Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Neimi... *sniff* Colm says I'm a bit of a crybaby, but I'll do my very best, I promise!

私、ネイミーっていいます… うっ……泣き虫ですけど がんばりますから……っ。

Castle[ | ]

*sniff* I'm fine. I just...have something in my eye... *sniffle*

…うっ…ぐすっ…… 目にゴミが…

This hand mirror was my mother's. She was a cleric, but...when I was illness...*sniff*

この手鏡…母の形見なんです。 お母さん、シスターだったんです…… でも…病気で…

These are michew berries from my hometown. They're shiny, sweet, and a little tart. Want to try?

これ、故郷によく生えてた実で… 紅くてツヤツヤしてて、 食べると甘ずっぱいの…

Grandpa never did join the army. He said that it wasn't in his nature. It's not in mine either but...I want to help.

おじいちゃん、軍に誘われていたけど 性に、合わないって…… 私も…人に矢を向けるのは……

Hmm? Oh, I-I was just restringing my bow. Grandpa taught me everything I know about archery, including this...

あの…弓の弦を張りなおしてて…… 弓はずっとおじいちゃんに教わって…

Friend greeting[ | ]

Are you 【Summoner】?
Oh, that's a relief! I was asked to deliver this to you!

【Summoner】……さん? これ…あずかって来ました。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

Grandpa used to only take one arrow with him when he went hunting. I hope to be that skilled someday...

おじいちゃん…狩りに行く時はいつも、 矢を1本しか、持っていかなかったの…… 私も…いつかあんな腕前に……

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Well, I might not be the best, but when something needs to be done... I do it.


+[0,1] points[ | ]

Where'd my mother's hand mirror go? What? The leather strap! It's torn! Ohhh... *sniff*... Waaah!

え……収納帯の革が… 切れちゃってる…ぐすっ……

Ally Growth[ | ]

*sniff*... I'm happy!

…………… うっ…… うれしい……です…!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Thank you for looking after me. It's really kind of you, 【Summoner】.
I've always needed someone to watch my back, like Colm...though he doesn't seem happy to do it.
We grew up together, and I know he cares for me, but... *sniff* He can be really blunt sometimes...
But he did rescue me when I fell into a river and helped repair Grandpa's bow when I broke it...
When our village was torched by bandits, he was there, at my side... *sniff* Oh, I hope they're at peace...
Grandpa and the rest of the villagers would want me to hold my head up high. So that's exactly what I'll do!

【Summoner】さん…… いつも見守ってくれて ありがとうございます……!
私…1人だとドジばかりで…… 村の幼なじみの…コーマにも いつも泣かされてばっかりだったけど…
川で溺れそうになったときや… おじいちゃんの弓を壊しちゃったとき… 気が付くといつも私のそばにいてくれて……
う……ぐすっ… 故郷の村のこと思い出しちゃいました… 山賊に焼かれて、みんな……
………だから、私がんばらないと… おじいちゃんや村のみんなのぶんまで…! 見ててくださいね。

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I can do this!
All right, then...
It's going to be OK!
Aim carefully, and...
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm a klutz. Sorry...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
*giggle* ★
I'm Neimi. I've learned a little of archery. I hope it will be helpful to you. ★
*yelp* Don't scare me like that! *quails* ★
I wasn't crying... I just...have something in my eye... ★
This hand mirror hanging from my waist is a keepsake from my mother. She was a cleric. ★
I was just restringing my bow. Grandpa taught me how to shoot when I was little. ★
Thank you, Colm. For then and now... I like you a lot... ★
Don't go running off into danger alone. I'm worried about you... *sniff* ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
うふふ… ★
私…ネイミー…っていいます。少しだけですけど、弓が使えます… ★
きゃあぁっ!? び、びっくりした…ぐすっ…… ★
うう…ぐすっ…。あ…違うの。目にゴミが入っただけ…… ★
腰から下げている手鏡は、お母さんの形見…お母さん、シスターだったの… ★
弓の弦を張り直してたの。小さい頃、おじいちゃんに教わってたから… ★
ありがとう、コーマ…これまでも、これからも、ずっとコーマが大好きだよ… ★
ひとりで危ないことしないでね…心配だから…ぐすっ…… ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
What do we do?
Here goes nothing...
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Neimi: Tearful Archer has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Oh, well... Maybe? He never really
acted like he was, but I heard people
talk about him occasionally.

People called him “Single-Arrow
Zethla” because of his accuracy.

They said he could shoot any target,
moving or still, with one shot. “No
second arrow for Zethla,” they said.

Neimi: Tearful Archer,
New Foundations/Neimi: Tearful Archer