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Dusk Shadow God
Hodr Dusk Shadow God Face
Hodr Dusk Shadow God BtlFace
Hodr Dusk Shadow God BtlFace C

Hodr Dusk Shadow God BtlFace D

Art by: Maeshima Shigeki (前嶋重機)
Description A god of Ásgarðr, the celestial realm, with an introverted nature. Responsible for defending accused criminals at the place of judgment.
Weapon Type Icon Class Blue Bow Blue bow
Move Type Icon Move Flying Flying
Gender Female
Voice Actor EN Emi Lo
Voice Actor JP Yoshino Aoyama (青山吉能)
Addition Date
Internal ID EID_ヘズ (113)


Note: These stats were obtained from reading the unit's data in /assets/Common/SRPG/Enemy/. These stats are only used for leveling up the unit in certain modes (e.g. Chain Challenge, Squad Assault, Blessed Gardens), and are not used to produce hardcoded enemy stats (e.g. Main Story, Special Maps, Tempest Trials).

Level 1 Stats


Level 40 Stats


Growth Rates

This set of values, after being multiplied by a rarity factor, determines how much each stat will increase from level 1 to level 40, see stat growth.

Skills[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]

Dusk Rifle142
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, grants the following effects to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: Res+6, 【Bonus Doubler】, and "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)."

After start-of-turn effects trigger on enemy phase, for unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, converts penalties into bonuses and neutralizes two【Penalty】effects (does not apply to Penalty effects that are applied at the same time; neutralizes the first applicable Penalty effects on unit's list of active effects).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

Assists[ | ]

This unit owns no Assist skills.

Specials[ | ]

This unit owns no Special skills.

Passives[ | ]

This unit owns no Passive skills.
