Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Tana: Soaring Princess - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Steady, aim... Fire!

All right, one more! Focus... Hah!

Wow! You hit all of them! It’s almost
hard to believe how much you’ve
improved in such a short time.

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

I still have a long ways to go. Innes
can fire three shots at once and
strike three different targets.

Truthfully, watching him makes me
feel like I might never catch up, but
I still intend to keep training.

Tana, you’ve really grown. The desire
to improve, to aim higher... I think
that’s a wonderful thing.

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

I’m happy to hear you say that. It
means all these calluses on my
hands were worth it.

Still, the reason I was able to work so
hard is because you, Ephraim, and
Innes were all there to guide me.

If not for all of you, I would have
never made it this far.


Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

And you, Eirika... Whenever I am in
trouble, you are always the first to
rush to my aid.

Even though we’re the same age, it’s
almost like having an older sister.

But after everything you have done
for me, I want to be able to support
you too.

You gave me the courage to leave the
castle, so now I want to be your

The thought of that is what drove
me to train so hard.

Thank you for thinking so highly of

The truth is, though, that you have
always been the one saving me.

Your presence was an important pillar
for me. For as long as I’ve known you.

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Thank you, Eirika.

I did have one other reason for
training, though. Namely, my brother
kept saying I was a burden.

And yet, despite that, he gave me
this bow...

Tana: Soaring Princess - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC

Hmm... This bow bears a striking
resemblance to the Sacred Twin
relic of Frelia.

Would imbuing Nidhogg with power
from another world create something
like this? Or perhaps...


Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC

Still, for you to be wielding a bow like
this must mean that something
happened to the Innes you knew.

N-no, that’s not it! You were the one
who ordered me to take it! Or rather,
you will be, in the future.

Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC

Me? Forgive me, but that is
somewhat difficult to believe.

You always had such trouble with

I said as much myself, at the time.
Still, you were very insistent. You said
it would be best for me to have it.

So, I put my heart and soul into
training, to make sure this bow could
serve its purpose.

Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC


In the past, I would have wanted you
to return to the palace, rather than
risk your life fighting.

But if, in the future, I will say that, must be for the best.


Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC

Once, during a great battle, I entrusted
our Sacred Twin relics to Eirika.

Eirika said that I, as a member of the
royal family of Frelia, should be the
one to carry them.

Even then, I disagreed with her. What
country the relics belong to is a
petty concern.

Instead, we should focus on doing
whatever we must in order to attain

So, for me to instruct you to take
such a powerful weapon, you must
have become strong yourself, Tana.

I was able to work hard thanks to you
and everyone else.

But compared to you, I still have
a long ways to go...

The more I practice, the more
I understand how amazing you are.

Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
Innes Regal Strategician Face FC

That dissatisfaction with where you
are now is exactly how one strives to
become stronger.

I shall look forward to seeing how
strong you can become.

Tana: Soaring Princess - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Innes would relax his shoulders more
when he aimed...

He’d focus all of his strength in the
moment he pulled the string back,
and... Hah!

Bull’s-eye, eh? Well done.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Ephraim! Did you come to train too?

I was curious, so I came to watch you.
Your fingers... You’ve got some blood
soaking into your gloves.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Oh, look at that. I guess another
callus tore open.

You must have been training for
quite a while.


Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Wh-what’s wrong? You look so
serious all of a sudden... Is it that
strange to see me using a bow?

That’s not it.

I was just remembering something
I said to you once.

“If you are targeted by an archer,
there will be nothing we can do to
save you. Stay somewhere safe.”

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Yes, I remember that.

At the time, I suppose I thought of
you not as a comrade in arms but as
a target that needed to be protected.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC


But looking at you now, it’s clear
you have the strength to protect

You are an ally I am proud to
fight alongside.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Are you...acknowledging my efforts?

Not only your efforts, but also your
heart, Tana. Your pure heart is what
helped you never lose your way.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Then, everything I’ve done to reach
this point... It wasn’t in vain.

I won’t stop, though. Not until I’m the
one protecting you.

I do not plan on losing to you. I’ll do
however much training I need to in
order to keep pace with your growth.

Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

From my perspective, your inability
to accept defeat is even more pure
than my heart...

Tana: Soaring Princess - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC

It seems our foes are all experienced
fighters. But if we can break through
this line...

I will aid you, Brother!

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC

What the—

Watch out, Eirika! Some of them were
waiting in ambush behind you!


Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Leave them to me! I won’t allow them
to get you!

Tana! Thank you!

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Careful, the brush ahead looks like
the perfect place for archers to hide!

Can you hear me, Innes? I think there
are archers hiding in that overgrowth!

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. It
seems using a bow has taught you
how an archer thinks.

Innes Regal Strategician Face FC
Tana Soaring Princess Face FC

Ephraim, Eirika. I’ll continue to cover
you from the sky. Keep up your

Understood! You take care of
yourself too, Tana!

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC

Tana can see and command the
entirely of the battlefield now.

We can’t let her surpass us either,
can we?

Eirika Restoration Lady Face FC
Ephraim Restoration Lord Face FC

Of course not. We must answer her
efforts with our own.

I’m not just someone to be
protected anymore...

Ephraim, Eirika, Innes, everyone...
I can become even more powerful
along with you all.

And I will grow even more in the
skies of Askr! I shall spread my wings
and show that I can fly higher yet!

Tana Soaring Princess Face FC
← Neimi Syrene →
Her Shining Future
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
