Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Robin: Fell Tactician - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger

Looks like we managed to round up
all of the enemies here. Let’s take
them out in one fell swoop!

Wait, something’s not right... I feel
a foreboding presence. Everyone,
stay back!

Eir Merciful Death Face Pain
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

What’s wrong, Eir? We have them
right where we—

Oh no... Was that an explosion up

Yikes! The blast wave is heading
right for us! Quick, find something
sturdy to take cover under!

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Pain

Rgh! Brace yourselves!

Such terrifying strength... What
manner of spell is this? No, it may
be a force altogether different...

Eir Merciful Death Face Pain
Alfonse Prince of Askr Face FC

Is everyone all right? Status report!

*cough* What in the name of Askr
was that? *wheeze*

Anna Commander Face Pain
Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain

Look! The enemy force was almost
completely wiped out!

Are you saying one of our allies did

Alfonse Prince of Askr Face Anger
Anna Commander Face Pain

If so, I’ll have to give them a stern
talking-to about the dangers of
friendly fire...

I’ve never seen anything like that
before. Could it be the power of
a recently summoned Hero?

Sharena Princess of Askr Face Pain
Eir Merciful Death Face FC


It seems the Order of Heroes and
their lackeys are still in one piece.
They must have had quite the fright.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Can you feel it? This power gushing
forth like water from a spring... The
floodgates have been thrown open.

I can, Master Grima. A power beyond
measure, destined to bring despair...
The full force of the Fell Dragon.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

This vessel saw fit to resist my
influence to the very last...but in the
end, it was a futile endeavor.

All traces of Robin have been
extinguished, and now I will once
again terrorize the world.

In the process of coming to Askr,
I have only become stronger...
Stronger than ever before.

Is that why you deigned to answer
the summoner’s call, Master?

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I suspected that worlds beyond our
own could hold the potential for even
greater power.

If even more destructive force could
be imbued in this vessel, it would be
worth the effort.


Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

What I need now is information.
Knowledge is the sustenance that
will serve me best.

I am the Fell Dragon. Now that
I have reclaimed my full power,
nothing is beyond my reach.

With that said, I must not let pride
get the better of me, lest it lead to
my downfall.

We must be wary of any and all
obstacles... There is no such thing
as being too careful.

Robin: Fell Tactician - B

Background image: 005_Castle
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

Master Grima, I have the report you—
Wait... Does the vessel yet resist?


Robin Mystery Tactician Face FC

Perish the thought. I simply wanted
to examine the Order of Heroes and
their irk up close.

To do so I had to maintain a pretense
of normalcy. Predictably, the
oblivious worms suspected nothing.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

I see. The disguise seems to work
well... It almost fooled even me.

Ah, my apologies. I have prepared
a detailed summary of the current
state of affairs in Askr, as ordered.

And a long report it is. I see sending
you here in advance of my arrival
was the correct decision after all.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

Should you require more details,
please refer to Appendix E. In short...

Askr is notable for one major reason:
it sits at the intersection of pathways
between countless different worlds.

It was created to serve as an open
gate, facilitating travel from world
to world.

And thus, our presence here.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

While the gates act as an open
invitation, not all who pass
through them are...amiable.

Due to its unique position, Askr is
constantly under threat from outside.

A world of unending conflict... Now
that has truly piqued my interest.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

A warning, however: as it is an open
gate, the irksome servants of Naga
have already found their way through.

With your power, I am certain that
such minions can pose no threat,
but please take heed.

Hmph. I was half expecting this, but
dealing with Naga’s bootlickers may
prove to be an annoyance.

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC
Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC

One final wrinkle... You should know
that there are beings here with the
power to create entire worlds.

Oh? How intriguing...

Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Robin: Fell Tactician - A

Background image: 005_Castle
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

So, being with the power to create
worlds—what humans call gods—are
working with the Order of Heroes?

Correct. What’s more, the Order has
even managed to recruit other Heroes
who want only death and destruction.

Fueled by power seized from
vengeful deities, these Heroes chase
after nothing but their base desires.

Their power is beyond reason. It may
be best to let those sleeping dogs lie.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Perhaps so...but neither god nor man
can stand in my way. Regardless, this
does beg the question...

Why has Askr’s summoner gone
though the trouble of calling forth
such troublesome individuals?

I suspect that is in part to keep them
in check. Keeping one’s enemies
close is a common strategy, after all.

Additionally, the summoner might
seek to control them in some way by
offering a hand in friendship.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

But that only works if you have the
teeth to back it up. No one is
subservient to another by choice.

Even with these bizarre contracts,
it is difficult to believe that the
summoner is capable of such a feat.

Despite seeming like only a mere
human, the summoner may be more
special than we imagine.

To wit, the summoner is not native to
Askr, and instead arrived here from
some distant world to aid the Order.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC


Still, while the summoner’s divine
weapon holds great power, I daresay
even it is no match for a god’s might.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

Strength does not always need to be
brandished to be effective. The mere
threat of it can often be enough.

You say Askr is besieged on all sides,
but could it not be a result of its
own actions?

Regardless of Askr’s intentions, it has
amassed power—power other worlds
might well feel threatened by.

Robin: Fell Tactician - S

Background image: 005_Castle
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I was summoned to Askr with not
only my full power as the Fell Dragon,
but another power as well.

Surely the summoner knew of the
threat I might pose if brought here...
So then, why? Why summon me?

If we are to believe that there is a
driving force behind the summoner’s
actions, that might be our answer.

Perhaps your being summoned here
was not by choice, but instead the
will of some greater, unseen force?

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I suspected as much. The course of
history surely does not turn on the
whims of a single summoner.

There must be a higher power with
their finger on the pulse of Askr.
Someone pulling the strings...

If so... Could it be that they have
chosen the summoner to carry out
their will here?

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

After gathering these myriad gods,
they could either pit all of them
against each other...or unite them.

Then perhaps there is yet some other
force only the combined might of
gods could hope to match...

Regardless of their motive, they will
not find it so easy to bend the Fell
Dragon to their will. That is certain.

Indeed, Master Grima... And I, your
humble servant, shall serve you
faithfully until my dying day.

Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC
Robin Fell Tactician Face FC

I will not yield a single inch, even
in the face of a higher being. My
purpose is mine to choose.

The answer to why I was summoned
to Askr is out there, and when I find
it, I shall decide this world’s fate.

That is my right, my destiny, as the
Fell Dragon. Heh heh heh...

← Robin M Robin F →
Flow of Power
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Robin F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
