Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Name Cooldown Description SP Required
Great Aether 4 When Special triggers, boosts damage by percentage of unit's Atk = number of times foe has attacked during this combat × 10, + 40. If unit initiates combat, foe can counterattack before unit's first attack. If foe can perform a follow-up attack, foe can make a follow-up attack before unit's next attack during combat. Reduces damage from attacks by percentage = 40, - current Special cooldown count value × 10 during combat, but if unit receives consecutive attacks, reduces damage from foe's second attack onward by percentage = 70, - current Special cooldown count value × 10. If this Special is triggered during combat, deals 5 damage to foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown) on those foes, and restores X HP to unit after combat (X = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 5, + 10; max: 50% of unit's max HP). 500 Sol
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

* Unused restrictions: Cannot use: Staff

Effects[ | ]

Map effects
Damage Deals 5 damageFoes Foes within
3 rows or 3 columns
centered on Unit Unit
After combat if
special triggered
Increase Cooldown Special cooldown count+1
Heal Recover X HP (max: 50%
of Unit Unit's max HP)
X = 5 x Foes Foes within
3 rows or 3 columns
centered on Unit Unit, + 10
Unit Unit
Combat effects
Damage Boost Boosts damage by X%
X = (Times Foe Foe has
attacked x 10, + 40)
of Unit Unit's Atk
Unit UnitSpecial triggers
Vantage Counter before attackFoe FoePlayer Phase
Desperation Follow-up before counter
Damage Reduction Reduces damage by X%
X = 40 - Unit Unit's current
Special CD x 10
from Foe Foe's attacks
Unit Unit
Damage Reduction Reduces damage by X%
X = 70 - Unit Unit's current
Special CD x 10 from
Foe Foe's consecutive attacks

Notes[ | ]

  • "If unit initiates combat" means if the user starts combat during the player phase. The unit does not need to deal damage, nor be the first to attack.
    • However, if the effect is applied after combat, the unit must also survive it to fulfill this condition.
  • Great Aether does not grant the foe the ability to counterattack regardless of user's range.
  • If the foe can counterattack, either from using a weapon with the same range as the user's weapon or from countering skills, the foe's counterattack will occur before the user's initial attack.
  • Great Aether changes the priority, or order of attacks, and therefore can be neutralized by effects such as Hardy Bearing 3 Hardy Bearing 3 or Skilliconweapon Armorpin Dagger+.
  • "If foe initiates combat" means if a foe triggers combat during the enemy phase. The unit being initiated upon does not need to deal damage, nor be able to counterattack.
    • However, if the effect is applied after combat, the unit being initiated upon must also survive it to fulfill this condition.
  • Great Aether does not guarantee the foe a follow-up.
  • If the foe can perform a follow-up, either by passing the Spd difference check or from guaranteed follow-up effects, the initial attack and follow-up will occur before the user can perform a counterattack.
  • Effects such as Status Effect Vantage Vantage or Status Effect Paranoia Paranoia have priority over Great Aether's priority changing effect.
  • The healing effect is triggered regardless of whether Great Aether's user performs an attack during combat. If foe initiates combat and user cannot counterattack, Great Aether's healing effect will still trigger.
  • Great Aether's user needs to survive the combat for the healing effect to trigger.
  • Great Aether's healing effect stacks with skills such as Fury 4 Fury 4, that deal out of combat damage to their owner after combat.
  • Great Aether's after combat healing will not work if the foe has a skill that prevents HP recovery such as Fatal Smoke 4 Fatal Smoke 4 or Icon Class Colorless Staff Incurable+, or the user has been inflicted with Status Effect Deep Wounds Deep Wounds.
Example of Area of Effect
Zephia Scheming Dragon Face FC
Ike Of Radiance Face FC

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Ike Of Radiance Face FC
Great Aether

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 覇克・天空
German Großer Aithir
Spanish (Europe) Gran Éter
Spanish (Latin America) Gran Éter
French Grand Éther
Italian Grande etere
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 霸克・天空
Portuguese Grande éter

See also[ | ]
