Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Gregor: Swell Sword - C

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC

Gramps! You’re here! Welcome
to Askr!

Told you before. Gregor is not
”Gramps.” Gregor is not “Gregs.”
Gregor is Gregor!

And Gregor is happy in heart to see
Nowi healthy and safe.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC

Good! I’ve made lots of friends here.
There are bad people too, though.

That’s why I’ve always hoped you’d
show up to protect me like you
did before!

How’s it feel to be in such high
demand, old friend?

Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Basilio is also in Askr!

Not just me—Flavia and Lon’qu as
well. Ferox’s best and brightest are
all present and accounted for.

Oh, and if you see General Mustafa
of Plegia...stay your blade. He’s on
our side now.

Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC
Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC

Musty’s very nice. He always gives
me his best sweets.

Is good group, I am thinking. Gregor is
much impressed.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC

And I’m thinking it’s been too long
since we went a few rounds. Why
don’t we see if you’ve still got it?

Gregor is mercenary. Only fight
when fight is paying.

Bones and muscles old now also.
Do not want to waste.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC

Sounds like you’re growing into your
namesake, after all. Still, this is one
”Gramps” I don’t wanna mess with.

Gramps is the best!

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor is not “Gramps”! Gregor is...
big brother! Much big brother!
With big young spirit!

We’ll see about that. Sooner or later
you’ll have to show us what you’re
made of.

Basilio Feroxi West-Khan Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor will be Gregor. Next time he is
on job, you will see!

Gregor: Swell Sword - B

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Big young spirit... Pfah. Gregor boast
too much.

Gregor is paid for victory in fight, not
for spirit. To boast so far point.

Hurry up, Scáthach! Our allies are
counting on us to soften the enemy
up quickly.

Larcei Keen Kin Face FC
Scathach Astras Wake Face FC

Understood. Time to put our training
to work.

Hey, Velouria, how about a game?
Whoever takes down the most
bad guys wins!

Selkie Free Spirit Face FC
Velouria Wolf Cub Face FC

Another game? Oh, fine... If a little
competition gets this done faster,
so be it.

Hah! Hyah! Come on, who’s next?
Vouge and I take all comers!

Osian Scolded Soldier Face FC
Tanya Dagdars Kid Face FC

Rein it in, Osian! Some of us are out
here struggling to back you up!

So many young ones, work so hard.
Is bringing tears to Gregor’s eyes.

Much focus. No fear. All hearts
on fire.

But Gregor is not jealous. Gregor is
happy to compete!

Oh... More of them coming...

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Saber Driven Mercenary Face FC

Hrngh! Hah! Phew...

I’m all for enthusiasm, but these kids
are in such a hurry to break through,
they’re making quite a mess.

The privilege of youth. No use trying
to control them—let them do as
they like.

Seteth Seiros Adherent Face FC
Legault The Hurricane Face FC

I, for one, appreciate the distraction.
Makes an assassin’s job easier.

Many veterans cleaning up what
young ones leave behind. Is good
to see.

Not every Hero in the Order is
seeking glory above all. Hmm...

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor: Swell Sword - A

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Fine work, friends!

Uh, sorry, who are you?

Saber Driven Mercenary Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor. Mercenary, like you. Your
team is with thief and church man?
Very interesting.

More or less, though I’m not sure
I love being called a common thief.
Nice to meet you, in any case.

Legault The Hurricane Face FC
Seteth Seiros Adherent Face FC

I am Seteth—an assistant to the
archbishop of Garreg Mach
monastery in Fódlan.

Though we do indeed come from
diverse circumstances, the Order of
Heroes has brought us together.

If you wish to join us, Gregor, we
would no doubt welcome your
contributions to Askr’s cause.

Gregor already sign contract. Is good
paying job! Will continue work as long
as pay is coming in.

You do good job helping clean up
young ones’ mess. Gregor is happy
to see.

Much chaos on battlefield. Veteran
wisdom is good. Much needed.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Legault The Hurricane Face FC

I don’t know if it’s wisdom so much
as it is doing what needs to be done.

We’re just trying to make sure they
can actually get out of all the holes
they’re digging for themselves.

We let them do their thing, we handle
what they leave behind, and
everybody’s happy.

It’s kind of what I’ve been doing ever
since I saved that lass back in Novis
Greatport anyway. I’m used to it.

Saber Driven Mercenary Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor understand. Allies charge
forward, need support in back.

Right. Personally, I’d rather be the
one hanging behind the vanguard to
pick off stragglers. Just my style.

Legault The Hurricane Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

But you maybe help win battle more
from front, no?

You are happy letting young ones
claim all glory?

Accolades are unimportant in the
grand scheme of things. Victory is
what matters.

Besides, the real pleasure is in
guiding the next generation of
Heroes. Watching them grow.

Seteth Seiros Adherent Face FC
Saber Driven Mercenary Face FC

And these kids have a passion for
heroism. They care more about
getting strong than anything else.

When we combine their energy with
our experience, we get the best
of both worlds, don’t you think?

Yes, Gregor is seeing how old
veterans give much experience
to young ones.

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC
Legault The Hurricane Face FC

You could at least wait until I turn 30
to start calling me old.

You’re still in your twenties? I was
sure you were older. Maybe it’s just
how you carry yourself.

Saber Driven Mercenary Face FC
Seteth Seiros Adherent Face FC

Age can be a tricky thing. All the
more so when dealing with Heroes
summoned from other worlds.

Gregor agrees. Even small girls can
be living for many hundred years...

Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor: Swell Sword - S

Background image: 002_PlainForest
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Young energy... Old experience...
Must combine, make best team
on battlefield...

Gregor was happy to compete with
young ones, but perhaps is better
to compete instead with enemy.

There you are, Gregs! I’ve been
looking all over for you!

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor’s name is Gregor! But at
least “Gregs” is not “Gramps.”

I was thinking maybe you should have
some armor to protect that big young
spirit you keep talking about.

Can I make you something out of
my scales? Another sweater, maybe?

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor is grateful for concern, but
will not be rushing headlong into
battle with the young ones.

Also, first sweater is still good shape.
Gregor treats it precious, protects it
like part of body.

Are you sure? You promise you won’t
push yourself too hard?

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor promise. No more compete
with young ones over glory.

Gregor focus on wisdom, experience.
Grow new generation.

That’s great! I’m glad you’re finally
proud of your age, Gramps!

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor is no “Gramps”! How much
must Gregor explain he is young
like spring chicken?!

Nowi does not understand. Is OK.
Gregor protects Nowi, now and
in future.

Nowi push forward. Learn, grow.
Gregor will watch and guide.

Aww... Thanks, Gramps!

Nowi Eternal Youth Face FC
Gregor Swell Sword Face FC

Gregor’s first lesson—respect elders!
Nowi must be paying close attention!

← Tiki Priam →
Flow of Power
Red Friendship
Orange Friendship
Robin F
Green Friendship
Blue Friendship
