Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Flow of Power - Opening

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

I have given the range a full pass on
my pegasus. There appear to be no
more bandits in these mountains.

Job is complete, then. Yes?

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Sounds like it. I believe we can call
our first mission in Askr a success!

No injuries were sustained during the
course of this operation. I suppose
that is fortuitous...

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

Your tactics were sound, Robin. It is
thanks to your counsel that it all
went so smoothly.

Is time to head back, I am thinking.
Return to castle with much triumph
and swagger!

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

I'm just glad we've been able to
prove ourselves useful to our
new hosts.

They give us big-hero welcome.
Is only right we help in return.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

Indeed. The people of Askr have put
their faith in us. We must honor that.

Our destiny is unaltered.

Whether in Askr or Ylisse...our task
and our fate remain the same. You
would do well to remember that.

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Well, work is done, time for play.
Gregor will visit shops near castle,
look for beauties there.

For your sake, I will pretend I did not
hear that.

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Maybe Gregor is...ahead of self.
Maybe we rest first, yes?

If we must. Prepare the camp. I will
draw up the watch rotation.

Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Ugh...can't sleep for some reason.
Maybe a walk around the camp will
clear my head.

Wait, wasn't Robin supposed to be
keeping watch? Where's she gone
off to?

Gah! What's that light?! It's blinding!

I keep tellin' you, I've got nothin' to
do with this lot! My crew's not
even here!

You're messin' with the wrong guy.
I didn't do nothin'. Get outta my face!
Leave me be!

Brigand Boss Known Criminal Face FC
Brigand Boss
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Your identity, objective, and past
actions are irrelevant to me.

Your sole purpose is to be destroyed,
that I might assess the extent of
my power.

You are a test subject. A target.

What's that supposed to—agh! Feels
like I'm...bein' crushed alive...

Brigand Boss Known Criminal Face FC
Brigand Boss
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Robin? Why do you look different
now? More importantly, what are
you doing?!

I see we have an uninvited guest.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

I've never seen that kind of power
before... What's going on here?

I had intended to remain concealed
until I had gained full control over
this vessel.

I suppose I can still manage that. All I
need to do is ensure neither of you
leaves this place alive.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

What are you—ngh! Robin, stop!
You're hurting me!


Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

More interruptions? The gall.

I sense an arcane weapon behind
that sinister power of yours.

Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Worms, all of you...

Ricken! You OK?

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

What has become of Robin? I hardly
recognize her...

They swarm in, like moths to a flame.
No matter. It changes nothing.

Disrupting me has sealed your fate.
I shall relish dispensing death to
each of due time.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC

If you think I will let such a promising
lead escape me—

Whoa! She disappeared into thin air!

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Brigand Boss Known Criminal Face FC
Brigand Boss

Thanks for the save, folks. Do me a
solid and keep her busy while I leg it,
yeah? Ugh, this blasted kingdom...

Flow of Power - C

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Hey, Gregor, Captain Phila... Did
either of you pick up on anything odd
about Robin during our mission?

Gregor notice.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

Indeed. Gregor shared his suspicions
with me, after which I decided to
monitor her movements discreetly.

Some different things about this
Robin. Give Gregor concern.

Different words. Different breathing.
Eyes shifty. Small things, yes, but
not too small for notice.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Incredible! I had no idea you were
paying such close attention to
detail, Gregor.

Is part of job. Dangers everywhere
when you are mercenary.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Yeah. Speaking of danger, that power
she used on me was horrible.

It reminded me of the stories I’ve
heard from Lucina...about Grima.

Lucina... That is the name of the
masked fighter who originally
went by “Marth,” correct?

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor knows Lucina. Is daughter
of Chrom, from future. Come back
in time, change fate of world.

She is Ylissean royalty?! That would
make her as much my charge as
Prince Chrom himself!

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Sure. We’ve got more important stuff
to focus on right now though, don’t
you think?

You are right, of course. Apologies—
I will look into the matter on my
own time. Please, continue.

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

The Robin of my world had lost her
memories, but the one from Lucina’s
world was different.

She succumbed to the will of the
Fell Dragon. She brought despair
to the world in Grima’s name.

Is it possible that is the very same
Robin we traveled with recently?

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Body is Robin. Mind is Grima.

This could mean all of Askr is in peril.
We must inform Prince Alfonse and
Commander Anna without delay.

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

She say she kill us on this mountain.
You hear her.

But who was lady in mask? Not with
us, not bandit, not Lucina...

No idea. All I know is that she saved
my neck.

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor is intrigued by mysterious
beauty. Gregor will speak to her.

Perhaps you had best not.

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Such harsh stares you give Gregor!
OK, OK. Focus for now on getting
down mountain alive.

To that end, I believe I did notice a
flaw in our new adversary. But it will
be difficult to exploit.

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

I think we still have time.

Grima didn’t seem totally used to
controlling Robin’s body yet.
We might actually be in luck.

Maybe we can put a stop to this
before it gets out of hand. Come
on, everyone! Let’s go!

Yes. Remember, enemy is tactician.
No smart stuff, no sneaky stuff.

Gregor suggest overwhelming force!

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Flow of Power - B

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I thought I had lost you, little worm.
No matter. Let’s see how you wriggle.

In a moment. First, there is something
I need to know.

Where exactly did you get this power
of yours?

Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

It was neither given nor taken. It has
always been mine.

Your arcane weapon. What do you
call it?

Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I would not submit to any more of
your questions, even if I did have
the answers.

You have wasted enough of my time.
Now, you will meet your end at the
hands of the mighty Fell Dragon!

Robin! Wait!

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I see you have managed to track me
down. I suppose that spares me the
effort of finding you.

No one is leaving this place alive.
Each of you will take my secret to
your grave.

Hang on, hear me out! I have an idea!

Would you consider joining our side?
Your power could save Askr!

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

You use your last words to make...
a joke? Very well. You can die
knowing you failed to amuse me.

What are you playing at?

Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I would not expect a child’s joke to
be clever, but even children ought
to recognize danger when they see it.

I am the bringer of despair, you fool!
The idea that I would use my power
to save anyone is preposterous!

Your plan to destroy world of
Gregor and all his friends, yes?

If so, is no point destroying Askr.
Askr is different place!

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

The logic of a simpleton.

Grima desires battle with Gregor and
his friends, no? That world should be
stage for battle, then, yes?

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

My patience is at an end. The killing
will now begin. I will start with this
masked pest here.


Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

OK, Robin! Just, last request,
all right? Please?

Flow of Power - A

Background image: 002_PlainForestInside
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Lucina told me how you brought the
world to ruin with the Fell Dragon’s
power, but I never fully believed it.

Because the Robin I know would
never do that! She’s not capable
of something so terrible!

You cannot wish away obliteration
by refusing to believe in it.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Heroes of Askr should not hurt each
other, is what Ricken is meaning.

You said you wanted to stay hidden
until you got full control over
Robin’s body.

That means you were scared to let
the Order of Heroes know you—

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Not another word, worm.

Get behind me, Ricken!

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

If you don’t want to work with us,
then fine. But that doesn’t mean
you have to try to kill us!

I know you’re in there somewhere,
Robin. Even if the Fell Dragon’s
corrupted you, I don’t want to fight!

Your mewling tantrum has persisted
long enough. Time for you to die.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Robin, please, I—aaagh!

Uh, hang on. Am I OK? I think I might
be OK!

What is this? How are you still alive?!
Has my power been...diluted in
some way?

I should have known... This was that
wretched summoner’s doing, from
the moment I was brought here...

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Attack does nothing?

No matter. Whether you know who I
truly am or not is irrelevant in the
face of what is to come.

What I shall do with this world is a
choice that is mine alone. I will brook
no quarter—here or in Ylisse.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

Hold, Robin! We are not finished
discussing this!

Disappear, like shadow in night.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC

What a mess.

Hey, uh... Thanks for saving me
last time.

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC

I did not do it for thanks.

Who is mysterious beauty? Seems
like friend, but not part of Order.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC

I am merely looking for someone.
Still...a word of advice.

Should you see anyone using power
of this kind again...flee as quickly as
you can.

Do you mean to say there are others
who command power similar to what
we saw here?

Phila Pegasus Master Face FC
Thrasir Omnicidal Witch Face FC

Arcane weapons are a fearsome
threat to the natural order of the
living world. Avoid them at all costs.

Gregor wonders what pretty lady is
doing after this? Oh. Pretty lady
is gone.

This arcane weapon sound bad.
Did not know Askr held such
terrible things.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

Do you suppose that the summoner
was aware of the Fell Dragon’s hold
on Robin before summoning her?

Maybe. Gregor is simple mercenary.
Question is beyond him. But he is
much impressed with Ricken’s plan!

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC

Wasn’t much of a plan, really. I just
knew I didn’t want to fight Robin.

Hah! Ricken is good one. No hiding
motive. Easy to read, like cozy book.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Phila Pegasus Master Face FC

It was a gamble, to be sure, but it
paid off. The shock of failure was
enough to scare her into retreat.

For now. I’m sure she’s only going to
get stronger. I just hope she learns to
use her power for good by then.

Maybe someday we’ll be back to
fighting on the same side...

Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC
The Path's End
Flow of Power Illuminating the Path
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Robin F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
