Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Atlas: Forest Muscle - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Now, just to confirm... You need one
thousand planks of lumber, right?
I have to say, that’s quite the request!

I’m fully aware of how impossible
it is, but please—can you help me?

Since I arrived here, I’ve seen so
many families who’ve lost their
homes to war...

Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

Ah, that explains it. You’re trying to
put a new roof over all their heads,
aren’t you?

Right, well... I never said it was
impossible, but I will need some time
to check with my sources.

I already asked the other—erm,
Commander Anna, but it seems like
she has her hands full.

But Anna & Company is famous for
its connections. I’d be thankful for
any help you could provide!

Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Gahaha! Sounds like you’ve got a
job tailor-made for the Community
of Hatchet-Operating Persons!

Oh. I should also mention that we
need all thousand planks as soon as
possible. Ideally, tomorrow.

So, can you do it? Rumor has it a
skilled woodcutter joined CHOP not
too long ago.

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

That’d be me, I guess.

Hm? Oh, you must be the Hero who
was just summoned here from
Valentia... Atlas, right?

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

Yes, ma’am. Before all the fighting
started back home, I used my axe to
feed my little brothers.

I can handle myself in a fight, but my
true calling is cutting down trees, not
people. I say we take this job, Bartre.

Agreed. It’s up to us and our hatchets
to hack Askr’s problems down to size!

With CHOP on the case, you’ll have
no less than ten thousand planks on
your plate before sundown! Gahaha!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

I, uh, appreciate the enthusiasm, but
one thousand should be more than
enough. Let’s start there, OK?

Atlas: Forest Muscle - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC

Everyone ready? We’re gonna chop
enough lumber to rebuild a whole
village’s worth of houses!

Giving back to those who’ve lost
everything—I can’t think of a better
definition of a hero!

Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC
Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC

So, uh... We just hack away at the
trunk until the whole thing comes
crashing down, right?

I pull whole tree out of ground
before, but...I never try hitting with
axe. That good idea.

Gonzalez Kindly Bandit Face FC
Legion Masked Maniac Face FC

Uwe hee hee! We goodses at
chopping fleshses. Never practiced
on barkses.

I used to catch fish for a living. Can’t
say I’d be much help sorting out a
pile of wood.

Darros Seawalker Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

In that case, I’ll bring you all up to
speed. Combat experience helps a
bit, but there’s a lot to learn.

But believe me: everyone in CHOP’s
got the muscles required to become
a heck of a woodcutter.

You’re not the only former
lumberjack around here. I’ll help
teach everyone too.

Barst The Hatchet Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

In that case, I think I’ll take you up on
your kind offer. Never hurts to learn
some new skills, right?

Uwe hee hee! Times to cuts some
woodses! Choppity-chop!

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

Strength is important, but it ain’t
everything. You can’t just hack the
tree to bits.

Think about the angle of your swing.
You control the tree, not the other
way around.

I am...not so good at thinking. But...
I will not give up.

Gonzalez Kindly Bandit Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

Hrk! Trees are a lot tougher than they
look, huh? Guess I need to put more
power into it.

Hmm... Don’t focus so much on your
arms. Let the momentum flow
through your whole body.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC
Legion Masked Maniac Face FC

Uwe hee hee! We getses it!

Good, good. You’re all making
excellent progress. Keep it up and
you’ll be pros in no time.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

Atlas: Forest Muscle - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Libra Fetching Friar Face FC

It seems like you all are working up
quite a sweat. Why not have some
chilled tea to cool off?

Hey, thanks!

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Barst The Hatchet Face FC

Let’s take a break, then. Fatigue is
as much a danger here as it is on
the battlefield.

I am...trying my hardest. Can I really
be...a good woodcutter?

Gonzalez Kindly Bandit Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

I don’t see why not. You’ve got the
right attitude for it, that’s for sure.

I’ve never met someone willing to do
some good old-fashioned hard work
that wasn’t cut out for woodcutting.

Oh, I... That makes me very happy.
People almost never say...such nice
things to me...

Gonzalez Kindly Bandit Face FC
Legion Masked Maniac Face FC

Uwe hee hee! And hows about
Legion? We dids a real number on
these treeses, huh?

Right, about that... You might want to
be a little less...aggressive. A tree’s no
good beaten to a pulp.

Try to think of this as an exchange
with nature, where we gladly receive
Mila’s bounty.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC
Legion Masked Maniac Face FC

Bounty? We knows bounties! Gets
paid lotsa monies for those, yes, yes,
yes! Uwe hee hee!

You know, there’s something oddly
peaceful about quieting your mind
and simply swinging away.

Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC
Arthur Hapless Hero Face FC

Well said! It certainly beats having to
pay attention to every little detail in
the thick of a frenzied battle.

Though that’s not to say you can
completely zone out—I was almost
crushed flat a few times!

I like to think I’m pretty good at
spotting potential CHOP material.

You, however, have surpassed even
my loftiest expectations in no time at
all! Gahaha!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC

I had planned to go back to fishing
once the fighting died down, but
woodcutting isn’t too bad.

It’s...actually pretty great, now
that I’ve gotten used to it.

If you’re looking to use your axe to
create instead of destroy, there aren’t
many surer options than woodcutting.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC
Dorcas Serene Warrior Face FC

Create instead of destroy, huh?

That does have a nice ring to it. I’d
like my family to see me as someone
who gives, rather than takes.

Right then, there’s only a few trees
left. The people of Askr are waiting
on this lumber, so let’s get to it!

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

Atlas: Forest Muscle - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Anna Secret Seller Face FC

...998, 999, and...1,000! Great, it’s all
here, right down to the last plank.
Pleasure doing business with you!

I’m just glad we were able to find
enough wood to fulfill the order.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC
Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC

Wonderful. The people won’t have to
wait much longer for new housing.
Thank you for all your help, Atlas.

Aw, shucks, but we couldn’t have
done this without the help of all
the CHOP members, new and old.

We had a few first-timers to
woodcutting, but at this point I think
it’s fair to call them seasoned pros.

Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC
Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC

Ah, so it was you who taught them?
In that case, thank you for sharing
your knowledge with them.

You’re a true master of your craft,
in more ways than one.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say
everyone’s new favorite hobby is
cutting down trees! Gahaha!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Anna Commander Face Pain

Hey! Where’s Bartre? Has anyone
seen Bartre?!

Hello there, Commander. Did you
need something from me?

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Anna Commander Face Pain

I’ve been getting reports of CHOP
members deforesting the nearby
mountainside! What’s the big idea?!

Say what?! This is the first I’ve heard
of it!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Darros Seawalker Face FC


Phew, watching it fall never gets old!

Choppity-chop! Hackity-hack! Wes
gonna gets the most bountieses ever!
Uwe hee hee!

Legion Masked Maniac Face FC
Gonzalez Kindly Bandit Face FC

Everyone was...happy when I did my
best. I’m not stop now.

I’m almost clean through mine!
Get ready!

Ross His Fathers Son Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

...I have no right to call myself a
teacher. Not when I forgot the most
important part.

And that is?

Anna Secret Seller Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

No woodcutter worth their salt
should be cutting down trees without
good reason.

People and nature depend on each
other to survive, but we’ve gotta
keep a healthy balance.

True enough. There’s an entire
ecosystem out there depending on
those trees.

Echidna Unyielding Idealist Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

We’d better rein them in before it’s
too late. Come on, Bartre!

Agreed. Not a moment to lose!

Bartre Fearless Warrior Face FC
Atlas Forest Muscle Face FC

Whether we’re talking Valentia or
Askr, the same principle applies...

A true woodcutter gives back just
as much as they take—or better
yet, more!

← Est Sonya →
Heart and Soul
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
