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Celica: Valentia's Hope - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

So, you mean to tell me that Mila
herself is here in Askr?

Yep. She shows up every once in a
while to help us out.

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Indeed. We summon more than just
the heroes of other worlds. We call
on their gods as well.

And it’s not just Mila from our world,
either. Duma’s here too, helping the
people of Askr.

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

Both of the gods who had a hand in
the creation of Valentia, here in
this world...

Perhaps my summoning was Mila’s
will after all.

If she and Duma both offer their aid
to Askr, that is a reassuring thing
to hear. However...

What’s on your mind, Celica?

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

Princess Fjorm, you said a moment
ago that Askr calls upon the gods of
other worlds for help as well.

I did, yes.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

That means, despite the assistance of
divinity itself...

Askr has yet to be able to step out
from under the shadow of war?

Correct, I’m afraid.

As powerful as the gods may be, our
enemies have all too often been just
as strong.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

I think at last I understand just how
hard this struggle has been for you.

And thus, I think, how difficult and
important the battles to come will be.

Celica: Valentia's Hope - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

Hey, Princess Fjorm. Have you seen
Celica around?

I saw her praying in the courtyard
a short while ago.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

Great. I’ll head there, then. Thanks!

Actually, would you mind if I came
along with you?

I feel as if something has been
troubling her lately. I’d like to
help, if I can.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

It’s kind of you to be concerned.
Of course you can come.

I’m worried about her too. She’s
praying even more than usual lately.


Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

Seraphim! Thunder!

Huh. You know, Celica’s prayers
don't usually involve this much
shouting. Or lightning.

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

She looks to be practicing her magic.

Oh, hello, Mae. Princess Fjorm.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

We decided to drop by and check on
you. How are you feeling, Celica?

I suppose I’ve had a lot on my
mind lately.

That’s why I’ve been practicing my
magic so much. It keeps me moving,
focused on something simple.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Pain

May I ask what’s been troubling you?

I have always thought of myself as an
instrument of Mila’s will.

But ever since I learned that Mila’s
direct intervention has not been
enough to win peace for Askr...

I have been wondering what good a
mere instrument such as myself can
possibly do to help.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It is a tall order indeed, for all of us.

I get it. Our power is nothing when
you compare it to a god.

So if Mila’s efforts aren’t enough to
get something done, it’s easy to think
it must be impossible.

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It is true that the gods have given us
their assistance many times.

But that does not devalue the efforts
of anyone else. And I do not think
they are as omnipotent as they seem.


Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I think the gods are a lot like us. They
have problems and struggles just like
we do.

Perhaps you’re right.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

“For Naga knew there was but a
creeping madness waiting at
eternity’s end.”

“It is a ruin all dragons share.”

“And the only end is one of total


Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

“I loved my brother, even as we loved

“Where we strayed, I cannot

Even the gods have struggles...

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC


Celica: Valentia's Hope - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

I’d like to tell you a story, Princess
Celica, if I may.

Of course. I assume it’s a story about
the gods, somehow?

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

Yes. As champion of the god of ice,
Nifl, I once had to fight against the
god of fire, Múspell.

But Múspell also had a champion
of his own. Princess Laegjarn.

She and I actually shared a mutual
respect. Neither of us wanted to fight
the other.

It sounds like you might have been
friends, if not for the gods.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

Celica... This sounds like...

Please go on, Princess Fjorm.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Anger

It was a terrible battle...and we both
knew it would not be over until one
of us was killed.

That’s awful. I’m so sorry.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC

It was, but...what got me through it,
in the end, was my belief in her.
In Princess Laegjarn.

Even though the gods themselves
made us enemies, I believed we could
overcome that fate together.

And because I believed it, we did. We
both managed to survive, and we did
eventually become friends.

Your bond must have grown very
strong, to overcome such a hardship.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

This sounds a lot like what happened
between you and Alm, Celica.

For all the gods’ power, there are
times when even they can’t imagine
what ordinary people are capable of.

Because when we truly care about
each other, we can achieve anything.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

You are absolutely right.

Mila entrusted me with the future of
Valentia for a reason. And I will not
let her down!

Celica: Valentia's Hope - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

I will never forget what Mila said to
Alm and me just before she ascended
to the heavens.

She said, “Perhaps men have long
been walking on their own without
our aid.”

So Mila herself acknowledged the
strength of humanity.

Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

It’s just as you said, Princess Fjorm.
When people harness their potential,
they can surprise even the gods.

Mila has known that all along.

She must have.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile
Celica Valentias Hope Face FC

There is also what she said when she
entrusted us with Falchion, the key
to the fate of Valentia.

Her exact words were, “I entrust
Falchion to your care.”

But the fate of Valentia was never
purely in the hands of Alm and me.
It couldn’t be.

Mila had to have been addressing all
of the people of Valentia. Everyone.

It certainly is more than just heroes
who change the future.

Fjorm Princess of Ice Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

Right. Regular folks can do so much
when they work together.

Precisely. So, even if the gods cannot
win peace for Askr on their own...

that doesn’t mean we should say it’s
impossible, or that we should give up.

We have so many allies. So many
friends ready to support each other.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC


So even if the gods weren’t here, I
have to believe that we could secure
peace by working together.

Because that is what we do. That is
who we are.

Thank you for reminding me of my
faith in people, Princess Fjorm.
It seems I sorely needed it.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Fjorm Princess of Ice Face Smile

If my words have been helpful to you,
then I am glad.

I’m grateful to you as well, Mae.
Thank you for looking out for me,
as you always do.

I am truly blessed to have such a
wonderful friend.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
Mae Bundle of Energy Face FC

Ah, don’t mention it. You know I’m
always here for you!

Mila has placed her faith in me. I will
ensure that faith is not misplaced.

And with so many incredible friends
to lean on, I cannot possibly fail.

Celica Valentias Hope Face FC
← Celica Kamui →
Heart and Soul
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
