Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Glittering Breath
Weapon Glittering Breath
Weapon type Red Breath Blue Breath Green Breath Colorless Breath
Might 10
Range 1
Required Fire Breath+
SP 200
Exclusive? No
String ID SID_綺羅星のブレス
Description During combat, boosts unit's Def/Res by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Notes[ | ]

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Fae Holiday Dear Face FC
Fire Breath
Fire Breath+
Glittering Breath
Glittering Breath+

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 綺羅星のブレス
German Glitzeratem
Spanish (Europe) Aliento estelar
Spanish (Latin America) Soplo estelar
French Souffle brillant
Italian Soffio brillante
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 綺羅星吐息
Portuguese Sopro estelar

See also[ | ]
