Grandmaster 17 Here We Go!
Level Indicator:
Stamina Cost:
0 (Infernal)
Victory Requirements:
Phases to win: 9
300 (Infernal)
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Use Restore to neutralize penalties and keep HP full. At the end of Phase 7, obtain the benefit of the Tactic skills for the next player phase by staying close.
状態異常を解除するレストはHPが最大 の味方にも使えるぞ。7フェイズ目は指 揮スキルの影響範囲に全員集合しよう。
Unit data [ | ]
AI settings
Group Index Unit Start turn Notes 1 #5 Lance Knight After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #6 Lance Knight After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #7 Sword Dragon After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #8 Axe Flier After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #9 Blue Manakete After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #10 Axe Knight After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #11 Sword Fighter After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain #12 Red Mage After group is engaged Attacks breakable terrain
See AI for a detailed description of the enemy movement settings.
Solutions [ | ]
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Phase 1
Move Shiro down one and attack the Sword Dragon.
Move Legault left one and down one to kill the Sword Dragon.
Use Nanna to attack the Blue Manakete.
Move Reinhardt down two to kill the Red Mage.
Map visual after the second phase
Phase 3
Move Legault left one and kill Axe Flier.
Move Reinhardt down one and two right.
Move Nanna left one and down two and use Restore+ on Shiro.
Use Shiro to kill the Blue Manakete.
Map visual after the forth phase
Phase 5
Move Legault down one and attack the Sword Fighter.
Move Reinhardt up one and kill the first Lance Knight.
Move Shiro right one and up one and kill the Sword Fighter.
Move Nanna up one to use Restore+ on Legault.
Map visual after the sixth phase
Phase 7
Move Legault right one and up one to attack the Lance Knight.
Move Reinhardt up one and right two to kill the Lance Knight.
Move Nanna up two to use Restore+ on Legault.
Move Shiro up one and Swap with Nanna.
Map visual after the eighth phase
Phase 9
Move Nanna down one and use Restore+ on Legault.
Move Legault down one right one and attack the Axe Knight.
Move Shiro down two to attack the Axe Knight.
Move Reinhardt down two to kill the Axe Knight.
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Basics Skill Studies Hone and Fortify
Stacking Spur Boosts
For Blade!
Vantage to Counter
Using Quick Riposte
Ragnell's Distant Counter
Using Close Counter
Atk/Def Bond's Power
Dangerous Breakers
Steady Breath Rush
Vantage & Flashing Blade
Trigger Wrath
Guidance River Crossing
Flier Formation Soars
Led by Wings of Mercy
Move with Armor March
Spd Smoke Follow-Ups
Spd Ploy and the Forecast
Trilemma Trickery
Future Vision
Caution with Savage Blow
Brave Hector and Ephraim
Brave Celica and Veronica
The Binding Shield
Make Your Own Miracle
Follow Up with Forseti
A Death-Defying Knife
Laevatein's Travails
Tiki and Mar-Mar
Frelia's Sacred Twins
Renais's Sacred Twins
Overprotective Corrin
Unbreakable Bond
The Seals of Nifl
A Merciful Boost
Triangle Attack!
Gray Waves
Worthy Foes
Tibarn's Agility
Naga Powered Up
Kitsune Family
Fates Entwined
Demonic Breath Rebuff
Sound of an Argent Arrow
Paid in Kind
Fangs of the Lion
Feline Perimeters
The Bull and The Panther
The Dark Prince's Sting
Divine Fang
Daughter's Defense
Timid for a Reason
Scatter Them!
Three Houses 1
Three Houses 2
The Beginning
Power in Proximity
Brave Alm and Micaiah
Brave Eliwood and Camilla
Young Lion & Radiant Hero
Dragon's Dream Dance
One Face, Two Fates
Trick Duo and Treat Mage
Refined Above All
Drawn to Hope's Light
Of Princes and Mercs
Guardian and Dancer
Mother & Daughter
Blood of the Queen
Heroes, Astra and Wind
Mirage ♯Session
Mission: Reposition
Nils's Mysterious Music
Advanced Placement
Masking Dragons
Double Trouble
The Iron Twosome
A Pair of New Tomes
Resolute Conquest
Dark Counters
Gods of Valentia
Swordmaster Support
Summer Harmony
Counter and Impact
Academy Summer Break
Heroes, Light and Shadow
Death Is Absolute
Pirate Royalty
Brave Eagle & Lion
Brave Schemer & Prodigy
Entwined Fates
Greil Mercenaries, Charge!
Alfonse and Álfar
Divine Dragon Harvest
Comrades in Arms
Over the Azure Moon
Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!
Bern's Royal Escort
Nightmarish Duo
Festive Family Time
Magic, Flame and Gear
First Dream
Wind and Rescue
Plegian Infiltration
Saint Seiros
Kingly Defense
Grannvale Nobility
Fódlan–Almyra Alliance
Lion's Lance and Shield
Gathered Eggs
Guiding Wings
Etruria's Lovebirds
Childhood Royals
Crusader Lineage
Out of Future Past
Four Brides
Order and Chaos
Eldest Soaring Sisters
Fishing Showdown!
Vacation Retinue
Ice and Rulebreaker
Full Sails, Ahoy!
Gatekeeper & Hero-King
Devotee & Restorer
Silver-Haired Maiden
From the Abyss
Kingsbrother's Flight
Assisting the Harvest
Ice God's Chosen
Nabata Faithful
Trials of the Ninja
Flame God's Chosen
Sage & War God
God Retainer and East-Khan
Eager Envoys
Guiding Light
Tempest of Tears
Song and Blade
Legendary Struggle
Devoted Shepherds
Hermit and Heart
For Love
Bunny-Egg Curses
Synchronized Blades
Two Scions
Childhood Clash
House Friege
Shadow Dragon's Return
Dragons in Darkness
Hearts Ablaze
Dragon-Lord Team
Sweeping Winds
Officers Vacation
Nohr's Gallant King
Gods on Vacation
Life's Guardian
World of Openness
Thieves in the Night
Exalt and Scion
Sublime Awakening
Love of Legends
Dancing Flames
Finding Independence
Oracle Resurrected
Divine Reapers
Ascended and Fell
Mercenary Drive
Flame, Frost, Dusk
Reigning Anew
World Enclosed
Of Light and Dusk
Righteous Revelers
Blades of the Cycle
Askr and Embla's Renewal
Magic Practicum
Dragons and Flowers
Demon King & White Sage
Hearts of Two Nations
Dutiful Queen and Knight
Exalt and His Other Half
Vassal and Nightmare
Armor, Piercing Bow
Ashen Wolf of the Abyss
Noble Strategy
Youths, Noble and Dragon
Knight and Archbishop
Of Land and Hope
Despair and Sacrifice
Bridal Procession
Fates of Hoshidan Royals
Goddess & Swordmaiden
Vacation Battlemaidens
Bern's New Queen
Living with Curses
Engaging Emblems?
Powerful but Tender
Dreams of the Álfar
Tea-Party Desperation
Eternal Loyalty
Paths and Cycles
Divine One and Hero-King
Wind, White and Gold
Crusader and Dream
Crimea and Phoenicis
Easy Money
Petals in the Breeze
Gentle Dragon
Dawn of the Ninja
The Gap Between
From Beginning to End
To Heal the Future
Wintertime Operation
Darkness and Dusk
Vanaheimr New Year
Scamp and Thrud Reborn
Nabata Festivities
Divine Dragon's Bonds
Love of Renais and Grado
Snow and Charm
Emblems' Miracle
Spring Engage!
For Loved Ones
Of Radiance
Branded, Fell and Exalt
Songstress and Villager
Trickster's Delight
Fell Family
Brides, Askran & Emblian
A Mother's Wish
Dawning Connection
Glittering Realm of Light
Emblem of Echoes
Summer Engage!
Blossoming Resolution
Strength of Eikþyrnir
Nectar of Heiðrún
Summer of Bonding
Opposing Forces
Capitalizing Strategy
Master and Fated Partner
Icy Festivities
Fondness for Family
Of the Holy War
Open Harvest of Eternity
Ancestral Advantage
Quieting Blade
Divergent Ninja
Brilliant and Ruthless
Hands of Yggdrasill
In the Shadow of Heaven