Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Feh Channel Supplement, Part 1: About Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes
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This notification contains information about the Heroes being added to Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes that were introduced in Feh Channel (Aug. 1, 2022).

■ Legendary and Mythic Heroes being added

Six more Legendary and Mythic Heroes will appear in Legendary & Mythic Hero Remixes! They will be receiving additional skills, so keep an eye out for opportunities to summon these powered-up Heroes!

Eliwood: Blazing Knight
Sothis: Girl on the Throne
Julia: Crusader of Light
Thrasir: Omnicidal Witch
Leif: Unifier of Thracia
Altina: Dawn's Trueblade

Note: The Legendary and Mythic Heroes who appear in Remix summoning events will not appear in normal Legendary or Mythic Hero summoning events.

News emote Feh happy right
I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of skills these Heroes learn!

For more details on the skills that Legendary Hero Alm: Saint-King and Mythic Hero Naga: Dragon Divinity will receive, please see the notification titled The Next Update Is on Its Way!, which is scheduled for release

