Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voting Jubilee

The Fire Emblem Heroes: Voting Jubilee event is a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Fire Emblem series and all of the Heroes in it, and voting starts today!

In this event, you can match your favorite characters from the many featured in the Fire Emblem series with five categories that will be revealed over the course of the event's duration. Votes may be cast in each category for a period of 48 hours, and you may vote once per category during that time.

During the event, a featured category will be revealed every 48 hours until . After the votes are tallied, you can see where your picks ranked in the results announced on

A category may have a Single Vote or a Pair Vote. A Single Vote may be cast for a single Hero, while a Pair Vote may be cast for a pair of two Heroes.

The first category is The Hero You Want as a Teacher. There have been many teachers throughout the Fire Emblem series, each with their own unique styles and methods. If you attended school in the Fire Emblem universe, who would you like to see standing at the head of the class? Vote now by tapping on the image below!

Event Fire Emblem Heroes Voting Jubilee

Check in every 48 hours to see what new category has been revealed. Also, be sure to check out the Spread the News! Share/Retweet Campaign running alongside this event!

