Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Image Name Category Level Cost Description
Raids Resorts
Structure Feh Kagami Mochi Feh Kagami Mochi Icon Ornaments Ornaments

None 500 Frosty Aether Stone Not the real Feh! It's a decoration that brings good luck for the New Year. It's an event item.

Availability[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese フェーの鏡餅
German Feh-Kagami-Mochi
Spanish (Europe) Kagami mochi Feh
Spanish (Latin America) Kagami mochi Feh
French Kagami Mochi Feh
Italian Kagami Mochi Feh
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 菲的鏡餅麻糬
Portuguese Kagami Mochi Feh
