Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

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Come together to answer questions about Fire Emblem Heroes. If players answer five out of seven correctly, everyone gets 10 Orbs and 5,000 Hero Feathers!

Feh's Summer Quiz was held during the summer of 2018 on the quiz website. A question was posted each day, and the answers to each question were revealed the next day.

Every question answered while signed in to a Nintendo account linked with Fire Emblem Heroes gave a reward of one orb, regardless of whether the answer was correct or not, and 100 My Nintendo Platinum Points were given to every linked account that answered one or more of the questions. These were distributed on August 23, 2018.

The main prize of the quiz was 10 Orbs and 5,000 Hero Feathers, to be given to all players, regardless of if they took part in the quiz or not. This prize was set to be given out if the majority of players answered at least five out of the seven questions correctly. During the event, the majority of voters got all seven out of seven questions right, and the rewards were distributed on August 23, 2018, with a collection deadline of 6:59am UTC on September 6, 2018.

Quiz[ | ]

Question # Question Answers Answer text
In the opening movie for Book II, Fjorm summons ice pillars to attack Surtr. How many of them collide with Surtr's ball of flame?

Tip: Try watching the hint movie for a clue.

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q1 a
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q1 b Correct
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q1 c

The correct answer is B (27).

How can Surtr defend against such a powerful attack so effortlessly?

I've got a bad feeling about this...

In the Fire Emblem Heroes game, three versions of Hector have been released so far.

Each one has differences. Out of the three, which appears taller than the others in the stance he takes at the beginning of a turn?

Tip: Try watching the hint movie for a clue.

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q2 a
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q2 b
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q2 c Correct

The correct answer is C (Hector: Marquess of Ostia).

It seems Hector became even stronger and more gallant after his adventures with Eliwood and becoming Marquess of Ostia.


Which of these dragonstones allows the use of Great Flame?

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q3 a
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q3 b Correct
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q3 c

The correct answer is B (the Great Flame dragonstone).

Out of these choices, though, I'd prefer Summer's Breath... It looks so refreshing!

When Marth and Caeda increase their Support Rank to B, what weapons do they hold in the scene shown?
Tip: Try looking at the image for a clue.

Feh Summer Quiz Q4

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q4 a
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q4 b
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q4 c Correct

The correct answer is C (both Marth and Caeda use an Iron Sword).

It seems that everyone uses iron weapons when training! It's good to have a standard that keeps things fair.


Which of these maps features the theme song from the 1990 Japan-only release Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light?

The correct answer is B (Special Map - Special Training: Bows).

In the video, the two scenes are played for comparison.

You can also view the opening of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

Arvis, Leo, and Sharena all pose with their hands raised when using magic.

Out of the three, who raises their hands fastest at the beginning of a turn?

Tip: Try watching the hint movie for a clue.

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q6 a Correct
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q6 b
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q6 c

The correct answer is A (Arvis).

I bet Arvis was a diligent student when he was younger...

Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena can refine their weapons as of version 2.8.0.

If a team consisting of Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena without refined weapons battles a team of Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena with refined weapons, what will be the outcome?

Auto-Battle is used for this battle.

Tip: Try watching the hint movie for a clue.

  • Feh Summer Quiz Q7 a
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q7 b
  • Feh Summer Quiz Q7 c Correct

The correct answer is C, a victory with three survivors.

Their refined weapons were put to good use!

Rewards[ | ]

The rewards were distributed on August 23, 2018, as a special one-time log-in bonus.

Sources[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Feh's Summer Quiz
Japanese フェーのクイズキャンペーン
German Fehs Sommerquiz
Spanish (Europe) Concurso estival de Feh
Spanish (Latin America) Test estival de Feh
French Quiz estival de Feh
Italian Il quiz estivo di Feh
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 菲的特別問答活動
Portuguese ???