Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

The winds of change are howling. It's time to finish what my mother started and usher in a new era of prosperity!

刃は風……砂漠を吹き抜ける熱風。 先王イシュメアの後を継ぎ、 俺がジャハナの未来を守る。

Castle[ | ]

I want to believe that Carlyle only desired to protect my mother, but... his actions speak for themselves.

カーライルは俺の剣の師だった男。 形はどうあれ、あの人なりに 母上を守ろうとしたのだと思いたい……

I always intended to return to the throne. I just had to become worthy of it first.
I am, if nothing else, my mother's son...and a child of Jehanna.

俺は国を捨てたわけじゃない。 自分自身の力で身を立て、民の心を知り、 いつか…母上に認めてもらいたかった…

A flower can't bloom unless its roots run deep enough to sustain it. If only I had understood that as a youth...

咲き誇る大輪の花ほど、 地下では懸命に根を張っているもの。 半人前の俺には、そんな想像ができなかった。

I need to turn my focus to the state. There are so few leaders who grasp the true value of coin...

むしろ問題は国のまつりごとだ。 ジャハナに限らず今は武官主導で、 金の面に明るい人物は少ないからな。

Jehanna Hall lies in cinders, but we will rebuild. We have more pressing needs to take care of first, however...

焼けてしまった王宮は、いずれ再建する。 だが、その前にやるべきことがある…

Friend greeting[ | ]

I've heard only good things about you. May your friendship with 【Friend】 continue on.

【Friend】から聞いたぜ。 これからもヨロシクしてやってくれ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I promised my mother that I would help destroy the Dark Stone. I will defend Jehanna and her future!

俺は母上と約束した…闇色の魔石を破壊し 世界を……ジャハナの未来を守るとな。

+[2,3] points[ | ]

I learned these techniques long ago, in my youth. Useful, aren't they?

師から受け継いだ技だ…… 見切れるはずもない。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

It seems I still have further to go...but that just gives me something to focus my efforts on!

未熟だな…だが、 それならまだ上を目指せる。

Ally Growth[ | ]

I will become stronger, not only in body, but also in mind. The people deserve nothing less from a king.

俺は強くなる。 剣だけじゃなく、心も育てる。 ジャハナの王たる度量を持つために。

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

It's hard to put into words, but...I've finally stopped running, stopped thinking only about myself.
When Grado invaded, I didn't grasp the threat. How could I have known Jehanna Hall would be burned?
Because I was too slow and naive, Carlyle's traitorous plot came to pass. I lost my mother because of that.
It was probably too late, but I should have returned immediately when I learned who led Grado's army.
Despite my failures as a son, the queen never failed me. She taught me what it means to rule with grace.
I'm done wandering aimlessly. From now on, I'm going to do everything in my power to protect my people.

何て言えばいいのか… 俺はもう迷いを捨てたんだ。 ずっと自分の身勝手さを悔いていた。
グラドの侵攻が始まったとき、 それでもジャハナは問題ないと思っていた。 ましてや王宮が落ちるはずなどないとな。
だが甘かった…そして、遅すぎた。 カーライルの叛逆を許し女王を失った。 一番の愚か者は……俺だったんだ。
敵将の名を聞いたとき、何を捨ておいても 駆け付けていれば……いや、その時点で もはや何もかも、手遅れだった…
だが、こんな放蕩息子を女王は…… 母上はお許しになり迎えてくださった。 砂漠の王、その器を示してくれた。
だから、俺はもう迷わない… 力の限り戦い続けてみせる。 見ていてくれ、【Summoner】

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Audio Transcription

Damage[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm on a hot streak!
Bet on me.
I'm your best bet.
If it's a fight you want...
Audio Transcription

Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Just my luck...
Audio Transcription

Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
ん? ★
What'll it be—heads or tails? I'm feeling pretty lucky today. ★
Who's there?! Oh, it's you. Don't sneak up on me like that. ★
Long ago, I grew tired of the formality of palace life, so I left. I felt I could never understand the people, sequestered in a castle. ★
I was a fool in my youth, yes, but I learned much over these ten years. ★
I know it doesn't sound like me, but…I will defend Jehanna and her allies. ★
I have learned much, but I've lost much more. Mother... ★
I've wagered everything on you. Let's win this thing. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
ん? ★
表か、裏か…今の俺なら負ける気がしないな。 ★
っ!? おいおい、不用意に触ると危ないぜ。 ★
昔、俺は身一つで王宮を飛び出した。王宮の中にいたのでは民の心はわからない、とな… ★
昔の俺は愚かだったが…それでもこの十年は俺にたくさんのことを教えてくれた。 ★
俺はジャハナを、この世界を守りたい。…柄じゃないのはわかってるがな。 ★
唯一の心残りは、母上を救えなかったことだ… ★
俺はあんたに命を賭けている。必ず勝とうぜ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I'm already there.
Hurry up, will ya?
Place your bets.
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Joshua: Resolute Tempest has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

Hah! I may be a king, but that doesn’t
mean I want to be pigging out on
delicacies all day.

I’ve been fending for myself for years
now. No reason to break a good
habit, especially one that I enjoy.

Joshua: Resolute Tempest,
New Foundations/Story