Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Summoning[ | ]

I'm Gordin—an archer in the service of the Altean knights. And happy to be of help to you too!

ぼくはゴードン。 アリティア王国騎士団の アーチャーだよ。よろしくね。

Castle[ | ]

So your weapon is like a bow, right? You can fire at things far away? We should practice together sometime!

君の武器も、ぼくの弓みたいに 遠くの敵を撃つ武器なんだよね? 今度、一緒に訓練できたらいいな。

I'm kind of a baby face and, well, a little childish. I need to work on being more knightly, you know?

ぼく、顔は子供っぽいし、 性格もこんなだから、 騎士の威厳がないんだよね…

I feel like I really do my best with you calling the shots. Thanks for that, 【Summoner】.

あ、【Summoner】! いつもありがとう。君の指揮があれば ぼくもがんばれる気がするんだ。

I'd love to give a big, inspiring speech to everyone someday...but I'm not good at that kind of thing.

みんなの前でためになる話が できたらいいんだけど… ぼくはそういうのちょっと苦手かな…

My archery mentor is a man named Jeorge. He's not just the best shot I know—he's the best person.

ぼくの弓は、ジョルジュさんに教わったんだ。 大陸一の弓使いと呼ばれてる、 本当にすごい人なんだよ。

Friend greeting[ | ]

Hello! Are you 【Summoner】?
I've come to bring a hello from 【Friend】!

やあ、君が【Summoner】【Friend】に頼まれて 挨拶に来たんだ。

Leveling up[ | ]

+[4,5] points[ | ]

I had no idea I could improve so much!

ええっ!? ぼくがこんなに 成長できるなんて…!

+[2,3] points[ | ]

Good—one step at a time.

うん、この調子で 一歩ずつがんばろう。

+[0,1] points[ | ]

I'll always be a green recruit...

これじゃいつまでも 新入り扱いされちゃうなぁ…

Ally Growth[ | ]

I can hardly wait to see how well I can shoot now!

やったね! これで弓の技量も すごく上がったはずだよ!

5★ LV. 40 conversation[ | ]

Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I was only able to work this hard because of you.
With your leadership, I was able to help out lots of times, and that makes me real happy.
I just wish I looked as grown-up as I feel! Hahaha—I guess that's asking too much.
I do feel like I'll continue to grow as long as I'm with you, though. Thanks.

いつもありがとう。 ぼくがここまでがんばれたのは、 君のおかげだよ。
君の指揮のおかげで、 いろんな所で役に立てる自分がいて、 すごくうれしかったよ。
これで見た目にも貫禄が出てくれたら いいんだけどなぁ… あはは、そんなのさすがに無理だよね。
でも…君とならぼくはもっと成長できる、 そんな気がしてるんだ。 これからもよろしくね。

Attack[ | ]

Audio Transcription
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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I can do this!
Come on... Come ON!
I keep getting better!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
I can't...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
Haha ★
Oh, hey. Did you need me? ★
*chuckles* You checking up on everyone or just me? ★
I don't really look the part of an Altean knight, do I? ★
Let's train and improve together. Sound good? ★
If you had to guess, how old would you say I look? ★
I know, I know... I look young for my age. ★
Hey, I'm counting on you. Just thought you should know. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
はは ★
ん? 何か用かな? ★
あはは、どうしたの? ★
こう見えて、騎士団の一員なんだよ。 ★
一緒にがんばろうね。 ★
ぼくってどう見えるかな? ★
ぼく、顔が子供っぽいんだよね… ★
君のこと、頼りにしてるよ。 ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
All right!
What now?
You got it!
Audio Transcription

Resplendent Hero[ | ]

Attack[ | ]

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Damage[ | ]

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Special trigger[ | ]

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I'll keep you out!
How about this?!
No further!
A perfect shot!
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Defeat[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Just... a little longer...
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Status page[ | ]

Audio Transcription Rarity
This new outfit is quite dashing, wouldn't you agree? ★
Whoa! I had no idea you were there! ★
I'd like to get to know Princess Veronica better. I wonder what she likes? ★
The other knights seem to think this suits me! ★
No matter how good I get, I'll never give up practicing my bow. You can always get better! ★
I think this might make me look more mature. I hope so. ★
I will cherish this fine outfit you've given me. ★
Audio Transcription Rarity
えへへ ★
どう? 新しい衣装、かっこいいでしょ? ★
わっ! ひどいよ、驚かせるなんて… ★
ヴェロニカ王女とも仲良くなりたいな。何が好きなんだろう? ★
騎士団のみんなにも褒められちゃった! ★
ここに来てからも、弓の鍛錬は欠かさないよ。 ★
ちょっとは大人っぽくなったかなあ… ★
君からの贈り物、大切にするからね! ★

Turn action[ | ]

Audio Transcription
Consider it done!
Heading out!
Audio Transcription

Story appearances

In addition to the above, Gordin: Altean Archer has dialogue or appears in the following:
Random quote

I'll tell you this: training with him was
no walk in the woods, but...I sure
learned a whole lot!

Gordin: Altean Archer,
A Time to Shine/Norne: The Volunteer