Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Flora: Cold as Ice - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Flora Cold as Ice Face FC

If you become overwhelmed by your
duties, please allow me to assist you,
【Summoner】. I beg you.

I'm used to looking after Corrin, but's you who bears the weight
of the world on your shoulders.

Likewise, if my twin sister, Felicia, can
be of any help, I'm sure she would be
more than happy to aid you as well.

Speaking of Felicia... I hope she's
not causing you any trouble. You'd
tell me if she were, I trust?

She...wants to help, but...there are
times when her efforts cause more
problems than they solve.

If she happens to do anything overly
careless, please do not hesitate to
inform me.

I've plenty of experience in steering
her back on course and will do my
best to keep her out from underfoot.

Of course, I wish she'd learn to steer
herself a little better, but...well, what
are big sisters for?

Flora: Cold as Ice - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Flora Cold as Ice Face FC

You know, helping Felicia comes
quite naturally to me. I don't consider
it a burden in the least.

We've been together since we were
born, and she's always been my dear
little sister—my other half.

If her strength is helpful to you, then
I'm happy for it. And yet...

I worry that, by always being there to
help her, I'm preventing her from
growing into her own strength...

If I'm always there to solve her
problems, I fear she'll never learn to
avoid them in the first place.

Perhaps, instead of trying to solve
her problems, it'd be healthier if I let
her face the consequences herself...

Hmm... When they speak of growing
pains, they never mention the pain of
watching your loved ones grow.

...My apologies. It seems I've been
rambling. Please, don't mind me,

Flora: Cold as Ice - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Flora Cold as Ice Face FC

I thought some more about whether
it'd be right to teach Felicia a lesson
when next she makes a mistake.

The thing's not that she makes
a mess of things on purpose.

She always tries her best. It's just
that her usually a string of
unfortunate failures.

It's not even that she cut corners—
even when doing housework she
doesn't favor or excel at...

I always keep a close eye on her, so I
know with certainty that she truly is
doing all she can.

But still, I wonder if I've somehow
stolen growth opportunities from her
by keeping such careful watch.

I seem to be rambling again, but...
what would you do in my situation,

If you ever have a spare moment, I'd
appreciate your advice. If it wouldn't
be too much trouble, of course.

Flora: Cold as Ice - S

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Flora Cold as Ice Face FC

Felicia is...improving? I'm glad to hear
you say so!

It's true, then—everyone grows at
their own pace, just as you said,

In light of this, I think I'll continue to
offer her my support from

Now I can trust she'll continue to
grow without my stern guidance to
keep her on course...

But I want you to know something...
I do not see myself as better
than her.

While it's true that I am more skilled
when it comes to housework, she
puts me to shame on the battlefield.

To be honest, there have even been
times when I've been jealous of her...
when she'd earn the praise I coveted.

But I've come to consider our
differences to be what binds us
together and keeps us close.

Without those differences, we could
do without each other, and we might
drift apart.

Even so, to hear she's growing and
improving... I'm overjoyed!

I know she looks up to me—but I'll
have to tell her how much I respect
her too...and how proud I am.

I know that as long as we look out
for one another, nothing can keep us
from reaching our full potential.

← Charlotte Keaton →
High Tea Jinks
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
