Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Event Fehs Summer Celebration 2022
Feh's Summer Celebration is now live!

Active: to

It's been five-and-a-half years since the release of the Fire Emblem Heroes game. To express our gratitude to all you summoners out there, we're holding a Summer Celebration!

There's a wide array of events from which you can earn up to 22 Orbs and up to 25 free summons, so be sure to play and make the most of Fire Emblem Heroes this summer!

News emote Sharena grinning
Feh's Summer Celebration is about to begin! Are you ready?!

Tap More for additional information, including the event periods.

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We're holding Feh's Summer Celebration again this year!

Event Fehs Summer Celebration 2022

■ Feh's Summer Hero Fest

Banner Focus Hero Fest Fehs Summer Celebration 2022

Active: to

As part of Feh's Summer Celebration, we're holding a Hero Fest summoning event that features two Ascended Heroes! This is a chance to make some powerful Heroes your allies!

You can get 10 Secret First Summon TicketFirst Summon Tickets for use in this Hero Fest summoning event just by logging in once during the active period from to

Also, your first summon in this event won't cost any Orbs, which means you can get a total of 11 free summons!

・ Updates will not be made to the Starter Support Hero Fest.
・ You will receive one Ascendant Floret the first time you summon each Ascended Hero. Subsequent summons of the same Ascended Hero will not yield another Ascendant Floret.
・ The Hero Fest summoning event will include the Feh Pass benefit that allows players with an active FehpassFeh Pass subscription to choose a 5★ focus Hero to summon for free once after summoning 40 times, and they will receive a Celestial Stone as well when they perform this summon.

News emote Anna happy
Two princesses from the kingdoms of ice and flame appear as Ascended Heroes!

■ Daily Summoning Focuses

Active: to

14 skill focus summoning events from last year make their return as daily summoning event revivals!

Check the list below for Heroes and skills you need to round out your teams!

Summoning Event Titles (Tap to open.)

Icon Class Red SwordByleth: Proven Professor
Icon Class Red SwordShannan: Wielder of Astra
Icon Class Green AxeRinkah: Scion of Flame

Icon Class Colorless DaggerJulian: Tender Thief
Icon Class Blue LanceGatrie: Armored Amour
Icon Class Green BowSue: Doe of the Plains

Icon Class Blue BreathCorrin: Dream Prince
Icon Class Green TomeLyon: Demon King
Icon Class Red SwordMareeta: The Blade's Pawn

Icon Class Red BowMidori: Reliable Chemist
Icon Class Blue TomeOphelia: Dramatic Heroine
Icon Class Green TomeLugh: Anima Child

Icon Class Green AxeAnnette: Overachiever
Icon Class Red TomeMiranda: Willful Princess
Icon Class Colorless DaggerLarum: Sprightly Dancer

Icon Class Green AxeMamori: Microwavin' Idol
Icon Class Blue LanceMelady: Crimson Rider
Icon Class Red SwordOwain: Chosen One

Joint Drive
Icon Class Red SwordKris: Unknown Hero
Icon Class Blue BreathLilith: Astral Daughter
Icon Class Colorless StaffSara: Lady of Loptr

Icon Class Red SwordPhina: Roving Dancer
Icon Class Red SwordEyvel: Mistress of Fiana
Icon Class Blue LanceAnna: Secret Seller

Icon Class Blue LanceMelady: Crimson Rider
Icon Class Blue LanceDuessel: Obsidian
Icon Class Red TomeJulia: Heart Usurped

Icon Class Red SwordByleth: Proven Professor
Icon Class Blue LanceKris: Unsung Hero
Icon Class Green TomeAsbel: Windswept Youth

Icon Class Blue LanceErinys: Earnest Knight
Icon Class Blue LanceFarina: The Great Wing
Icon Class Green AxeJill: Fiery Dracoknight

Icon Class Blue TomeGuinivere: Princess of Bern
Icon Class Red TomeKiria: Cool Façade
Icon Class Blue LanceFiora: Airborne Warrior

Icon Class Red SwordPalla: Kind Eldest Sister
Icon Class Blue BowRonan: Villager of Iz
Icon Class Green TomeLugh: Anima Child

Icon Class Red TomeAzelle: Youthful Flame
Icon Class Blue LanceErinys: Earnest Knight

Icon Class Green TomePent: Mage General

■ Reward Maps

Active: to

The top 40 Heroes, as chosen by fans during the A Hero Rises 2022 event held in February of this year, are available in Special Maps! These reward maps will be made available once per day over the course of 10 days. Normal and Hard difficulties are available for each, and you can earn up to 20 Orbs by completing them on both difficulties!

Note: Each daily reward map is available for 4 days.

■ Feh's Summer Celebration Log-In Bonus

You can get Dragonflowers, Sacred Coins, and Heroic Grails by logging in during the active period!

・ Bonus 1: to

You can receive this bonus once per day up to 10 times during the active period. That means you can get a total of 550 Heroic Grails!

・ Bonus 2: to

You can receive up to 110 of 4 types of Dragonflowers, 555 Divine Codes (Part 3), and 55 Sacred Coins by logging in daily!

・ These Log-In Bonuses can be collected for up to 10 days during the event periods listed above.
・ For an explanation of how each of these in-game items are used, please refer to the About Items section at the end of this notification.

■ Feh's Summer Celebration Quests

Active: to

Quests that task you with defeating foes using Heroes of a specified type are available! Earn up to 2 Orbs, 1 Forma Soul, and 120 Divine Codes (Ephemera 7) by clearing these quests!

Grand Hero Battle Revivals and Related Quests

GHB Yenfay

Active: to

Seven Grand Hero Battles that were held up until now are making their return along with related quests for two days each!

Even if you've cleared these battles before, you can make these seven 5★ Grand Heroes your allies once again by completing quests, so don't miss out!

Note: You can challenge these Grand Hero Battle Revivals from Special Maps.

Time Battle
to Yen'fay: Blade Legend
to Riev: Blood Beryl
to Gonzalez: Kindly Bandit
to Salem: Dark Sage
to Hilda: Queen of Friege
to Muarim: Raw Instinct
to Limstella: Living Construct

Aether Raids Quests

Active: to

You can earn 500 Aether Stones and SP Aether Stones by completing these quests!

SP Aether Stones can be exchanged for the Summerning Stone, which is available for a limited time. This limited-time structure can also be placed in your Aether Resort!

News Event Fehs Summer Celebration 2022 Summerning Stone

・ The Summerning Stone can be placed in your Aether Resort after it is built in the Aether Keep.
・ When the campaign is over, all remaining Summer Aether Stones will be lost.

■ Orb Packs Available

News Event Fehs Summer Celebration 2021 Orb Packs

Active: to

In honor of Feh's Summer Celebration, four different packs will be available from the in-game Shop! The packs feature goodies like Orbs, 5★ Heroes, and Dragonflowers!

■ Feh's Summer Orb Pack
25 Orbs (12 Orbs + 13 Bonus Orbs)
Note: Can be purchased twice per player.

■ Mythic Duma Pack
33 Orbs (27 Orbs + 6 Bonus Orbs) + Bonus
・ 1 copy of 5★ Hero Duma: God of Strength
・ 1 Anima Blessing
Note: Can be purchased twice per player.

■ Dragonflower Orb Pack
53 Orbs (40 Orbs + 13 Bonus Orbs) + bonus 45 Dragonflowers (I), 45 Dragonflowers (F), 45 Dragonflowers (A), and 45 Dragonflowers (C)
Note: Can be purchased four times per player.

■ Overflowing Orb Pack
77 Orbs (60 Orbs + 17 Bonus Orbs) + bonus 5★ Hero Henriette: Overflowing Love and bonus 10 Trait Fruit
Note: Can be purchased twice per player.

You can check out the offers by visiting the Shop menu.

・ Bonus items can be collected from your Present List after purchase.
・ 13 of the Orbs in the Feh's Summer Orb Pack will be distributed via the Present List.

■ Double EXP & SP Events

Active: to and to

Earn double EXP and SP from battle while these events are active! Don't miss this chance to level up your Heroes!

■ Quintuple EXP & SP Events

Active: to and to

Earn quintuple EXP and SP from battle while these events are active! It's a great opportunity to level up your Heroes and teach them skills!

News emote Feh floatie right
There's so much in store this summer! Don't let these events pass you by!

About Items
Dragonflower IDragonflower

Used to boost the stats of your Heroes. Can only be used on Heroes of the corresponding movement type (red for infantry, green for armored, yellow for cavalry, and blue for flying
Heroic GrailHeroic Grail
Used to summon certain Heroes. Tap Allies, then Use Heroic Grails to see which Heroes can be summoned.
Sacred CoinSacred Coin
Used to create and enhance Sacred Seals that your Heroes can equip.
Divine CodeDivine Code
Exchanged for Combat Manuals that can be used to merge your Heroes or inherit skills.
Forma SoulForma Soul
Can be used after the Hall of Forms ends to make a Forma your ally. Costs one Forma Soul for one ally.
Aether StoneAether Stones
Used to create or enhance Aether Raid structures.
Anima BlessingAnima Blessing
Used in Confer Blessing. Allies with this blessing receive bonuses to their stats during the Anima Season when they are dispatched with an Anima Mythic Hero in Aether Raids.
Trait FruitTrait Fruit
Collect 100 and you can change a Hero's traits (assets and flaws) once.

To see your in-game inventory of items, tap Misc., then Inventory.

