Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Triandra: Reverent Dream - C

Background image: 005_Castle
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Pain

I feel faint... I can’t believe we’ve
been reduced to spending our
waking hours with humans in Askr.


Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Pain

Just thinking of the way they look at
me, their eyes full of wanton desire...
It puts me forever on edge.

Peony seems to have made friends
with them.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Pain

Unfortunately for me, I cannot simply
flitter about, without a thought in my
head, like some petal-soft álfr.

Why they would choose to be
surrounded by humans at all
times is beyond me.

...Don’t you agree?

...Yes. You’re right, of course.
We dökkálfar were not meant to
live among human beings.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

Triandra: Reverent Dream - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

...You, in the shadows. Show yourself.

...You’re Triandra, aren’t you?
I’m Tharja, a dark mage from Plegia.

This may seem sudden, but I have
a request. Can I convince you to...
give me a nightmare?

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


I am Triandra, yes, and I am one
of the dökkálfar. The dreams I bring
sleeping humans are not pleasant.

The dreams I bring tear at your soul.
Is that what you wish for yourself?

Yes. That is the reason I came
looking for you.

Do not hold back on my account.
Just hurry up and give me one of
those nightmares of yours.

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


A dark mage like me curses others
as part of their livelihood. We Plegians
use many methods for doing so...

But dark magic is not something that
can be gained through knowledge
alone. Curses require some creativity.

By experiencing terror within
a nightmare, I can recreate that
feeling in others...

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


So you see, I seek knowledge that
I can use to augment my curses
and grow as a dark mage.

That is why I hoped to make use
of that power of yours. Heh heh...

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

I see... You should know that the
most terrible dreams are more...
scarring than you imagine.

Oh, that is no issue... If I have a bad
dream, that’s just an excuse to turn
to my beloved Robin for comfort.

The more a nightmare would
tear me down, the more Robin
will work to cheer me up again!

Either way, I get something I want.
Heh heh heh...

Tharja Dark Shadow Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

You truly do want a nightmare...
I will never understand you humans.

Triandra: Reverent Dream - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

...Yes? What is it?

You are Triandra, are you not?
I have something of a request
for you: give me a nightmare.

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

Are you planning to curse your
fellow humans as well?

...Curse? No, no, my interests lie
in the study of Crests.

As far as I’m aware the fields of
Crests and curses have little to
do with one another.

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

Then why do you want a nightmare?
What reason do you have to suffer
through your dreams?

As you say, nightmares are painful...
That’s what interests me.

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


I have a bit of an experiment I want
to conduct.

Imagine attending a lecture on a
subject you find fascinating...only
to then find yourself dozing off!

Something of a cause for concern,
wouldn’t you agree?

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Triandra don’t want to miss learning
important information because you
fell asleep? Is that it?

I only have a limited time available
for study, so it is not ideal for me
to get drowsy during my lessons.

Sleeping is something of a pastime
for me, though, and I find myself
unwilling to give up the hobby.

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


I believe that if you give me a
nightmare, it will help me to keep
my guard up while attending lessons.

If I know a terrifying dream awaits
me, I’m hoping that will prevent me
from falling asleep.

At the very least, I think it’s worth
a try, don’t you?

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

We have no way of knowing whether
it will work, but if you ask it, I will
give you the nightmare you wish for...

Triandra! Thank you for the other
day—I had a nightmare, and it was
all thanks to you.

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

...And? naps have not decreased
in frequency, unfortunately.

I found that, upon waking, I was
relieved to be awake—and that
improved the overall experience!

I’m not sure what role the nightmare
played, but my naps seemed to have
increased in frequency...

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC

Then the nightmare had the opposite
effect than you hoped.

Yes... But it was worth trying!
Thank you for the experience,

Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC
Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC


Triandra: Reverent Dream - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Pain

Ugh, I can’t take this... I cannot find
a single moment of privacy away from
these loathsome humans...

...Is that so?

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Anger

We dökkálfar were not meant
to live among human beings.
...Don’t you agree?

Having spent time in this place,
I’ve come to a realization.

Humans come in all sorts, and each
one here has their own perspective.
Each one is...different, unique.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face Pain

Hm. I suppose the Heroes here were
gathered from across many other
worlds, so...perhaps. To some extent.

I’ve met someone here who wanted
nightmares to gain power, and then
one who found them...entertaining.

Before coming here, I had not
imagined there were people who
would choose to have nightmares.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face FC

Then you have finally learned
of humanity’s depravity...

Our home—where we are meant
to be—is at Lady Freyja’s side.

But if we can be at her side in this
world...Askr could be home too.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
Plumeria Lewd Dream Face FC

If Lady Freyja were here with us
in Askr, then...

Fine. If you truly believe that, I will
find the will to remain here a little
while longer.

It would be distasteful for me to
leave another dökkálfr behind, so...
I will stay.

I...appreciate that, Plumeria.

Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC
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Guiding Vision
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Orange Friendship
Green Friendship
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