Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Gilliam: Wall of Silence - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

Hrah! Ahhh!

Rrraaahhh! Hraaah!

Helbindi Savage Scourge Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face Anger

Hmm... When one pushes forward,
the other pushes back. These two
appear to be of equal strength.

Which opponent will be the one to
raise a white flag of surrender in this
lengthy battle?

I cannot help but hold my breath in

Yah! Haaa!

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Helbindi Savage Scourge Face FC

Graaah! Raaahhh!

The said in the hourglass has fallen!
The match is over. It ends with a tie!

Ash Retainer to Askr Face Anger
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

There is no victor, it would seem.

Heh, you’re the first human I’ve arm
wrestled whose arm I couldn’t snap
like a twig.

Helbindi Savage Scourge Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Um, I would certainly hope anything
of the sort would not happen in an
arm-wrestling match...

My arm very well may have snapped
if I had let up for even a moment. He
was emanating that much force.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Helbindi Savage Scourge Face FC

That was pretty fun. Prepare yourself
for our next match.

That was quite the match. Truly one
for the ages. My palms are all sweaty
just from observing.

Arden Strong and Tough Face FC
Draug Gentle Giant Face FC

Indeed! I felt the strength of the
knights of Frelia in my bones.

I’d expect no less of Gilliam! He once
beat my father in an arm-wrestling
match, you know.

Quite impressive considering my
father used to boast about his almost
supernatural strength!

Ross His Fathers Son Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

Don’t give me too much credit.
Garcia was strong as well. I could
even say he was of equal strength.

However, there were none who could
challenge me to arm wrestling among
the knights of Frelia. That said...

The Order of Heroes is an interesting
place, indeed. It took me by surprise
how many here boast great strength.

Gilliam, let me be your next

I may be small, but I have no intention
of losing the match.

Arm wrestling is about being able to
properly utilize your strength. A
match is not decided by size alone!

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

I can see the fighting spirit in your
eyes. I’m impressed by your strategy
to achieve victory.

Since you believe you have a chance
at emerging victorious, I accept your

Gilliam: Wall of Silence - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Hi, Gilliam! I’m here to challenge you
to another arm-wrestling match.
How about it?

Hm? Caspar? An iron will to seek
victory is necessary for those
who fight.

However, it’s not enough to simply
challenge an opponent over and over.
That is not the formula for victory.

It is also important to discern the
proper time to propose said

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

I can’t accept continuing to lose
every match so easily.

Plus, I’ve been feeling extra sharp
since this morning! I feel like I stand a
chance a win this time!

Well, all right, then. If you feel you
have a chance of winning, then who
am I to deny the match? Bring it on!

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

I suppose I will serve as judge yet
again after stumbling upon you both
by coincidence...

On your marks, get set...begin!


Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC


Hrah! Urgh! The real match starts...
now! Hraaahhh!

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Whoa! Caspar is fighting the
good fight!

Could it be...could the victory he
longs for be just ahead?!

Nice try! Haaa!

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Wh-what?! What is this strength?!

It seems the match has been decided.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

With a sudden burst of strength, the
goddess of victory has smiled upon
Gilliam once again!

One could perhaps call it a fated
comeback. Regardless, it was
a splendid match indeed...

*huff* *puff* Damn it! Curses!
I lost again!

I know I’m contradicting what I said
before, but perhaps size is the
deciding factor in a match?

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

...You are mistaken. As you said
before, one’s size is not the
determining factor.

That is true of any battle. If size was
everything, then every member of
the Order of Heroes would be a giant.


Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

The problem is how you train. You
said yourself a match is decided by
who can better utilize their strength.

I am in full agreement with that
theory. The issue, however, is in how
you train your body for victory.

If you do not misjudge your training,
then results will come naturally.
I look forward to our next match.

How I train? What’s that supposed
to mean? Oh, he left.

Ash, do you understand what he
meant by that?

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Uh...I think he’s saying that if you set
aside salt while baking something
sweet, your efforts will end in vain...

Perhaps that’s it? Though that is just
a guess...

I know I asked, but I think I
understand what Gilliam said
even less now...

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Gilliam: Wall of Silence - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Haaa! Yaaah!

Phew! Now that my practice swings
are done, it’s time for some push-ups
and crunches!

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

...999, 1,000! Phew... I’m not done
yet! I can still do more!

Time to run around the castle. If I
spend this much time training, I’m
sure to win the next match!

Ah, the beauty of sweat dripping off
the body in the midst of training is no
different, even in this world.

Alfred Floral Protector Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Huh? Who are you?

My apologies for distracting you.
I’m just a passerby who loves a good

Don’t worry about me. Continue on.
I will take my leave now.

Alfred Floral Protector Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

...Anyway, what was I doing again?
Oh, right, I was going to go for a run.
Time to psych myself back up!

It seems you’re training pretty hard.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Gilliam! Yes, I am indeed!

I’m training my entire body from top
to bottom. I will win the next match...

Training hard isn’t a problem in and
of itself...

However, I said this before, didn’t I?
You must not misjudge how to best
train for the battle at hand.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

I heard what you said. That’s why I’m
going back to the basics! Retraining
every muscle in my body...

Retraining the major muscle groups
won’t do any good. Your strength
lies in muscles that don’t stand out.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

What?! Are you saying I’m still not
training the right way?

Look back and give it some thought.
Is there any part you’ve overlooked?
Perhaps your hands and fingers?

Muscle are the strings that connect
your entire body. You must train each
one equally to achieve success.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

I’ve certainly trained my hands, but
never my fingers... I wasn’t focusing
in that level of detail on my training...

You cannot overlook even a single
finger if you wish to utilize your
entire body’s strength efficiently.

Especially in the case of arm

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

Now I see. I was just training the most
obvious parts of my body, and...

I hadn’t realized how important it is
take a holistic approach to training.

Do not neglect the muscles even in
a single finger.

That is the training technique that has
been passed down for generations in
my homeland of Frelia.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

Gilliam: Wall of Silence - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Sir Gilliam, you fought wonderfully
in that battle earlier.

I cannot express with words my
gratitude to you for maintaining the
front lines with stalwart protection.

I have thrown myself into many
battles out of a desire to protect, be
it a castle or a country’s border.

If that experience can be useful in
this land of Askr, then I am overjoyed.

But isn’t there another we are
forgetting? A Hero who fought

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face Pain

Ah, yes. There was. Of course, his
efforts contributed significantly to our

Oh, speak of the... What was the
expression? I mean to say, we were
speaking of him and now he’s—


Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

Caspar, it seems you fought well in
that last battle.

Yes, and it’s all thanks to your Frelian
training technique! My body feels
sharper than ever!

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

Frelian training technique? That
would mean Sir Gilliam taught
you something...

The difference in size between you
and your opponent or how well you
feel on the day of battle...

These things have little bearing on
the course of a competition or battle.

What truly decides the outcome is
searching for a path of victory. That
path determines the winner.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC

You’ve taught me so much, Gilliam.
I’ll pay you back by beating you in an
arm-wrestling match!

The training technique of my
homeland now spreads to another
world through the words of a Hero...

Proof of the battles we fought
together remains in the form of
our bonds...

And these bonds will one day
become the strength that lights
our way to a brighter future...

Arm wrestling sounds like a fantastic
way to see if you’ve absorbed all I’ve
taught you. Bring it on.

Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC
Ash Retainer to Askr Face FC

What are the odds? It appears I’ve
run into you both again by sheer

I will serve as the judge of your
arm-wrestling match yet again.

Heck yeah! I won’t lose this time!

Caspar Summer Intensity Face FC
Gilliam Wall of Silence Face FC

I shall show you the true depth of
Frelian training... Now, let us begin,
comrade from another world!

← Vanessa Lyon →
Her Shining Future
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
