1 L
Main article: Heroes' Path

Allows you to view your current Heroes' Path quests and rank.

Sacred Seal Forge[ | ]

Home Sacred Seal Forge Button
Main article: Sacred Seal Forge

A button to access the Sacred Seal Forge quickly.

Weapon Refinery[ | ]

Home Weapon Refinery Button
Main article: Weapon Refinery

A button to access the Weapon Refinery quickly.

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Basic Castle
Japanese いにしえの城
German Schlossgraben
Spanish (Europe) Fuerte espartano
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo sobrio
French Ancien
Italian Essenziale
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 遠古之城
Portuguese Castelo simples
Language Name
English (US) Torchlit Castle
Japanese 薄明かりの城
German Schlossgemäuer
Spanish (Europe) Castillo tosco
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo tosco
French Éclairé
Italian Con torce
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 微光之城
Portuguese Castelo elegante
Language Name
English (US) Columned Castle
Japanese 列柱の城
German Kleines Schloss
Spanish (Europe) Castillo señorial
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo señorial
French Rénové
Italian Con colonne
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 列柱之城
Portuguese Castelo luxuoso
Language Name
English (US) Carpeted Castle
Japanese 緑絨毯の城
German Jagdschloss
Spanish (Europe) Castillo opulento
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo opulento
French Décoré
Italian Con tappeto
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 綠地之城
Portuguese Castelo requintado
Language Name
English (US) Ornate Castle
Japanese 芸術の城
German Landschloss
Spanish (Europe) Palacio regio
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo barroco
French Orné
Italian Ornato
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 藝術之城
Portuguese Castelo exuberante
Language Name
English (US) Royal Castle
Japanese 王族の城
German Prunkschloss
Spanish (Europe) Palacio imperial
Spanish (Latin America) Castillo regio
French Royal
Italian Regale
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 王族之城
Portuguese Castelo real