Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Name Range Description SP Required
Harsh Command 1 Converts penalties on target into bonuses. 150
Cannot use: Staff

Effects[ | ]

Status effects
Bonuses Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X
X = Status Effect Penalty Penalty on each stat
Ally Target AllyAlly Target Ally doesn't
have Status Effect Isolation Isolation
Removes Status Effect Penalty Penalties

Notes[ | ]

  • The stat increase that can be applied by Harsh Command is considered a Status Effect Bonus Bonus.
    • Any 【Bonus】 on a unit, including Status Effect Bonus Bonuses, lasts until the start of that unit's next phase. If Status Effect Bonus Bonuses are acquired during the enemy phase, they will disappear when the next player phase begins.
  • Harsh Command can neutralize Status Effect Penalty Penalties.
    • Previous Status Effect Bonus Bonuses and Status Effect Penalty Penalties reversed with Harsh Command do not stack. Only the greater bonus will take effect.
      • For example, if a unit receives +6 bonuses from Skilliconassist Rally Def/Res+ and -7 penalties from Def Res Ploy 3 Def/Res Ploy 3, Harsh Command converts the -7 penalties into +7 bonuses overwriting the +6 bonuses.
      • If the unit had received -5 penalties from Chill Def Res 2 Chill Def/Res 2 instead, the converted +5 bonuses from Harsh Command wouldn't overwrite the +6 bonuses from Skilliconassist Rally Def/Res+.
    • Negative Status Effect Bonus Bonuses (such as from Status Effect Panic Panic) are not reversed by Harsh Command.
      • Moreover, bonuses granted by this skill will be reversed by Status Effect Panic Panic, making this skill useless against units affected by it unless they are also affected by Status Effect Null Panic Null Panic.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Brigid Orgahil Pirate Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Caeda Sea-Blossom Pair Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Catria Mild Middle Sister Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Catria Windswept Knight Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Clair Highborn Flier Face FC
Harsh Command
Constance Fallen Noble Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Cordelia Knight Paradise Face FC
Harsh Command
Erinys Earnest Knight Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Fir Student of Spring Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Flavia Bold Bride Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Gatekeeper Nothing to Report Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Gunter Inveterate Soldier Face FC
Harsh Command
Hinoka Fair Pirate Pair Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Lucia Tireless Advisor Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Saizo Angry Ninja Face FC
Harsh Command
Sanaki Begnions Apostle Face FC
Harsh Command
Sothe Rushing Dawn Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+
Tanith Forthright Heart Face FC
Harsh Command
Harsh Command+

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 一喝
German Harscher Befehl
Spanish (Europe) Orden imperiosa
Spanish (Latin America) Orden imperiosa
French Ordre impérieux
Italian Ordine perentorio
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 大喝
Portuguese Ordem severa