Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Silas: Loyal Knight - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Silas Loyal Knight Face FC

Hey...has something been troubling
you lately, 【Summoner】?

If so, just let me know, and I'll do
whatever I can to help—even if it's
something trivial!

...Huh? You're worried about m-my
bedhead? Hey! Th-this is NOT
bedhead, OK? It's a proper haircut!

So, er...n-no need to trouble yourself
over it, all right?

...Ah, so that's not actually what's
troubling you then? I see...

Well, as a sworn knight, I'll do
whatever I can to help. That's the
oath I made.

I want to use what strength I have for
the benefit of others, so I can't just
ignore when someone's in trouble.

If you ever need help, don't hesitate
to ask.

If anything is ever troubling you, just
leave it to me. I'll take care of it—
no problem at all!

Silas: Loyal Knight - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Silas Loyal Knight Face FC

Y'know...having close friends is great.
Their support offers more strength
than a sword or armor ever could.

That's why I, uh...I think you and I
should try to become better friends,
【Summoner】. Yeah!

And I don't just mean comrades in
arms. I want to become the kind of
friends who can talk about anything.

See, when I was younger, Corrin and
I became friends—and that friendship
made me the knight I am today!

Ever since then, I've believed that
gaining new friends is a good way to
change your fate for the better.

But I...well, I'm still pretty young,
y'know, and I haven't been a knight
very long, so I've got room to grow.

Th-that's why I want us to get closer,
s-so we can support each other while
our paths are, uh...running parallel.

...Wh-what's that look for? Did I...say
something wrong?

I just seem a bit nervous? Oh. Well, if
that's what you think... I'm glad you
said so, 【Summoner】.

That's, uh...j-just the kind of, er...
honesty I'd expect from a friend!

...Still seem like I'm panicking, huh?

Silas: Loyal Knight - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Silas Loyal Knight Face FC

What's wrong? You look a bit
worried, 【Summoner】.

...What? It looks like something is
troubling me? Hah! Quite the reversal
from before, isn't this?

Well...I have been thinking. You, uh...
might have been right about me
panicking a bit before.

Since I've come to this world, I've
been surrounded by Heroes that
people tell legends about...

And not just from Nohr and Hoshido;
there are Heroes from worlds I never
even knew existed!

Compared to them... Well, I worry the
number of people who could use my
help basically zero.

That's why I was hoping the two of
us could grow closer and become
friends, 【Summoner】.

In the back of my mind, I'm worried
about not having anyone relying on
me, encouraging me to grow.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I made you
worry about me at all.

I just...I want to feel like I belong
among all these Heroes—like I can
handle whatever life throws at me...

Silas: Loyal Knight - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Silas Loyal Knight Face FC

You wanted to talk to me about
something, 【Summoner】?

...Oh, I see.

...So there are no ranks among the
Heroes here? You think each of us is
important and irreplaceable?

...What matters is that we're the ones
who show up, huh? I guess I never
thought of it that way before.

Yeah, I get it... Even though there's a
ton of famous Heroes here, there are
still some things that only I can do.

...You'll what? Really? You'd help me
figure out my unique strengths?

Wow! I don't think I can express what
that means to me. You truly are a
great friend, 【Summoner】!

It may still be a little out of reach, but
I know I'll find my purpose for being
summoned into this world soon.

On my honor, I swear I'll continue to
train both my body and spirit—and I'll
keep showing up.

I'll do what I can to live up to your
expectations and make you proud
to count me among your friends.

Together, we'll show this world what
we can do, 【Summoner】!

← Kaden Benny →
High Tea Jinks
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
