Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
First Summon Ticket II
First Summon Ticket II
This ticket can be used only for the specified summoning event. It will let you start a summoning session without using Orbs.

First Summon Ticket II First Summon Ticket II are exclusively rewarded by rerun of Forging Bonds events. Unlike First Summon Ticket First Summon Ticket and First Summon Ticket I First Summon Ticket I, they are available after reaching only 200 Friendship Friendship.

Name Availability

First Summon Ticket: Focus: Three Houses Forging Bonds: Joining Forces:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Byleth Proven Professor Face FC Byleth: Proven Professor<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Claude The Schemer Face FC Claude: The Schemer<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Edelgard The Future Face FC Edelgard: The Future<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Dimitri The Protector Face FC Dimitri: The Protector
First Summon Ticket: Focus: Desert Mercenaries Forging Bonds: Mercenary Matters:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Ewan Eager Student Face FC Ewan: Eager Student<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Tethys Beloved Dancer Face FC Tethys: Beloved Dancer<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Gerik Desert Tiger Face FC Gerik: Desert Tiger<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Ephraim Dynastic Duo Face FC Ephraim: Dynastic Duo
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Heir of Light Forging Bonds: Beyond Blood:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Larcei Keen Kin Face FC Larcei: Keen Kin<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Shannan Wielder of Astra Face FC Shannan: Wielder of Astra<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Ced Hero on the Wind Face FC Ced: Hero on the Wind<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Altena Luminous Rider Face FC Altena: Luminous Rider
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Harmony amid Chaos Forging Bonds: Harmony amid Chaos:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Ferdinand Noblest of Nobles Face FC Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Lysithea Child Prodigy Face FC Lysithea: Child Prodigy<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Bernadetta Eternal Loner Face FC Bernadetta: Eternal Loner<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Annette Overachiever Face FC Annette: Overachiever
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Dark Burdens Forging Bonds: Peaceful Ends:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Ike Zeal Unleashed Face FC Ike: Zeal Unleashed<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Julia Heart Usurped Face FC Julia: Heart Usurped<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Lyon Demon King Face FC Lyon: Demon King<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Corrin Bloodbound Beast Face FC Corrin: Bloodbound Beast
First Summon Ticket: Revival: A New Future Forging Bonds: A New Future:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Lysithea Earnest Seeker Face FC Lysithea: Earnest Seeker<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Claude Almyras King Face FC Claude: Almyra's King<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Edelgard Adrestian Emperor Face FC Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Dimitri King of Faerghus Face FC Dimitri: King of Faerghus
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Goddess's Servants Forging Bonds: In Her Service:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Catherine Thunder Knight Face FC Catherine: Thunder Knight<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Flayn Playing Innocent Face FC Flayn: Playing Innocent<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Shamir Archer Apart Face FC Shamir: Archer Apart<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Seteth Seiros Adherent Face FC Seteth: Seiros Adherent
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Seeds of Fódlan Forging Bonds: Seeds of Fódlan:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Ingrid Galateas Heir Face FC Ingrid: Galatea's Heir<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Linhardt Hevrings Heir Face FC Linhardt: Hevring's Heir<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Dedue Dimitris Vassal Face FC Dedue: Dimitri's Vassal<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Marianne Adopted Daughter Face FC Marianne: Adopted Daughter
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Forces of Will Forging Bonds: Forces of Will:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Morgan Fated Darkness Face FC Morgan: Fated Darkness<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Edelgard Hegemon Husk Face FC Edelgard: Hegemon Husk<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Morgan Devoted Darkness Face FC Morgan: Devoted Darkness<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Dimitri Savage Boar Face FC Dimitri: Savage Boar
First Summon Ticket: Book V Revival: Nótt and More Forging Bonds: Decided Future:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Palla Kind Eldest Sister Face FC Palla: Kind Eldest Sister<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Luthier Odd Wayfarer Face FC Luthier: Odd Wayfarer<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Tatiana Devoted Saint Face FC Tatiana: Devoted Saint<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Zeke Past Unknown Face FC Zeke: Past Unknown
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Abyss & Múspell Forging Bonds: Abyssal Light:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Constance Fallen Noble Face FC Constance: Fallen Noble<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Yuri Ashen Valiant Face FC Yuri: Ashen Valiant<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Balthus King of Grappling Face FC Balthus: King of Grappling<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Hapi Drawn-Out Sigh Face FC Hapi: Drawn-Out Sigh
First Summon Ticket: Revival: New Heroes & Ascended Fjorm Forging Bonds: With Conviction:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Malice Deft Sellsword Face FC Malice: Deft Sellsword<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Wolf Coyotes Loyal Face FC Wolf: Coyote's Loyal<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Vyland Coyotes Justice Face FC Vyland: Coyote's Justice<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Roshea Coyotes Faithful Face FC Roshea: Coyote's Faithful
First Summon Ticket: Revival: New Heroes & Ascended Idunn Forging Bonds: True Conviction:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Hugh Worldly Mage Face FC Hugh: Worldly Mage<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Niime Mountain Hermit Face FC Niime: Mountain Hermit<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Cath Master Thief Face FC Cath: Master Thief<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Idunn Divine Demon Face FC Idunn: Divine Demon
First Summon Ticket: New Heroes / Rearmed Líf Revival Forging Bonds: The Path's End:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Shez Rising Mercenary Face FC Shez: Rising Mercenary<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Shez Keen Mercenary Face FC Shez: Keen Mercenary<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Hilda Helping Hand Face FC Hilda: Helping Hand<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Monica Favored Vassal Face FC Monica: Favored Vassal
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Rearmed Robin & More Forging Bonds: Flow of Power:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Gregor Swell Sword Face FC Gregor: Swell Sword<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Robin Fell Tactician Face FC Robin: Fell Tactician<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Ricken Shepherd Novice Face FC Ricken: Shepherd Novice<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Phila Pegasus Master Face FC Phila: Pegasus Master
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Engage Forging Bonds: Emblems, Heroes:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Alear Dragon Child Face FC Alear: Dragon Child<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Celine Joyous Royal Face FC Céline: Joyous Royal<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Alfred Floral Protector Face FC Alfred: Floral Protector<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Chloe Fairy-Tale Flier Face FC Chloé: Fairy-Tale Flier
First Summon Ticket: Book VII Revival: Seiðr and More Forging Bonds: New Awakening:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Ophelia Starlit Maiden Face FC Ophelia: Starlit Maiden<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Dwyer Sleepy Butler Face FC Dwyer: Sleepy Butler<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Kiragi Upbeat Archer Face FC Kiragi: Upbeat Archer<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Caeldori Perfect Angel Face FC Caeldori: Perfect Angel
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Rearmed Chrom Forging Bonds: Depths of Despair:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Chrom Fell Exalt Face FC Chrom: Fell Exalt<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Byleth Vengeance Vessel Face FC Byleth: Vengeance Vessel<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Maria Ritual Sacrifice Face FC Maria: Ritual Sacrifice<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Anankos Seething Silence Face FC Anankos: Seething Silence
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Rearmed Eitr & Alcryst Forging Bonds: Unworked Pride:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Diamant Rising Power Face FC Diamant: Rising Power<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Lapis Mighty Flower Face FC Lapis: Mighty Flower<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Alcryst Tender Archer Face FC Alcryst: Tender Archer<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Citrinne Caring Noble Face FC Citrinne: Caring Noble
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Turn of Fate Forging Bonds: Turn of Fate:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Robin Exalts Deliverer Face FC Robin: Exalt's Deliverer<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Corrin Silent Bloodline Face FC Corrin: Silent Bloodline<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Soren Radiant Confidant Face FC Soren: Radiant Confidant<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Gullveig Seer Beyond Time Face FC Gullveig: Seer Beyond Time
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Rearmed Líf & More Forging Bonds: Dawning Future:
First Summon Ticket: Revival: Attuned Peony & Triandra Forging Bonds: Guiding Vision:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Triandra Reverent Dream Face FC Triandra: Reverent Dream<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Sonya Beautiful Mage Face FC Sonya: Beautiful Mage<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Peony Cherished Dream Face FC Peony: Cherished Dream<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Mycen Zofias Champion Face FC Mycen: Zofia's Champion
First Summon Ticket: Book VIII Revival: Ratatoskr and More Forging Bonds: Hope Held High:
200 Red Friendship red friendship points with Inigo Flower Picker Face FC Inigo: Flower Picker<br> 200 Orange Friendship orange friendship points with Severa Secret Dreamer Face FC Severa: Secret Dreamer<br> 200 Green Friendship green friendship points with Laurent The Elucidator Face FC Laurent: The Elucidator<br> 200 Blue Friendship blue friendship points with Lucina Fates Resolve Face FC Lucina: Fate's Resolve